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 Reigion is Stifling Humanity and Evolution...
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15 Posts

Posted - 03/16/2006 :  08:41:20  Show Profile  Visit cosmicbrat's Homepage Send cosmicbrat a Private Message

First off..
Are you utilizing "Google Alerts"?.. Super tools they are.. like having your own personal News Media System for everything new that interests you... It's like having the American president's "morning book".. only better.. It's personalized to you.. and it's 24/7... You get only the things of interest to you as they are published on the Internet...
Don't forget the quotes around on all your multiword Alerts...


Secondly: I'm sure this post will offend a few right off... It is not meant to offend... It is a discussion, meant to expose an evil.. and meant to inform.. and dig for more data on the subject.. in order to squash the evils in the world, which stifle all of us.. and a means to boost Paganism and Magic to its rightful status in the world...

If it offends you, then just don't read any more...


Re: New Car concepts being stifled.. and the "petroleum industry stifling new technologies", is so bang-on...

To add to that data:
...Since 1978 I've had the data to build a liquid electricity emitter.. which develops into the engines for floating/flying cars and moon-capable RV's.. and even Mars capable RV's... This is the technology that will get us to other solar systems one day...
My mentioning any of it to the world scientific community, and various science industries, has only got me scorn, insults, blacklistings, fired, robbed, remote viewer attacked persistently, my privacy invaded way over the top, and four PC's destroyed by extreme hacks.. in their desperate insatiable hunger for more new, and their incessant efforts to rob data from my computers and my mind.. until I eventually determined ways to attack remote viewers harder and faster than they can even begin to fathom... Now I can sleep at nights without them invading my dreams.. and in some cases their even sending creative dreams for an intent purpose.. but their cast-dreams have different textures than my dreams do... and I quickly learned how to wake myself out of their dreams, and do battle with them, to their cosmic-demise...

The liquid electricity flow of this device opens the bonds of the inert elements, to the tune of at least 70 active compounds, to mix with the 10 million plus compounds we already have...
I estimate another 200-million immediately useful compounds...

With these compounds come new plastics, with which to grow synthetic replacement human organs, and PC's worn on the fore-arm as a skin-graft...
Raw Oil is worth 10-grand a barrel.. and we are forced to burn it at 50-bucks a barrel, to get around.. while we burn the future life and longevity of the human race...

I see the technology that has us living to near 700.. but the human race stifles me at every turn... It makes me wonder if they are mostly all insane, and/or just devolving..??

I thought this human race was totally mindless.. as in they had lost the use of the mind... So I attempted to wake people up, as "cosmicbrat" being my handle, to attempt to wake people to the prospects of them learning how to open their minds to a little reality.. in hopes that would eventually lead them to begin to grasp this technology I offer.. to somehow get me use of a small lab to develop some of these technologies... but to no avail...

I'm lost for a viable solution..? It seems most of this whole human race can't even begin to grasp that we have minds...
They can't grasp anything beyond school books and TV... Everything new to them, they affectionately label as being "illicit drug abuse, and insanity"...
It gives the sense that I'm the only doctor trying to provide good honest health-care for a hospital ward of 5 billion mindless-kooks.
I guess some of you know the feeling too...


Dealing with the incessant barrage of attacking corporate remote viewer data-robbing parasites, led me to this bit of insight:

Subject: Neutralizing Nightmares.. once and for all...

...I am sitting at the computer... at 1:02 AM... when my room mate makes a squeakish/whine nightmarish cry/scream for help sound.. like it be the audio created by trumpeting into the head, with sounds made somewhere in the nasal-cavity...
"IT's AnoTher One of her NIGHTMARES!.. thinks I...
DAMIT!... two or three a week for ten-years... THIS HAS GOT TO STOP!...

...And I've got to figure a way to exterminate her nightmares, once and for all time..."

...Up I jumps from the computer, FAST!... and without touching her skin.. while I cast release from my body as I dive into trance beyond death...
I leap and dive into her dream.. fist ready for everything. sword drawn and laughing.. flishing/flashing in my anger's delight.. As I spin sword on the tip of finger...
...I notice a dark figure attacking my precious friend... escaping like a bad doggie as it registers my presence... Dragon is summoned!
..And there be a second attacker in this dream!.. sees I... Sword reached and seized, in union composed of plazma-love... We are One... and Before the second knows I'm there, Sword has tasted both sides of its neck, and its tastiest blood.. as yet another vindictive roaming black-spirit is disbursed in its hell wrapped in upon itself.. just another snack for hell's dusty glory...

