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Ms Christel

By David Glück
Posted on: 8/25/2007

Stringing the scammers along, tra-la!

By now we all pretty much know about the 419 Nigerian Scams. Well, not all of us, I suppose, or the perpetrators of the scams wouldn’t keep trying to find new suckers.

I still get the 419 scam letters in my email inbox and routinely delete them. What seems to be new for the scammers is to register at an Internet forum and spam the members with pretty much the same letter they use for email spam, by way of the private message (PM) feature that most forums have.

On March 30, 2007, one “Ms Christel Jean” PMed many of our SFN members for “help” of the 419 kind. And that probably took some time because each PM had to be done individually. And what less fertile ground to find the kind of person who would fall for the scam would a site devoted to skepticism and critical thinking be for Ms Christel?

I just couldn’t resist this one. I decided to get into a conversation with Ms Christel and string the scammer along for as many letters as I could. I know of cases where the scammers were actually scammed by their intended victoms. However, I did nothing so elaborate. My thinking was that if I could waste even a little bit of Ms Christel’s time in pursuit of me, that was time lost for the scammer to engage her(?) talent in the direction of more fruitful pursuits.

I did not try to hide the fact that I am an administrator at SFN. I signed each letter I sent with my usual staff signature. And yet, Ms Christel in one of her letters wrote this back to me: “please I don’t want you to be skepitcal or having doubt of any kind concerning the legitimacy and authenticity of this transaction Pls I want you to give me the benefit of doubts because God Almighty who see everything is watching me and you and we must give an account of everything we did in this world.”

Go figure.

What follows is the exact spam to our private message inboxes and my letter exchange with the scammer. Enjoy!

March 30th

Dearest One,

It's my pleasure to contact you for a business venture which I intend to establish
in your country, though I have not met with you before but I believe one has to risk
confiding in someone to succeed sometimes in life.

My name is Christel Jean the only daughter of late Mr.and Mrs. Lambert Jean. My
father was former director general GOLD/ DIAMOND mining field Kono district sierra-
lone West African also a very wealthy Cocoa merchant in Abidjan, the economic
capital of Ivory Coast West African, my father was poisoned to death by his business
associates during one of their outings on a business trip.

My mother died when I was just a baby and since then my father took me so special.
Before the death of my father on June 2004 in a private hospital here in Abidjan, he
secretly called me on his bed side and told me that he has the sum of seven million,
five hundred thousand United State Dollars ($7.500, 000, 00 USD) left in fixed /
suspense account in one of the prime bank here in Abidjan, that he used my name as
his only daughter for the next of Kin and beneficiary in depositing of the funds. He
also explained to me that it was because of this wealth that he was poisoned by his
business associates.

Due to the incessant political crisis that is happening here and my father enemies
are running after my life in order to kill me now I decided to leave this country
and invest these funds in your country or anywhere safe enough outside Africa for
security purposes. Please I want you to help me to transfer this fund into your
country for investment purposes on the followings below:

International School
Five star hotel

and you will also help me get a good school where I will continue my educational
carrier. If you can be of assistance to me I will be pleased to offer you 20% of the
total fund.For security reason please reply me through my private email

Awaiting your urgent reply
Thank you and God bless you. 
Sincerely yours
Ms Christel Jean

And also on March 30th, I wrote back:

Dear Miss Christel Jean,

Your offer to assist you intrigues me. Please let me know what I can do to help, and how.


David Glück
Skeptic Friends Network

March 30th

Dear David,

Thanks for your prompt responds and my heartily greetings to you this day,I am glad
for your interest in helping me with the funds transfer and investments in your
country, please promise me that you will not betray me when my inheritance funds is
transferred into your account. Be inform that I Place my destination as US in
profile for security reason so I am not In US right now.

Dear David, I wish to inform you that I am a first year medical student of Cocody
University of Abidjan Cote D'ivoire before my father died which made it impossible
for me to continue my eductional carrier here. I lost my mother when I was very
young, I didn't even know her. My father didn't remarry again because he loved my
mother so much, so I became his only child and he took me so special and did
everything for my sake and also deposited the fund in the bank for my sake and for
my future.

