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 One for Filthy: "Extinct" painted frog survives
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15831 Posts

Posted - 05/19/2006 :  23:24:05  Show Profile Send HalfMooner a Private Message
This is cool news for froggy friends. It's great that this pretty little frog isn't pushing up daisies:
Frog Hops Back into Existence
By LiveScience Staff

posted: 18 May 2006
05:28 pm ET

Survivors of a frog species that was thought to be extinct have been found.

The survivors, discovered in the mountains of Columbia, might be the last holdouts of the painted frog (Atelopus ebenoides marinkellei). Scientists are now racing to protect them.

Other clutches of the frogs have suffered a lethal skin fungus, known as chytridiomycosis, that has wiped out other amphibian populations in Central and South America, researchers said. Scientists hope the fact that these have not succumbed is a sign that other species might avoid elimination by the mysterious fungus.

The painted frog was last seen in 1995.

. . .

The painted frog (Atelopus ebenoides marinkellei), from Colombia. The survival of the harlequin frog provides hope that other species might survive the killer fungus. Credit: Carlos A. Rocha via Conservation International

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Edited by - HalfMooner on 05/19/2006 23:29:15

SFN Die Hard

14408 Posts

Posted - 05/20/2006 :  00:28:48   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send filthy a Private Message
Good to know. Perhaps the remaining frogs have a resistance to the fungus.

Frogs in general are indicator species. If the frog & toad populations are healthy, so is the environment.

Thanks 'Mooner.

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