...As the first spirit flees.. it abrupt stops, slammed up against Dragon's fang.. and held tight in Bug's deadly embrace...
He's History!.. Aymen!.. nothing there but dragon food...

...Gently touch evolves to caressing and soft kissing her face... She know it me... I softly caress back and shoulders.. across her back, creating the extreme sensual illusion that I am touching everywhere her body.. in plazmic-love... like cradling a soft warm living ball, hidden in cupped hands.. as does a new mother cradle her newborn for the first time...

... thinking, "She's probably gonna have another nightmare in the next few days.. So I did nothing, but some powerful Pretending...
But then?.. why did her now lifeless attacker try to escape.. and why did the other bleed so Profusely..?"

Maybe I should have added All the power I've learned, plus that evolving one-percent...
I missed that opportunity!.. but next time!.."

So.. I figure to eliminate her nightmares, once and for all time..
I've got to do some serious Battle in that realm.. better and quicker than a nightmare can sense to react...
while I take yet a few more heads.. to have sent the beasts back to hell....

Two weeks later...

SUPER GOOD NEWS!.. It's been a month, and she hasn't had a single nightmare... Seems it actually worked... WoW! Choke!& Yikes!..
They sure don't teach this in Schools...

Could this mean that the beasts in nightmares are really real??
Oh my!.. now What have I opened up..?

Could the solution to actually neutralizing nightmares be this easy..?


Further research into peoples general lack of mind usage abilities, led me to this little insight:

...I explored a well presented Christian religious link... It didn't present anything that could modify a Pagan's stance in the "god" topic... All of their presentations were presented to persons who are already embedded in Christianity, thus being significantly religiously conditioned, and anchored.. like a clam stuck to a rock for its duration...

Reading those works was like starting, in the middle of a book...

I gave it a good honest read.. and found that it is full of unsolved questions, that seem to be just clouded and/or"steam rolered over"... with a literary filler, which seems to be included and incorporated, only to force to unrelated values to bind together... which enable high levels of emotion to hide deficiencies in literary attempts to create and establish fact where there is none...
In simpler terms.. It seems the Bible is a mishmash collections of delightful multi-authored, multi-cultured, multi time, multi dimensional prose.. in which unrelated excerpts and packages seem to be connected into a series presentation (book).. by incorporating unrelated fillers between packets.. as if to be the "glue".. to force stories to seem to be a flowing text...

In my research.. I discovered that there is a threefold conditioning applied to the thinking processes of the Christian child.. which hold that child's thinking abilities to a maximum ceiling of 7-percent mind usage...
As the child ages, and the conditioning cures, should that "sheep of the flock".. ever attempt to explore 8-percent mind usage.. the conditioning thereby causes cerebral nerve plumbing to severely constrict, causing what is commonly known as a "migraine"... That being part 1 of the 3-fold conditioning's reaction to the person establishing thought processing beyond the permitted 7-percent thought processing usage......

In 2 of 3.. The person's thought processes are thus shunted into that "individual's" "comedy memory river"... being that person's collection of unsolved comedies, ridiculousnesses, frights, and the like... literally a nightmarish place to be... The person now emergency rushes away from that memory river, like a cat from a burning house... and slams right into a memory wall of dogma.. containing the core shields of the conditioning.. and a gluing effect.. like "flypaper"... The person's thought processing attaches itself to the first dogmatic icon anomaly it can open, and thus begins rhyming, or preaching, that person's learn-ed facets of that particular piece of dogma... at which time, 3 of 3 comes into play.. the person's bio-morphines system injects a large steady dose of bio-morphines into that person's nervous system... is when the migraine is thus quieted and neutralized...
Essentially that person is now stoned on what seems to be "religion's drugs".. Actually high on the body's own bio-morphine drugs.. which are probably derivatives of extreme adrenaline reprocessing, in one or more of the body's 18 major glands.. like how we process cocaine out of cocoa leaves... or heroin from its less active cousin... or penicillin from the urine of penicillim mold...
The flow of drugs is now regulated by the steadiness of the flow of that person's active defense of that chosen segment of religious dogma.. and is slowed and/or cut, only when the person ceases religious defensive output, for a duration long enough to acquire an unrelated focus.. I.E.: the phone rings, or a knock at the door.., or the taking a conscious sip of liquid.. etc...
The bio-morphines have relaxed the constricted nerve plumbing, and the migraine subsides, leaving the "individual" now in a relaxed drugged euphoric stupor... "Praise god!" cries out the Christian...

