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Creation and Evolution, Science, Darwin, Scientific Method, Natural Selection
The theory of evolution through natural selection has been under fire since it was first penned by Darwin and Wallace over a century ago. And ever since it gained wide acceptance and found its way into classrooms, evangelicals have tried to chip away at the theory. This Creationism vs. Evolution section of the Skeptic Friends Network is devoted to exposing many of the tactics and arguments used to attempt to discredit evolution.

Today, evolution’s foes employ more tactics than ever and have even tried re-inventing their religious views as “Intelligent Design,” an admitted political movement which lacks scientific credibility and whose “designer” is obviously God. They also seem to feel that if evolution can be discredited, then all that will remain will be the story of Genesis, a blatantly false dichotomy.

These articles are presented so that you can see for yourself some of the arguments used for creationism and what the evolutionary biology has in answer to them.

What's New in Creation/Evolution

Fundamentalists Hate Noah's Ark
By Phil Gillette
Posted on: 08/15/2007
Updated on: 08/15/2007

The story of Noah and the Ark leaves much to be desired, from many different fields of knowledge.

Read entire article...

Creation Science Hoaxes
Humor & Satire
  • Kent Hovind is a Big Phony!
    A spoof of a tract by two men who appear to love to hate evolution.

  • The Bible's Bad Fruits
    Just like cherry-picked, out-of-context quotes from biologists can be abused so as to paint the Theory of Evolution as evil, so can the same abuse be heaped upon the Bible.

Henry Morris on Trial
Creation vs Evolution

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