SFN Regular

1191 Posts |
Posted - 05/14/2006 : 10:15:32
Why waste time going to a doctor when you can just have your illness prayed away in a healing room?
First clue that this is nothing but quackery:
quote: Books about healing diabetes through prayer, pamphlets describing divine cures for cancer and works by faith-healing televangelist Benny Hinn are sold in an adjacent room.
Something I found particularly disturbing:
quote: Dr. Pancheta Wilson, an internist with a private practice in Coral Springs who volunteers at the healing rooms on weekends, said she has learned to identify both physical and spiritual components of illness.
''I can differentiate between an illness that is pure illness and one that is demonic,'' said Wilson, who refers some of her patients to the healing rooms and sometimes prays with patients in her office. ``If we address the spiritual part, Jesus does the rest through me or anyone else he has anointed.''
How exactly does she differentiate physical ailments from demonic illness? And why is this "doctor" allowed to practice medicine?
It's shameful how they lead people on claiming that they can actually cure them:
quote: Quinones started coming to the healing rooms in 2002, after doctors diagnosed him with Parkinson's disease.
He has since been tested and treated for a variety of other ailments, and was taking 15 medications when he first came to the healing rooms, he said. He could barely walk. Now, he's taking seven medications, including pills for depression and insomnia.
After his recent prayer session, Quinones got up and walked around the room to demonstrate his improved strength. But he quickly sat back down.
The prayer team peppered him with questions. Was he breathing any better? How was he sleeping? Was he reading the Bible? Did he read the Bible before taking his sleeping pill, or after?
He said he tried to read the Bible every night but usually felt too tired. But praying helped some, he said.
''I'm getting healed this year,'' he said hopefully.
This is brought to you by the International Association of Healing Rooms, part of the Healing Rooms Ministries.
You too can learn to use the power of prayer to heal, for a small fee, of course.
Convincing people to forgo medical treatment for serious illness should be a crime. I wonder what this outfit's body count is.
The foundation of morality is to . . . give up pretending to believe that for which there is no evidence, and repeating unintelligible propositions about things beyond the possibliities of knowledge. T. H. Huxley
The Cattle Prod of Enlightened Compassion
SFN Regular

510 Posts |
Posted - 05/14/2006 : 22:57:41 [Permalink]
quote: Originally posted by R.Wreck
Why waste time going to a doctor when you can just have your illness prayed away in a healing room?
Something I found particularly disturbing:
quote: Dr. Pancheta Wilson, an internist with a private practice in Coral Springs who volunteers at the healing rooms on weekends, said she has learned to identify both physical and spiritual components of illness.
''I can differentiate between an illness that is pure illness and one that is demonic,'' said Wilson, who refers some of her patients to the healing rooms and sometimes prays with patients in her office. ``If we address the spiritual part, Jesus does the rest through me or anyone else he has anointed.''
How exactly does she differentiate physical ailments from demonic illness? And why is this "doctor" allowed to practice medicine?
As long as you are overtly Christian you can get away with damn near anything - especially in George Bush's Ameriduh. I am afraid that Carl Sagan was right - we are entering a new Dark Age. I wonder when exorcism will be taught in medical schools.
quote: Originally posted by R.Wreck
It's shameful how they lead people on claiming that they can actually cure them:
Convincing people to forgo medical treatment for serious illness should be a crime. I wonder what this outfit's body count is.
Fleecing sick and desperate people is beyond despicable. However, are they telling people to forego medical treatment or they just supplementing it with their medieval nonsense? |
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. / You can send a kid to college but you can't make him think." - B.B. King
History is made by stupid people - The Arrogant Worms
"The greater the ignorance the greater the dogmatism." - William Osler
"Religion is the natural home of the psychopath" - Pat Condell
"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter" - Thomas Jefferson |
SFN Die Hard

14408 Posts |
Posted - 05/15/2006 : 07:08:11 [Permalink]
It seems that ultra-scumbag Benny Hinn is still out and about, and flim-flamming with gusto.
I will never understand why, as many times as the crooked bastard has been outed, he still draws a crowd. If the bulk of the world's people are really that stupid, evolution's experiment with a sapient creature might end prematurely. quote: BENNY HINN TUMBLES IN DENMARK Correspondent Claus Larsen, in Denmark, gives us an account of the recent appearance in Copenhagen of televangelist Benny Hinn:
On April 28-30, faith healer Benny Hinn, whose ministry rakes in millions of dollars each year from sick, deluded and desperate people, held a three-day seminar in central Copenhagen. Over 20,000 people attended, from all over the world. Let there be no doubt about it: It was a huge success. On www.BennyHinn.dk you can read about how the "Benny Hinn Crusade Reaches the Whole Nation." TV2, one of the two major Danish domestic tv-channels, Saturday night April 29th, broadcast a 2½-minute-long feature prime time on the TV2 7 p.m. News. This gave the whole nation of Denmark the opportunity to catch a glimpse of the message of Jesus Christ as the Savior of all mankind, Benny Hinn version.
Curiously enough, there was absolutely no mention of a 13-minute feature on DR, the biggest Danish TV channel. Or, maybe not so curiously, because that feature took the skeptical approach, instead of the uncritical segment on TV2. Øjvind Kyrø, who also produced the television series "A Sense of Deceit" (www.randi.org/jr/060603.html and www.randi.org/jr/040403.html) took a crew from DR to the show, with permission to film what turned out to be a killer performance.
It was heart-breaking. Among the many sick and handicapped, we followed a 9-year-old girl, Kisser, who is suffering from a crippled spine, immobilized from the navel down, and thus confined to a wheelchair, probably for life. Her father had his hopes up from the start. Benny Hinn simply had to, one way or another, cure his daughter. "Today, it may be Kisser's turn", he said, with the girl on his lap. "We don't know if it is, but we will keep on, until it is. We have to."
This foul piece of vocalizing rubbish should be marooned in an old fashoned leper colony for a few years. Let's see if God loves him enough to cleanse Hinn of the bacillus that he created with, as it is said, the unclean in mind.

"What luck for rulers that men do not think." -- Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)
"If only we could impeach on the basis of criminal stupidity, 90% of the Rethuglicans and half of the Democrats would be thrown out of office." ~~ P.Z. Myres
"The default position of human nature is to punch the other guy in the face and take his stuff." ~~ Dude
Brother Boot Knife of Warm Humanitarianism,
and Crypto-Communist!
SFN Die Hard

3834 Posts |
Posted - 05/16/2006 : 12:05:09 [Permalink]
Yes, yes, the morality of religion. |
SFN Regular

614 Posts |
Posted - 05/16/2006 : 12:58:25 [Permalink]
These things are popping up all over the small town where I live. I think everybody who has rental property that isn't renting opens a "Healing Room". It really pisses me off. |
Millions long for immortality who don't know what to do on a rainy afternoon. -- Susan Ertz