Is a Christian's anger towards externally sourced blasphemy.. the result of angers in being forced to defend ones belief structures... Or is the anger toward the pain of the conditioning migraine?..

Does the Christian defend dogma to establish a release of bio-morphines... and/or is it that the Christian actually believes that the dogmas are reality?..

A tangent in this research.. concludes that only Christian person's experience the infamous "overload study headache"... Could this be that they have touched beyond the 7-percent permitted thought processing ceiling of the religious conditioning, for having crammed studies for exams..?

Could it be that all migraines are thus caused by Christian people trying to think out of the box..?
If yes.. then is it conceivable that Christianity is stifling human evolution.. in order to anchor cultures to History.. to thus prevent change.. because Christianity religion fears that change doesn't include them?..

I further studies, I determined that only Christians experience overload headaches and migraines...

Deeper into this research.. I discovered that should one who is infected by said conditioning, effect a sudden one-liner extreme blasphemous output.. greater than the 7-percent mind usage territory in which the conditioning was likely created.. that the conditioning will thus selfdestruct.. by trying to suicide the person...
Thus should a Christian conditioned person have managed to somehow unconsciously block the migraine, or for some reason be numbed from sensing the headache.. and be exploring thought processes beyond the 7-percent permitted ceiling.. for a duration that triggers the person's conditioning to selfdestruct... Is it then conceivable that Suicides are thus a result of religious conditioning gone wrong, out of control.. in having made a mistake.. in killing a person who didn't blaspheme.. but merely accidentally processed thought to long out of the box..?


In conclusion.. it seems that religion is what is stifling new technological development, and human evolution.. as if religion has essentially put the brakes on Evolution, for monetary purposes...

Money powers religion... Religion powers people...

So it would seem that the only way to release the human race from religion's hell, is to extinct money...

We gave the reigns of the human race to Money, when we gave Barter to Money... Now we need to take it up another notch.. to the next level.. what ever that be..?

What ever it is.. It must be fashioned of Love for all Life...


And for you sincere Mr. Crowley enthusiasts... I have a technique in which I can call to my plateau.. the souls of the dead... And by cosmic law they must respond...

I called Mr. Crowley.. to offer him a new vehicle..
He visited briefly.. Informed me that he had no needs for such an offer.. Thanked me.. and exited...

Mr. Crowley has a new body... He actually did it... HOW? and WOW!

Valiant Dancer
Forum Goalie

4826 Posts

Posted - 03/16/2006 :  12:06:19   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Valiant Dancer's Homepage Send Valiant Dancer a Private Message
Originally posted by cosmicbrat

First off..
Are you utilizing "Google Alerts"?.. Super tools they are.. like having your own personal News Media System for everything new that interests you... It's like having the American president's "morning book".. only better.. It's personalized to you.. and it's 24/7... You get only the things of interest to you as they are published on the Internet...
Don't forget the quotes around on all your multiword Alerts...

Welcome to SFN, Cosmicbrat.



Secondly: I'm sure this post will offend a few right off... It is not meant to offend... It is a discussion, meant to expose an evil.. and meant to inform.. and dig for more data on the subject.. in order to squash the evils in the world, which stifle all of us.. and a means to boost Paganism and Magic to its rightful status in the world...

If it offends you, then just don't read any more...

Bad way to start off. We read things even if they may offend us. However, if the science and logic is sound it must stand. However, if it does not, expect to be challenged on it. Also, we tend to like sources so that we may verify things and check context.


Re: New Car concepts being stifled.. and the "petroleum industry stifling new technologies", is so bang-on...

