stop the clock
New Member

4 Posts |
Posted - 12/20/2011 : 19:05:20
Alright, so I just want go into the idea about how the New Age movement has sort of embraced conspiracy theories and how it’s become the norm (at least in my mind) for people who practice new age ideas and concepts to believe in conspiracy theories. Either if they are simple or complex conspiracy theories.
Now, from the first topic I started, there may be different viewpoints about what New Age actually is (it’s always been subjective. I would say that the new age movement is basically people who pick and mix anything that sounds "mystical" or "ancient" or "alternative". They believe in alternative medicine and meditation. They think crystals have special powers and like to use quantum jargon that makes no sense but gives them the idea to say things like "we are about to enter another dimension" or that "we are entering a higher level of consciousness". They think it’s possible to channel and communicate with angels or aliens. Or Angelic aliens!
I remember growing up, when the New Age movement started to develop, it was a great big topic for paranoid right - wing Christians. There were endless conspiracy theories about how the so called satanic elite had created the new age movement in order to wipe out Christianity and it installs it as the one world religion when the anti-christ returned to head the NWO. Basically ideas that the New Age movement was being used to get rid of Christianity.
Anyway, I've always become fascinated about how the New Age Movement is now embracing the same conspiracy theories that were used as an attack against them. They say things like how the Illuminati are stopping everybody reaching their full potential. Or that the evil corporate world is destroying the world and you need to use crystal to counter it. A bit silly my examples I know. But they do seem to show a sense of paranoia - and that things like meditation or channelling are somehow a way of trying to either ignore this paranoia or to try and rationalize it by looking for a mystical explanation. Now with 2012 coming up. It’s not uncommon for people in the New Age to say things like, how the ascension will destroy this cabal or that the Maya calendar is some sort of indicator for when we all enter a "higher state of unity consciousness".
To show this I will link 3 articles from a site called Consciousness TV. A typical New Age website:
The first article - http://worldtruth.tv/14-signs-that-the-collapse-of-our-modern-world-has-already-begun-2/ uses many conspiracy theories to explain how society will collapse next year and all terrible things will happen. From GMO hysteria, anti- vaccination, all mainstream media is brainwashing to even the idea that drinking raw milk is better. It takes a number of conspiracy theories to show how the "man" is some sort of evil anti-spiritual entity that is stopping humans progressing. Unlike most New Age articles, it says 2012 will be some sort of beginning of a new era but takes a more pessimistic view.
The second article - http://worldtruth.tv/dead-missing-jailed-bp-whistleblowers/ tries to show us how evil oil companies are killing whistle-blowers and are part of an evil cabal that is controlling the world.
Heck, even thee freemasons seem to be a target of New age conspiracy theories - http://worldtruth.tv/how-to-decipher-the-ancient-sacred-science-2/. Claims that the freemasons are using a secret science and are planting it in many Cathedrals and buildings to give us some sort of subliminal reminding on who runs the world.
My point being, that what was once an easy target for religious paranoia has now become in itself a vehicle to produce delusional ideas on how the world is run. The New age movement 9atleast in my eyes0 is talking about 95% irrationally most of the time, it’s a stunning thing to see how many New Agers seem to show a sense of paranoia and try to use their beliefs in things like chakras and meditation as a way to rationalize this idea by thinking they are somehow not a part of this evil entity and somehow "better".
Dr. Mabuse
Septic Fiend

9691 Posts |
Posted - 12/21/2011 : 01:58:06 [Permalink]
I don't think there's any direct correlation between conspiracy theories and New Age. Rather, it seems to hit all religions/believers equally. As I see it, both New Age and religion is antithetical to critical thinking, and where there is a huge lack in critical thinking, you shouldn't be surprised if you find conspiracy theories. |
Dr. Mabuse - "When the going gets tough, the tough get Duct-tape..." Dr. Mabuse whisper.mp3
"Equivocation is not just a job, for a creationist it's a way of life..." Dr. Mabuse
Support American Troops in Iraq: Send them unarmed civilians for target practice.. Collateralmurder. |
Valiant Dancer
Forum Goalie

