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 Was the human-chimp split a messy divorce?
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15831 Posts

Posted - 05/20/2006 :  05:55:07   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send HalfMooner a Private Message
verlch verily vomited:
Where is your testable evidence to support your theories.
Hey, you picked up on that phrase here, I'll bet. Too bad you and your Cretinist cohorts don't have a clue what it means, anymore than you know the difference between a period and a question mark.
Human beings are complex, living creatures. Smart no less, I would expect a super smart, being to have made us, and by golly, the by faith evidence I see in the bible.
"Faith evidence"??? You don't have the slightest idea of what an "oxymoron" is, do you, verlch? That's as stupid a statement as I've ever heard, especially right after demanding my evidence.

Okay, I'll play by your rules: My evidence is my deep and abiding faith in a large, hairy, powerful Gnome named Sammy, who told me what to write. When I met Sammy, he was just back from beating up your punk-ass God. Where's your evidence I'm lying?

Biology is just physics that has begun to smell bad.” —HalfMooner
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SFN Addict

2998 Posts

Posted - 05/20/2006 :  05:58:16   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit pleco's Homepage Send pleco a Private Message
Hey HalfMooner, verlch has this BOOK that tells him what to think. You better produce a book real quick too, because if it isn't written down by bronze age mystics thousands of years ago, it isn't REAL faith evidence.

by Filthy
The neo-con methane machine will soon be running at full fart.
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15831 Posts

Posted - 05/20/2006 :  06:11:07   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send HalfMooner a Private Message
pleco added:
Hey HalfMooner, verlch has this BOOK that tells him what to think. You better produce a book real quick too, because if it isn't written down by bronze age mystics thousands of years ago, it isn't REAL faith evidence.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention: Sammy beat up Yahweh by bitch-slapping Him with Sammy's Holy Book of Truth and Bludgeoning. He gave me a copy, but on the condition that only I could read or interpret it.

Biology is just physics that has begun to smell bad.” —HalfMooner
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Evil Skeptic

13477 Posts

Posted - 05/20/2006 :  08:21:49   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Kil's Homepage  Send Kil an AOL message  Send Kil a Yahoo! Message Send Kil a Private Message
All I see are fully formed fossils, drawings, and fossils you think, may be missing links that "evolved" too quickly to be seen by the naked eye in the fossil record.

So, what exactly would an un-fully formed fossil look like? I mean, we have hominid fossils that display traits that are both primitive and modern. Afarensis would be a great example of that. She was fully bipedal and had a hip arrangement much like modern humans. She also has a dental morphology that is tending toward the beginnings of modern and yet she had the cranial capacity of a chimp, and so on. She is clearly transitional. Again, what should she look like if she was un-fully formed?

Edited to add:

I'll help you out Verlch. There is no such thing as an un-fully formed animal. Every transitional is a fully formed and functioning species taking advantage of whatever niche it happens to fill. The only people looking for an un-fully formed animal, which by definition cannot exist, are creationists. It's something more than a strawman. It's a lie foisted on the faithful by those more interested in proselytizing than they are in actually telling the truth… Liars for Christ.

Uncertainty may make you uncomfortable. Certainty makes you ridiculous.

Why not question something for a change?

Genetic Literacy Project
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SFN Regular

1383 Posts

Posted - 05/20/2006 :  20:22:13   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Hawks's Homepage Send Hawks a Private Message
Originally posted by verlch
All I see are fully formed fossils, drawings, and fossils you think, may be missing links that "evolved" too quickly to be seen by the naked eye in the fossil record.

Let's take a closer look at what verlch is really arguing here:
Premise 1: If evolution was true then we would expect to find fossilised creatures that are 0-100% "formed".
Premise 2: All fossils found are fully formed.
Conclusion: Evolution is false.

Let's for fun go along with verlch and assume that premise 1 is true (bwahahaha) and examine the evidence for premise 2. In many instances, only fragments of fossils are found. These fossil fragments could in fact be partly formed creatures. If this was true, then what verlch is really arguing is this:

Premise 1: If evolution was true then we would expect to find fossilised creatures that are 0-100% "formed".
Premise 2: Lots of fossils found are partly formed.
Conclusion: Evolution is true.

Thanks for this brilliant insight, verlch!!!!!

It's a small, off-duty czechoslovakian traffic warden!
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SFN Die Hard

6891 Posts

Posted - 05/20/2006 :  20:47:31   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Dude a Private Message
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention: Sammy beat up Yahweh by bitch-slapping Him with Sammy's Holy Book of Truth and Bludgeoning. He gave me a copy, but on the condition that only I could read or interpret it.

So.... that makes you a mormon!