To add to that data:
...Since 1978 I've had the data to build a liquid electricity emitter.. which develops into the engines for floating/flying cars and moon-capable RV's.. and even Mars capable RV's... This is the technology that will get us to other solar systems one day...
My mentioning any of it to the world scientific community, and various science industries, has only got me scorn, insults, blacklistings, fired, robbed, remote viewer attacked persistently, my privacy invaded way over the top, and four PC's destroyed by extreme hacks.. in their desperate insatiable hunger for more new, and their incessant efforts to rob data from my computers and my mind.. until I eventually determined ways to attack remote viewers harder and faster than they can even begin to fathom... Now I can sleep at nights without them invading my dreams.. and in some cases their even sending creative dreams for an intent purpose.. but their cast-dreams have different textures than my dreams do... and I quickly learned how to wake myself out of their dreams, and do battle with them, to their cosmic-demise...

The only place I found for this liquid electricity emitter are discussions you have started on occult boards. In at least one case where you reference telekinesis on top of it. Here, you are talking about repression of your ideas and some sort of bizarre conspiracy to bring you down or steal your ideas including psychic attack. Do you have some sort of source for your contention concerning the liquid electricity emitter? I can say since 1978 I hold the secret to harnessing the output of a miniature black hole to solve all of our power needs and power time and relative dimensions in space machines. It doesn't make it true nor does it make it logical. Are you sure the technology you propose really works?


The liquid electricity flow of this device opens the bonds of the inert elements, to the tune of at least 70 active compounds, to mix with the 10 million plus compounds we already have...
I estimate another 200-million immediately useful compounds...

With these compounds come new plastics, with which to grow synthetic replacement human organs, and PC's worn on the fore-arm as a skin-graft...
Raw Oil is worth 10-grand a barrel.. and we are forced to burn it at 50-bucks a barrel, to get around.. while we burn the future life and longevity of the human race...

Huh? You obviously don't understand the law of supply and demand. An item is only worth what someone is willing to PAY for it. Fossil fuels are a problem of a non-renewable source.


I see the technology that has us living to near 700.. but the human race stifles me at every turn... It makes me wonder if they are mostly all insane, and/or just devolving..??

I don't see that at all. The biology breaks down and ceases. We're lucky to see 90. Are you sure the entire human race is against you on this? Really, if you're the only one seeing this, how are you sure it's not something unique to you?


I thought this human race was totally mindless.. as in they had lost the use of the mind... So I attempted to wake people up, as "cosmicbrat" being my handle, to attempt to wake people to the prospects of them learning how to open their minds to a little reality.. in hopes that would eventually lead them to begin to grasp this technology I offer.. to somehow get me use of a small lab to develop some of these technologies... but to no avail...

I have a feeling that the technology isn't what it's cracked up to be. If you could demonstrate it, you might have something. Access to labs is an expensive prospect. Why don't you put your own together?


I'm lost for a viable solution..? It seems most of this whole human race can't even begin to grasp that we have minds...
They can't grasp anything beyond school books and TV... Everything new to them, they affectionately label as being "illicit drug abuse, and insanity"...
It gives the sense that I'm the only doctor trying to provide good honest health-care for a hospital ward of 5 billion mindless-kooks.
I guess some of you know the feeling too...

What a simplistic view of people who don't agree with your assessment. It makes me wonder when people make unsupported assertions and want to be taken as an expert. Please provide any sources you can to support your claims made thus far.



Dealing with the incessant barrage of attacking corporate remote viewer data-robbing parasites, led me to this bit of insight:

Subject: Neutralizing Nightmares.. once and for all...

...I am sitting at the computer... at 1:02 AM... when my room mate makes a squeakish/whine nightmarish cry/scream for help sound.. like it be the audio created by trumpeting into the head, with sounds made somewhere in the nasal-cavity...
"IT's AnoTher One of her NIGHTMARES!.. thinks I...
DAMIT!... two or three a week for ten-years... THIS HAS GOT TO

Cthulhu/Asmodeus when you're tired of voting for the lesser of two evils

Brother Cutlass of Reasoned Discussion
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SFN Die Hard

6891 Posts

Posted - 03/16/2006 :  12:41:31   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Dude a Private Message
Err... bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

But seriously, I can't ask you to stay off your meds just to amuse me. Please see your doctor soon for a refil.