4826 Posts |
Posted - 12/21/2011 : 07:00:58 [Permalink]
Originally posted by stop the clock
Alright, so I just want go into the idea about how the New Age movement has sort of embraced conspiracy theories and how it’s become the norm (at least in my mind) for people who practice new age ideas and concepts to believe in conspiracy theories. Either if they are simple or complex conspiracy theories. |
I don't think you've met a lot of New Age Movement people. Your experience seems to be based on the ramblings of the deranged extremists.
Now, from the first topic I started, there may be different viewpoints about what New Age actually is (it’s always been subjective. I would say that the new age movement is basically people who pick and mix anything that sounds "mystical" or "ancient" or "alternative". They believe in alternative medicine and meditation. They think crystals have special powers and like to use quantum jargon that makes no sense but gives them the idea to say things like "we are about to enter another dimension" or that "we are entering a higher level of consciousness". They think it’s possible to channel and communicate with angels or aliens. Or Angelic aliens!
Your definition is very narrow and does not include a good deal of people who self-identify as part of a New Age Movement. Crystal work is one of those things which each crystal has some property assigned to it and those are used (ostensibly by telling the person about the alledged properties) as placebic focii.
What you are referring to are sometimes called tinkly crystal newage crap or fluffy bunny pagans. There has been a marked increase in fluffy bunny pagans in recent years. I blame Silver Ravenswolf for her poorly constructed and poorly researched books which have become popular with the teenager wishing to rebel against their parents.
The Neo-pagan (of which Wicca is a sub-classification) movement is a New Age Movement. It was these groups targeted by the Christian religious right with their Satanist scare (ritual child abuse and murder that did not exist but claimed to exist by these fundie groups)
Meditation has some benefit in relaxation and introspection. In which context are you including meditation.
Alternative medicine depends on the definition of that concept. Herbalism is technically alternative medicine and is the basis for modern pharmacology. Like pharmacology, herbalism identifies not only the malady treated (in the mild forms of such) but also side effects and warns of drug interactions. Any herbalist who claims there are no side effects to herbalism is an idiot or a liar or both.
I remember growing up, when the New Age movement started to develop, it was a great big topic for paranoid right - wing Christians. There were endless conspiracy theories about how the so called satanic elite had created the new age movement in order to wipe out Christianity and it installs it as the one world religion when the anti-christ returned to head the NWO. Basically ideas that the New Age movement was being used to get rid of Christianity.
The New Age Movement started in England about 1890 with the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. You are probably speaking about the 60's when the whole misapplication of mystical concepts within the budding Neopagan Movement got out and was co-opted by the flower children. Real Age of Aquarius types.
Anyway, I've always become fascinated about how the New Age Movement is now embracing the same conspiracy theories that were used as an attack against them. They say things like how the Illuminati are stopping everybody reaching their full potential. Or that the evil corporate world is destroying the world and you need to use crystal to counter it. A bit silly my examples I know. But they do seem to show a sense of paranoia - and that things like meditation or channelling are somehow a way of trying to either ignore this paranoia or to try and rationalize it by looking for a mystical explanation. Now with 2012 coming up. It’s not uncommon for people in the New Age to say things like, how the ascension will destroy this cabal or that the Maya calendar is some sort of indicator for when we all enter a "higher state of unity consciousness".
No. Most of the stuff I have seen is through Christian fundie groups. Some are claiming to be New Age Movement sites when the site owners are fundamentalist Christians. Liars for Jesus is a term often used about these sites where since they can find no evidence for what they think should be out there, they have to fabricate their own to scare their followers into giving more.
To show this I will link 3 articles from a site called Consciousness TV. A typical New Age website:
The first article - http://worldtruth.tv/14-signs-that-the-collapse-of-our-modern-world-has-already-begun-2/ uses many conspiracy theories to explain how society will collapse next year and all terrible things will happen. From GMO hysteria, anti- vaccination, all mainstream media is brainwashing to even the idea that drinking raw milk is better. It takes a number of conspiracy theories to show how the "man" is some sort of evil anti-spiritual entity that is stopping humans progressing. Unlike most New Age articles, it says 2012 will be some sort of beginning of a new era but takes a more pessimistic view.
The second article - http://worldtruth.tv/dead-missing-jailed-bp-whistleblowers/ tries to show us how evil oil companies are killing whistle-blowers and are part of an evil cabal that is controlling the world.
Heck, even thee freemasons seem to be a target of New age conspiracy theories - http://worldtruth.tv/how-to-decipher-the-ancient-sacred-science-2/. Claims that the freemasons are using a secret science and are planting it in many Cathedrals and buildings to give us some sort of subliminal reminding on who runs the world.
These are rehashes of Fundamentalist Christian accusations. I'm not convinced that these are run by New Agers. Some of these harken back to "the Clintons had Vince Foster murdered to silence him" stuff.
My point being, that what was once an easy target for religious paranoia has now become in itself a vehicle to produce delusional ideas on how the world is run. The New age movement 9atleast in my eyes0 is talking about 95% irrationally most of the time, it’s a stunning thing to see how many New Agers seem to show a sense of paranoia and try to use their beliefs in things like chakras and meditation as a way to rationalize this idea by thinking they are somehow not a part of this evil entity and somehow "better".
Again, the fluffy bunnies do this. Not the normal run of the mill Neopagan. |
Cthulhu/Asmodeus when you're tired of voting for the lesser of two evils
Brother Cutlass of Reasoned Discussion |
stop the clock
New Member

