SFN Regular

1496 Posts |
Posted - 08/01/2008 : 13:40:45
New Robot video.
If I saw this coming I'd run like hell even though it doesn't move fast. Its fast enough however and that insect whine is too much. Might be useful for exploring other planets though!
Diversity, independence, innovation and imagination are progressive concepts ultimately alien to the conservative mind.
"TAX AND SPEND" IS GOOD! (TAX: Wealthy corporations who won't go poor even after taxes. SPEND: On public works programs, education, the environment, improvements.) |

15831 Posts |
Posted - 08/01/2008 : 20:17:41 [Permalink]
I, for one, welcome our new quadrupedal robot overlords.
Damn, that was amazing, especially in how the damned thing handled rough terrain, and recovering after that guy kicked it. (The next version will doubtless kick back.)
“Biology is just physics that has begun to smell bad.” —HalfMooner Here's a link to Moonscape News, and one to its Archive. |
SFN Die Hard

6891 Posts |
Posted - 08/01/2008 : 21:46:34 [Permalink]
It needs a muffler. Or maybe a fuelcell and some electric motors.
Ignorance is preferable to error; and he is less remote from the truth who believes nothing, than he who believes what is wrong. -- Thomas Jefferson
"god :: the last refuge of a man with no answers and no argument." - G. Carlin
Hope, n. The handmaiden of desperation; the opiate of despair; the illegible signpost on the road to perdition. ~~ da filth |
SFN Die Hard

14408 Posts |
Posted - 08/02/2008 : 04:25:57 [Permalink]
That's pretty amazing! It even has a certain grace to it's gait.
Soon, no doubt, we will begin to hear of sightings of the dread chupacabot.

"What luck for rulers that men do not think." -- Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)
"If only we could impeach on the basis of criminal stupidity, 90% of the Rethuglicans and half of the Democrats would be thrown out of office." ~~ P.Z. Myres
"The default position of human nature is to punch the other guy in the face and take his stuff." ~~ Dude
Brother Boot Knife of Warm Humanitarianism,
and Crypto-Communist!