Ignorance is preferable to error; and he is less remote from the truth who believes nothing, than he who believes what is wrong.
-- Thomas Jefferson

"god :: the last refuge of a man with no answers and no argument." - G. Carlin

Hope, n.
The handmaiden of desperation; the opiate of despair; the illegible signpost on the road to perdition. ~~ da filth
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Dr. Mabuse
Septic Fiend

9691 Posts

Posted - 03/16/2006 :  15:33:47   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Send Dr. Mabuse an ICQ Message Send Dr. Mabuse a Private Message
At least the post was filed under the right folder...

Though I got lost in daydreaming after I hit flying cars and Mars RVs.

Dr. Mabuse - "When the going gets tough, the tough get Duct-tape..."
Dr. Mabuse whisper.mp3

"Equivocation is not just a job, for a creationist it's a way of life..." Dr. Mabuse

Support American Troops in Iraq:
Send them unarmed civilians for target practice..
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Posted - 03/18/2006 :  17:04:54   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit cosmicbrat's Homepage Send cosmicbrat a Private Message
[quote]Originally posted by Valiant Dancer

[quote]Originally posted by cosmicbrat

"The only place I found for this liquid electricity emitter are discussions you have started on occult boards.'

Me too... Seems none of this technology I found is known by anyone else...

"you are talking about repression of your ideas and some sort of bizarre conspiracy to bring you down or steal your ideas including psychic attack.'

Seems that the corporate way is to utilize remote viewers to try to suck data from peoples minds... I sense an attack by an extreme naseous feeling, and pressures... Now days I fight back...

"Do you have some sort of source for your contention concerning the liquid electricity emitter?'

I do... I tried to build the core three times...
The third attempt came close to a rough... My dad was snooping on my workbench.. he shone a penlight into the item.. and out came a burst of what my parents claimed was a goldish liguidy light.. which burned a couple holes right through the back of my dad's eye... And that was only the barrel... Shine laser into the whole thing, and out comes liqiud electricity...

You are correct!.. I don't understand much about business at all... I'm comfortable just being a scientist...

"Fossil fuels are a problem of a non-renewable source."

Oil can be made into synthetic replacement organs and skin, and perfect andriods...

"I don't see that at all. The biology breaks down and ceases. We're lucky to see 90. Are you sure the entire human race is against you on this?"

Sure seems so... Look at the typical reactions I get, in the rest of this thread's posts...

"Really, if you're the only one seeing this, how are you sure it's not something unique to you?"

Never heard that one before...

"I have a feeling that the technology isn't what it's cracked up to be. If you could demonstrate it, you might have something. Access to labs is an expensive prospect. Why don't you put your own together?"

I sure tried!.. Lat four winters I had to take out loans just to survive... Folks in this town don't have any money, and don't answer my ads in the winter much...

Several years ago, upon realizing I neede a lab.. I dropped everything in Ontario, and hitch hked to BC.. wher I studied everything about mines... In 18 months, I went to the claims office for tags to make claims on the two radioactive mineral deposits I found... The biggers robbed my mines faster than I could blink... Those mines were to finance my lab...

'That a simplistic view of people who don't agree with your assessment. It makes me wonder when people make unsupported assertions and want to be taken as an expert. Please provide any sources you can to support your claims made thus far."

That's easy!.. take a look at the other replies in this thread...

[quote] "Err... bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

"At least the post was filed under the right folder...

"Though I got lost in daydreaming after I hit flying cars and Mars RVs." [quote]

I think I got a "bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" from that poster before...

Makes me wonder if he got anything for posting that..? like a little rush or twinge or something..?

"Bio-morphines? Do you mean endorphines?"

Same thing...

"Do you have any source to back up your 7% contention?"

It's easy to prove to yourselves... I will prove it to my students, after I've established a school setting...

"By Mr. Crowley, I assume you are referring to Alistair Crowley."