4 Posts |
Posted - 12/23/2011 : 02:45:13 [Permalink]
It seems that we have a different view point of what exactly New Age is. When I was growing up and from what I have learnt is that the New Age movement is simple a wide range of people who basically just picked what they liked and mixed it ina bowl. I always classed Neopaganism in a different group. In fact NeoPagan ideas would have also been part of the pick and mix aspect that the New Age chose.
And on the topic about how crazy it can get. Well it was always my view that it ranged from simple people who did things like chakra work, meditation, tarot reading ect. To the batshit insanity where you see people like David Wilcock doing hour long presentations that tries to sound academic and scientific, but just sounds like crap.
Of course with the Internet, there is no end to how it can go. Probably one of the most strangest ones I have seen is this group.
http://vimeo.com/30504548 http://www.templeofsakkara.com/knightsintro.htm http://www.templeofsakkara.com/kencousenstreatise.htm#kenpart2
It has the whole range of what AI see is new age, channeling, meditation, the whole we live in a matrix/hologramp ideas, to ley lines and the Gaia theory, aliens, Earth energy. Basically this woman claims she channelled spirits of the Templars and it has something to do with them knowing some secret knowledge about the Earth being some Energy grid. It goes into weird conspiracy mode by saying that the Priory of Sion/Illuminati have us all brainwashed with a false history and want to use the grid to enslave us. Heck she claims that the intended golden capstone for the Giza Pyramid in 2000 was some sort of plot to suck the Energy out of Earth. I tried reading the whole lot but its just a load of babbling nonsense. And apparently she has PHD. |
SFN Addict

2830 Posts |
Posted - 12/23/2011 : 15:12:01 [Permalink]
Originally posted by Dr. Mabuse
I don't think there's any direct correlation between conspiracy theories and New Age. Rather, it seems to hit all religions/believers equally. As I see it, both New Age and religion is antithetical to critical thinking, and where there is a huge lack in critical thinking, you shouldn't be surprised if you find conspiracy theories. |
Let's not forget. Conspiracy theories aren't always delusional.

There are only two types of religious people, the deceivers and the deceived. SS |