Ignorance is preferable to error; and he is less remote from the truth who believes nothing, than he who believes what is wrong.
-- Thomas Jefferson

"god :: the last refuge of a man with no answers and no argument." - G. Carlin

Hope, n.
The handmaiden of desperation; the opiate of despair; the illegible signpost on the road to perdition. ~~ da filth
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SFN Regular

1613 Posts

Posted - 05/20/2006 :  23:58:26   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Starman a Private Message
Originally posted by Dude

So.... that makes you a mormon!
At first, I missed the second m.
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15831 Posts

Posted - 05/21/2006 :  04:31:05   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send HalfMooner a Private Message
Dude and Starman conspired to say:
quote:Originally posted by Dude

So.... that makes you a mormon!

At first, I missed the second m
Yup, a little of both, actually. I've got he magical specs needed to read Sammy's scripture, and I'm dumb enough to believe it literally.

Biology is just physics that has begun to smell bad.” —HalfMooner
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15831 Posts

Posted - 05/21/2006 :  04:42:34   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send HalfMooner a Private Message
Hawks observed:
Let's for fun go along with verlch and assume that premise 1 is true (bwahahaha) and examine the evidence for premise 2. In many instances, only fragments of fossils are found. These fossil fragments could in fact be partly formed creatures. If this was true, then what verlch is really arguing is this:

Premise 1: If evolution was true then we would expect to find fossilised creatures that are 0-100% "formed".
Premise 2: Lots of fossils found are partly formed.
Conclusion: Evolution is true.
Yes, and so in human evolution research, paleontologists should be looking for these partially-formed fossils: Independent, bipedal leg-and-hip assemblies; Disembodied, big-brained crania; Free-ranging opposable thumbs; Hairless, freelance torsos. We must presume that at some point, these all came together in an unspeakable orgy, and hybridized into humans.

Biology is just physics that has begun to smell bad.” —HalfMooner
Here's a link to Moonscape News, and one to its Archive.
Edited by - HalfMooner on 05/21/2006 04:44:17
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SFN Regular

510 Posts

Posted - 05/25/2006 :  00:26:05   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Ghost_Skeptic a Private Message
Here is an Interview (MP3) with Dr. David Reich the senior author of the study.

He says that similarities in the X chromosome are evidence of hybridization.

"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. / You can send a kid to college but you can't make him think." - B.B. King

History is made by stupid people - The Arrogant Worms

"The greater the ignorance the greater the dogmatism." - William Osler

"Religion is the natural home of the psychopath" - Pat Condell

"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter" - Thomas Jefferson
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SFN Regular

781 Posts

Posted - 06/02/2006 :  23:18:25   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Send verlch an AOL message Send verlch a Private Message
Originally posted by Kil

All I see are fully formed fossils, drawings, and fossils you think, may be missing links that "evolved" too quickly to be seen by the naked eye in the fossil record.

So, what exactly would an un-fully formed fossil look like? I mean, we have hominid fossils that display traits that are both primitive and modern. Afarensis would be a great example of that. She was fully bipedal and had a hip arrangement much like modern humans. She also has a dental morphology that is tending toward the beginnings of modern and yet she had the cranial capacity of a chimp, and so on. She is clearly transitional. Again, what should she look like if she was un-fully formed?

Edited to add:

I'll help you out Verlch. There is no such thing as an un-fully formed animal. Every transitional is a fully formed and functioning species taking advantage of whatever niche it happens to fill. The only people looking for an un-fully formed animal, which by definition cannot exist, are creationists. It's something more than a strawman. It's a lie foisted on the faithful by those more interested in proselytizing than they are in actually telling the truth… Liars for Christ.

Where are these jaw bones of apes and humans at anyway?

Did you study the other millions of fossils that were normal and not your anomalies to stroke your theory?
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SFN Regular

781 Posts

Posted - 06/02/2006 :  23:23:04   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Send verlch an AOL message Send verlch a Private Message
Originally posted by Kil

All I see are fully formed fossils, drawings, and fossils you think, may be missing links that "evolved" too quickly to be seen by the naked eye in the fossil record.

So, what exactly would an un-fully formed fossil look like? I mean, we have hominid fossils that display traits that are both primitive and modern. Afarensis would be a great example of that. She was fully bipedal and had a hip arrangement much like modern humans. She also has a dental morphology that is tending toward the beginnings of modern and yet she had the cranial capacity of a chimp, and so on. She is clearly transitional. Again, what should she look like if she was un-fully formed?

Edited to add:

I'll help you out Verlch. There is no such thing as an un-fully formed animal. Every transitional is a fully formed and functioning species taking advantage of whatever niche it happens to fill. The only people looking for an un-fully formed animal, which by definition cannot exist, are creationists. It's something more than a strawman. It's a lie foisted on the faithful by those more interested in proselytizing than they are in actually telling the truth… Liars for Christ.

Really, only fully formed animals can exist? Just transforming into another creature so rapidly that the fossil record doesn't record it? Nor can we observe it, purely speculation in the stratosphere.

More like dreams. If it was fine in its present form, than what purpose is it to adapt, and is this how evolutionists are going to become gods, by this process?
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