Correct... What I know of Mr. Crowley is by having studied the math formulas between his cards, while in extremely deep trance near death.... and in our brief cosmic meeting... He made it where no one else did, as far as I am aware of... I doubt that such "reincarnation" is a common occurence... though many choose to believe they are destined for it too...
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15 Posts

Posted - 03/18/2006 :  17:35:00   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit cosmicbrat's Homepage Send cosmicbrat a Private Message
[quote]Originally posted by Valiant Dancer

[quote]Originally posted by cosmicbrat

"What a simplistic view of people who don't agree with your assessment. It makes me wonder when people make unsupported assertions and want to be taken as an expert. Please provide any sources you can to support your claims made thus far."

OK... Here's a good one...

In writing this manuscript about "People Bugs".. I stumbled upon the whole reason for Acne.. and very likely the cause for most outer skin

...Most human itches are from mites biting the skin...
I note that people who are scratching itches.. are for the most part,
scratching at feeding "biting" mites...

Mites dig into the skin at pores, where the hairs grow out of...
The mite injects its digestive fluids into a cell, and the cell bursts.. then the little spider sucks up its meal...
The itch is from its digestive fluids touching nerve tips...

Science has proved that most human beds, furnitures, carpets, and warm air heating ducts, are seriously infected and infested with mites...

I have a small organic/inorganic lab, which I built in my prospecting days...

To test a theory, I followed acne infected people whom I noticed were scratching at itches... I would confront them momentarily, and hand them a sterile expired credit-card, asking if they had dropped it... They would handle the card.. then return it too me.. and walk away...
I recovered the cards by the edges, and placed them in a sterile
...Back at my lab, I pushed the cards into hospital prepared cultures in petri-dishes of slightly outdated culture medium... of which my hospital lab tech buddy had donated 200 such plastic culture dishes to me for my little experiment..
Upon incubating the card cultures, I found that every single returned card tested, developed Ecoli cultures... "Poop" for short...
I guess you know why I don't shake people's hands anymore...

Conclusion: All those Acne infected people were scratching poop into their skin... Scratching breaks the skin, as do mites...
Those people obviously don't was their hands after they poop.. and are
inoculating their skin with Ecoli... Thus skin infections, and Acne infections... Somehow this Race has got to be taught that poop is not for rubbing onto and into the skin...

In pondering this further.. I suspect that people who have domestic house cats, for the most part are infected with pinworms.. which cause the rectum to be itchy...
They scratch their itchy rectums in their sleep, and as they wake, and scratch their itchy skin as well, with infected fingernails.. generally as they wake... thereby adorning and inoculating their whole itchy body's skin surface with trace poop... Thus establishing the conditions for perpetual prolific acne infections...

I discovered that in having sex, should the penis slip out of the vagina, and happen to momentarily touch the female's rectum, then be reinserted into the vagina, without scrubbing the penis.. within a day or so, the female develops vaginitis/yeast infection...

Maybe if they labeled it with a less affectionate title, people would start to begin to understand..
Instead of "vaginitis".. call it "Shit in the Cnt" disease.. and for
Acne call it "Shit on the Skin" disease... (SIC & SOS)... That might work...

Somehow this Species has got to be made aware that poop is Extremely Toxic... as in, WAKE UP MANKIND! WASH YOUR HANDS! Poop is for the Toilet.. NOT to be used as Skin Lotion!..

It seem that the only viable solution to that on going plague, is to relabel the diseases, to slang...
Can you think of an alternative?..

Teaching about bacteria, in schools, doesn't seem to get the message through... Thus, All the public door-knobs, money, public telephones, and public seating in use on the planet, are covered with trace human-excrement... especially the bowls of after meal mints, located at the cashiers in all restaurants... Makes me feel like I'm living in a chimp zoo... I guess you know the feeling too...

It be obvious that what depletes longevity are those ape-like bad health habits of the masses... Our Species will never be able to realize increased longevity, until we get a solid grasp on basic cleanliness...

Do you agree?..

I surfed "longevity", on the Net.. is how I came to stumble into your
prime website... There isn't much on the topic out there... That's
sad... I see the technology levels that could have us realizing our
maximum potential of near 700.. but no one will listen to anything I
say... They generally affectionately label everything too new for
them to grasp, as being merely illicit drug use, and/or crazy... I
just can't wake them up to any reality..? It does seem that the human
race is actually devolving... Got any suggestions how to wake them up?..


