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Posted - 09/05/2017 : 20:46:45
I highly recommend Jass Richards' "The Blasphemy Tour".
It's funny and definitely irreverent.
Here's the blurb from the author's website, along with a couple reviews:
Two Canadian atheists go on a cross-country speaking tour of American Bible Colleges. No, seriously.
The Blasphemy Tour — where philosophy meets stand-up.
“If I were Siskel and Ebert I would give this book Two Thumbs Way Up. Yes, it is blasphemy toward organized religion, but it gives you tons of Bible verses to back up its premises. And besides, it’s pure entertainment. There’s a prequel which I recommend you read first: The Road Trip Dialogues. I only hope there will be a third book.” 5/5 stars L. K. Killian
“With plenty of humor and things to think about throughout, The Blasphemy Tour is a choice pick….” Midwest Book Review
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