Snuggle Wolf

1487 Posts |
Posted - 09/08/2013 : 11:15:23
The Happy Atheist is a quick easy read, and I felt vindicated at reading some of my thoughts put into print by a prominent atheist. You can pretty much pick a chapter at random, as they aren't necessarily linked, and the chapters range from short to very short.
A favorite chapter is The Purpose-Free Life, a berating of Rick Warren's slave manual, A Purpose Driven Life.
Another favorite chapter is The Great Desecration, about the outrage over the supposed desecration of Eucharist crackers. Hanging on to a cracker is a desecration yet getting your spit on it, digesting it, and pooping it out isn't. Hilarious yet pathetic.
Recommended for those that enjoy seeing the spotlight of reason shown on absurdity and have a good laugh at it. Life is good, especially with such entertaining yet thoughtful reading.