Does that sort of give a sense of what I mean by "ape"?..
Edited by - cosmicbrat on 03/18/2006 18:15:04
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SFN Regular

1191 Posts

Posted - 03/18/2006 :  19:00:56   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send R.Wreck a Private Message
cosmicbrat, I have some words of wisdom for you courtesy of Mr. Tom Waits. You should study these carefully, take them to heart, use them as words to live by:


Step right up
step right up
step right up
Everyone's a winner, bargains galore
That's right, you too can be the proud owner
Of the quality goes in before the name goes on
One-tenth of a dollar
one-tenth of a dollar
we got service after sales
You need perfume? we got perfume
how 'bout an engagement ring?
Something for the little lady
something for the little lady
Something for the little lady, hmm
Three for a dollar
We got a year-end clearance, we got a white sale
And a smoke-damaged furniture
you can drive it away today
Act now, act now
and receive as our gift, our gift to you
They come in all colors, one size fits all
No muss, no fuss, no spills
you're tired of kitchen drudgery
Everything must go
going out of business
going out of business
Going out of business sale
Fifty percent off original retail price
skip the middle man
Don't settle for less
How do we do it?
how do we do it?
volume, volume, turn up the volume
Now you've heard it advertised, don't hesitate
Don't be caught with your drawers down
Don't be caught with your drawers down
You can step right up, step right up

That's right, it filets, it chops
It dices, slices, never stops
lasts a lifetime, mows your lawn
And it mows your lawn
and it picks up the kids from school
It gets rid of unwanted facial hair
it gets rid of embarrassing age spots
It delivers a pizza
and it lengthens, and it strengthens
And it finds that slipper that's been at large
under the chaise longe for several weeks
And it plays a mean Rhythm Master
It makes excuses for unwanted lipstick on your collar
And it's only a dollar, step right up
it's only a dollar, step right up

'Cause it forges your signature.
If not completely satisfied
mail back unused portion of product
For complete refund of price of purchase
Step right up
Please allow thirty days for delivery
don't be fooled by cheap imitations
You can live in it, live in it
laugh in it, love in it
Swim in it, sleep in it
Live in it, swim in it
laugh in it, love in it
Removes embarrassing stains from contour sheets
that's right
And it entertains visiting relatives
it turns a sandwich into a banquet
Tired of being the life of the party?
Change your shorts
change your life
change your life
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Well it takes care of business
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Never needs winding
never needs winding
Gets rid of blackheads, the heartbreak of psoriasis
Christ, you don't know the meaning of heartbreak, buddy
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon
'Cause it's effective, it's defective
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How do we do it
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how do we do it
We need your business
we're going out of business
We'll give you the business
Get on the business
end of our going-out-of-business sale
Receive our free brochure, free brochure
Read the easy-to-follow assembly instructions
batteries not included
Send before midnight tomorrow, terms available
Step right up
step right up
step right up
You got it buddy: the large print giveth
and the small print taketh away
Step right up
you can step right up
you can step right up
C'mon step right up
(Get away from me kid, you bother me...)
Step right up, step right up, step right up
c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon
Step right up
you can step right up
c'mon and step right up
C'mon and step right up

The foundation of morality is to . . . give up pretending to believe that for which there is no evidence, and repeating unintelligible propositions about things beyond the possibliities of knowledge.
T. H. Huxley

The Cattle Prod of Enlightened Compassion
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Valiant Dancer
Forum Goalie

4826 Posts

Posted - 03/20/2006 :  11:53:44   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Valiant Dancer's Homepage Send Valiant Dancer a Private Message
Originally posted by cosmicbrat

Originally posted by Valiant Dancer

Originally posted by cosmicbrat

"The only place I found for this liquid electricity emitter are discussions you have started on occult boards.'

Me too... Seems none of this technology I found is known by anyone else...

Since only you have found it and you have no working prototype, How do you know you've actually found anything?


"you are talking about repression of your ideas and some sort of bizarre conspiracy to bring you down or steal your ideas including psychic attack.'

Seems that the corporate way is to utilize remote viewers to try to suck data from peoples minds... I sense an attack by an extreme naseous feeling, and pressures... Now days I fight back...

