Skeptic Friend

74 Posts |
Posted - 08/10/2001 : 01:43:36
Here are some serious problems:
* Sonic booms. These are caused by hydrodynamic shocks induced by traveling faster than the air's speed of sound; an abundance of theory, computation, and observations point to their always happening. I myself had once worked on hydrodynamic computations for material falling onto a moving massive object, and when that object moved supersonically, a sonic boom would always form.
So why don't supersonic UFO's produce sonic booms?
* Mechanical reliability. Why don't they ever crash? Or break down? This is an especially serious problem if they are as abundant as some UFOlogists seem to think that they are.
* "Flying Saucer" shape. This is an atypical shape for flying vehicles; the large majority of airplanes have a missilelike fuselage, because that helps reduce air-friction drag.
* Why traveling with lights on? An important purpose of night lights on vehicles is to advertise their presence; so why would some extraterrestrials on a surveillance mission let their spaceships' presence get advertised if they could possibly avoid doing so?
* The advanced-technology problem. One counterargument is that the UFOnauts have such advanced technology that their spaceships can avoid making sonic booms, that they can easily overcome air drag, and that are either super-reliable or able to avoid leaving pieces of themselves behind. However, this sort of hypothesis can explain anything, and therefore really nothing; as Karl Popper would say, it is difficult to imagine what would falsify it.
Skeptic Friend

358 Posts |
Posted - 08/10/2001 : 01:54:28 [Permalink]
Maybe those lights are actually engines and the saucer shape is what allows it to break the sound barrier without a boom.
Or maybe they just don't exist.
Also how do they cross such distances? Are they starships themselves, shuttles that come from a mothership or do they come from some other dimension.
Easier to just say they are flares or Venus.
Radioactive GM Crops.
Slightly above background.
Safe to eat.
But no activist would dare rip it out.
As they think it gives them cancer. |
Skeptic Friend

312 Posts |
Posted - 08/10/2001 : 08:41:21 [Permalink]
quote: Maybe those lights are actually engines and the saucer shape is what allows it to break the sound barrier without a boom.
Or maybe they just don't exist.
I've always wondered why the U.S. Air Force (or ANY air force) didn't adapt the saucer shape if it was so good aero-dynamically speaking. Or, maybe it really IS a piece of junk, that no self-respecting alien pilot would be caught dead flying.
(:raig |
Valiant Dancer
Forum Goalie

4826 Posts |
Posted - 08/10/2001 : 08:57:12 [Permalink]
quote: Maybe those lights are actually engines and the saucer shape is what allows it to break the sound barrier without a boom.
Or maybe they just don't exist.
I've always wondered why the U.S. Air Force (or ANY air force) didn't adapt the saucer shape if it was so good aero-dynamically speaking. Or, maybe it really IS a piece of junk, that no self-respecting alien pilot would be caught dead flying.
I was reading a book where it showed some saucer shaped aircraft in a developmental stage. They were later abandoned due to stability or useability. One was a US idea. A single seater turbo fan glorified hovercraft. One was an idea from Britian. A saucer shaped craft that allegedly was toying with the idea of atomic power for a propulsion system.
SFN Regular

1447 Posts |
Posted - 08/10/2001 : 09:39:11 [Permalink]
"Flying Saucer" shape. This is an atypical shape for flying vehicles; the large majority of airplanes have a missilelike fuselage, because that helps reduce air-friction drag.
(details are very sketchy, please correct me if I'm wrong:)
The story behind why people see "flying saucers" most often (as opposed to flying cigars, bananas, rockets, etc.) is interesting. I don't remember the details, but the origin is actually a newspaper article error. One of the first sitings of a UFO in this century was reported by an Army official, I believe, and he was misquoted as describing the UFO as having a saucer-like shape. He later corrected it, and said it wasn't at all a saucer shape, but wouldn't ya know, "flying saucers" started being seen all over the place!
Ah, the power of the media, and mass hysteria...
Ma gavte la nata! |
Skeptic Friend

312 Posts |
Posted - 08/11/2001 : 00:28:03 [Permalink]
Say TD,
It would be interesting to go back through 19th century literature to see what people called UFOs then. I choose the 19th century as it is well into the "age of enlightenment", but before the advent of those infernal flying machines. Maybe 19th century folk thought UFOs were those Frenchy hot air balloons?
(:raig |
Skeptic Friend

74 Posts |
SFN Addict

2102 Posts |
Posted - 08/11/2001 : 08:57:58 [Permalink]
quote: It would be interesting to go back through 19th century literature to see what people called UFOs then. I choose the 19th century as it is well into the "age of enlightenment", but before the advent of those infernal flying machines. Maybe 19th century folk thought UFOs were those Frenchy hot air balloons?
Ezekial's Wheel? Yeesh, I oughta get off the bible kick here.
He's YOUR god, they're YOUR rules, YOU burn in hell! |
Skeptic Friend