This is a pretty extraordinary claim. And it sounds a lot like paranoia as described by the ICD-9-CM. Do you have any proof of this actually happening or are we supposed to take your word for it? Be advised, we won't take your word for it. This is the Skeptic Friends Network. We require sources and evidence for claims.


"Do you have some sort of source for your contention concerning the liquid electricity emitter?'

I do... I tried to build the core three times...
The third attempt came close to a rough... My dad was snooping on my workbench.. he shone a penlight into the item.. and out came a burst of what my parents claimed was a goldish liguidy light.. which burned a couple holes right through the back of my dad's eye... And that was only the barrel... Shine laser into the whole thing, and out comes liqiud electricity...

Since you have only tried and failed each time and claim someone was injured and severely so by one of the unsuccessful prototypes, why should we believe you have discovered anything?


You are correct!.. I don't understand much about business at all... I'm comfortable just being a scientist...

But you aren't a scientist. You have not presented a hypothesis nor have you presented any mechanism by which this alledged emitter should work. Do you even have these hypotheses fleshed out at all?


"Fossil fuels are a problem of a non-renewable source."

Oil can be made into synthetic replacement organs and skin, and perfect andriods...

Based on what?


"I don't see that at all. The biology breaks down and ceases. We're lucky to see 90. Are you sure the entire human race is against you on this?"

Sure seems so... Look at the typical reactions I get, in the rest of this thread's posts...

"Really, if you're the only one seeing this, how are you sure it's not something unique to you?"

Never heard that one before...

This usually is a sign that you should be questioning what you have found. If you have adequate evidence, you should be able to convince someone of it.


"I have a feeling that the technology isn't what it's cracked up to be. If you could demonstrate it, you might have something. Access to labs is an expensive prospect. Why don't you put your own together?"

I sure tried!.. Lat four winters I had to take out loans just to survive... Folks in this town don't have any money, and don't answer my ads in the winter much...

Several years ago, upon realizing I neede a lab.. I dropped everything in Ontario, and hitch hked to BC.. wher I studied everything about mines... In 18 months, I went to the claims office for tags to make claims on the two radioactive mineral deposits I found... The biggers robbed my mines faster than I could blink... Those mines were to finance my lab...

You got claim jumped or were they already staking claims in that area? You had the cash to set up and run a working mine in a profitable mode? Interesting.


'That a simplistic view of people who don't agree with your assessment. It makes me wonder when people make unsupported assertions and want to be taken as an expert. Please provide any sources you can to support your claims made thus far."

That's easy!.. take a look at the other replies in this thread...

"Err... bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

"At least the post was filed under the right folder...

"Though I got lost in daydreaming after I hit flying cars and Mars RVs."

I think I got a "bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" from that poster before...

Makes me wonder if he got anything for posting that..? like a little rush or twinge or something..?

People poking fun at your unsupported assertions does not provide proof that your assertions are valid.

"Bio-morphines? Do you mean endorphines?"

Same thing...

Usage is key to understanding. I question whether you have any scientific basis at all.

"Do you have any source to back up your 7% contention?"

It's easy to prove to yourselves... I will prove it to my students, after I've established a school setting...

I see. So the answer is no.

"By Mr. Crowley, I assume you are referring to Alistair Crowley."

Correct... What I know of Mr. Crowley is by having studied the math formulas between his cards, while in extremely deep trance near death.... and in our brief cosmic meeting... He made it where no one else did, as far as I am aware of... I doubt that such "reincarnation" is a common occurence... though many choose to believe they are destined for it too...

Wanna make a bet? Metaphysics indicates that reincarnation is a common occurence and most "older" souls are merely unaware of it.

You really need to read up on these concepts.

Cthulhu/Asmodeus when you're tired of voting for the lesser of two evils

Brother Cutlass of Reasoned Discussion
Edited by - Valiant Dancer on 03/20/2006 11:54:34
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SFN Regular

1536 Posts

Posted - 05/18/2006 :  07:33:34   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send furshur a Private Message
Ummm, it sounds like we are presently in the manic part of our cycle. Please share your ideas with a health care proffesional.

Welcome, cosmicbrat and good luck.

If I knew then what I know now then I would know more now than I know.
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