77 Posts |
Posted - 08/11/2001 : 20:07:51 [Permalink]
Lenticular Clouds have been around for millions of years if not longer.
I wonder when the first saucer was made. Possibly after the first cup was spilled.
Edited by - marvin on 08/11/2001 20:09:25
Edited by - marvin on 08/11/2001 20:11:04
Edited by - marvin on 08/11/2001 20:12:58
Edited by - marvin on 08/12/2001 23:18:32 |
Skeptic Friend

358 Posts |
Posted - 08/12/2001 : 13:14:04 [Permalink]
Funny how UFOs change overtime.
Radioactive GM Crops.
Slightly above background.
Safe to eat.
But no activist would dare rip it out.
As they think it gives them cancer. |
Skeptic Friend

77 Posts |
Posted - 08/13/2001 : 00:33:08 [Permalink]
~Sonic booms~ Similar to 600mph torpedoes that ‘blow' a bubble of air in front of them, to achieve such incredible underwater speeds. They, if they exist, may also ‘blow' a vacuum in the direction they wish to travel.
~Mechanical reliability~ Yes, I recall Jacques Vallee coming up with some probability figures on the number of ufos that visit earth, number of nighttime sightings, number of people outside at night looking up and other factors. It came out to ~10,000 visits per month, a staggering figure. Perhaps ufo-wrecker-saucers.
~"Flying Saucer" shape~ Similar to two satellite receiver dishes attached by their rims. Currently astrophysicists use parabolic dishes to see far out into space.
~Why traveling with lights on?~ They haven't invented or discovered a cloaking device ‘yet'.
~The advanced-technology problem~ It's possible isn't it. It's possible isn't it. Yes, it's infinitesimally possible that some alien race from another galaxy is visiting earth, however there is no empirical evidence of it. The best evidence IMO is that, it's an ‘artifact' of the human mind.
SFN Regular

842 Posts |
Posted - 08/13/2001 : 03:12:38 [Permalink]
Very interesting line of discussion!
My two cents would be that UFOs were invented by bored children (or bored child-like adults) with frisbees and cameras and wild imaginations. Later on, UFOs were just the result of wild imaginations about celestial objects which were, indeed, *unidentified*. With the amount of light pollution, identification of anything would be difficult, and misconceptions, combined with mental aberrations, could result from pre-senile minds.
Perfection Is a State of Growth... |
Skeptic Friend

74 Posts |
Posted - 08/13/2001 : 07:24:47 [Permalink]
~Sonic booms~ Similar to 600mph torpedoes that ‘blow' a bubble of air in front of them, to achieve such incredible underwater speeds. They, if they exist, may also ‘blow' a vacuum in the direction they wish to travel.
However, this bubble is at pressure equilibrium, while a vacuum would not be, unless it was an extremely hot near-vacuum.
~"Flying Saucer" shape~ Similar to two satellite receiver dishes attached by their rims. Currently astrophysicists use parabolic dishes to see far out into space.
I had in mind the aerodynamics of the saucer shape. Which, for whatever reason, is seldom used in airplane design.
~Why traveling with lights on?~ They haven't invented or discovered a cloaking device ‘yet'.
They don't have to -- all they have to do is keep the lights off.
Skeptic Friend

74 Posts |
Posted - 08/13/2001 : 07:29:38 [Permalink]
Very interesting line of discussion!
My two cents would be that UFOs were invented by bored children (or bored child-like adults) with frisbees and cameras and wild imaginations. Later on, UFOs were just the result of wild imaginations about celestial objects which were, indeed, *unidentified*. With the amount of light pollution, identification of anything would be difficult, and misconceptions, combined with mental aberrations, could result from pre-senile minds.
IMO, that's excessively condescending. The large majority of UFO sightings are of known phenomena; the planet Venus is a big favorite. You must realize that celestial objects don't come with name tags on them; Venus looks like a very bright star.
Skeptic Friend

188 Posts |
Posted - 08/13/2001 : 08:25:46 [Permalink]
you mean to tell me that none of you have been contacted by the saucer aliens? they are really very nice. they still laugh about how they conned those silly egyptians into building the pyramids.
lets do lunch one day and i'll introduce you to their human relations rep. if you make a good impression, you might be selected for the famous space alien anal probe and chip insertion.
call me!
comrade billyboy
Edited by - comradebillyboy on 08/13/2001 08:26:36 |
Skeptic Friend

358 Posts |
Posted - 08/13/2001 : 12:59:04 [Permalink]
Super-cavitation involves creating a bubble of water vapour around the object instead of the liquid water to reduce resistance to motion.
It doesn't involve vaccum and wont get rid of sonic booms.
As for cloaking devices, maybe those lights are engines that have to be left on or they crash, of course I can't see any reason why they couldn't cover the engines up (they would have to be gravity based).
Oh well, computers are pretty good at spotting hubcaps.
Radioactive GM Crops.
Slightly above background.
Safe to eat.
But no activist would dare rip it out.
As they think it gives them cancer. |