I would want to meet with the bank here to request for the transfer to your account
as soon as possible. I want you to know that I want to leave here within the
shortest possible time because I've been humiliated, harrassed, and frustrated by my
immediate uncles in their efforts to take over all my late father's wealth,
according to african tradition,  whereby if a man dies without a son, all his
properties will be shared among his brothers that is (my uncles) This is why my late
father deposited the funds in a fixed/suspense account for further transfer to
oversea account.

Dear David, my continious stay here is not in my best interest as my life is not
guaranteed here due to the injustice current political crisis and killing in this
country. The funds in question is in my name but a mandate was placed on the account
by the depositor which is my father. He mandated the bank to transfer the funds to
his foreign business partner's account which shall be provided by me, been the next
of kin to the deposited funds, This is why I require a good oversea bank account
where  the funds will be transferred to enable me leave here as soon as possible.

I do not want any of my uncles or my late father's close business associates to know
my whereabout for security puroses, right now as I writing to you I am in Amina
Guest house room No:203 nobody knows about this expect as I am telling you now and I
want you to keep it to yourself, I must be very careful dear David and precaution
should be my watchdog.

Find below my address, and other informations for your references. I am sending you
these details in trust and confidence and would want you to keep them absolutely
confidential for security reasons please:

My name and address:
Miss Christel Jean
Lot 15 Rue de jardins
Cote d'Ivoire, West  Africa.
profession: student

My father:
Mr.Lambert Jean. (blessed memory)
Lot 15 Rue de jardins
Cote d'Ivoire West Africa.
Profession: Businessman (Cocoa exporter)

Official address:
Lambert & Lambert ETS.
Export & Import Compagnie
4eme etage, Immeuble la Roi
face de la garde de bassam
Cote d'Ivoire West Africa.

Dear David, my late father was a known cocoa merchant in this West Africa sub-
region. He was one of the big exporters of cocoa produce in this country. I will
appreciate your investment advices as soon as my inheritance funds gets into your
account, because I am ignorant of business and investment world, so I will rely
mostly on your advice in the investment aspect of this transaction. God bless you.

Please we have to proceed immediatley so,send me your photograph and identity or
international passport document to enable me open discussions with the bank in
regards to the transfer. I want you to understand the need for urgency in this
matter, I also want you to provide me with the following information:

1.Your Full Name:

2.Your Address:

3:Your Age:

4.Your occupation

5.Your phone & fax No:

This is for easy communication between us and to enable me fax to you all the
necessary documents covering the money in the bank because seeing is believing,
Above all, I want you to give me your kind assistance in every aspect to get this
fund transfer to your position within few  days so that I will come and stay with
you for the continuation of my educational carrier while you will invest the money
till such a time that I will be matured enough to face the business that you are
going to negotiate for me. please get back to me as soon as possible.

Best wishes with Love,


March 30th

Dear Christel,

I’m really not sure how to proceed. You are asking for some very personal information and before I give these things to you I need to know that you are who you say you are and that my information will be kept in the strictest confidence. I don’t know if you are aware of it (perhaps you are new to the Internet), but there are people out there who are not all too honest! I’m not saying that you are one of them, but I have to be sure. You understand. So I am going to ask that you send me, by email, with or without an attachment, a picture of you and other relevant information so I can truly assess your sincerity and honesty in this matter. After all, you approached me and I need to be sure I am doing the correct thing.

I want to help you but one can’t be too careful these days, if you know what I mean.

You do have my full name by the way.

I am awaiting your reply.


David Glück
Skeptic Friends Network

March 30th

Dear David,

I appologise for the mistake of not sending you the metioned documents by
attachement as said in my previous email. please I don't want you to be skepitcal or
having doubt of any kind concerning the legitimacy and authenticity of this
transaction Pls I want you to give me the benefit of doubts because God Almighty who
see everything is watching me and you and we must give an account of everything we
did in this world.  Dear David before God and man all I am telling is nothing but
the truth. Although it is true that we have not met each other before and I believe
there is always a day to know people in life also one to risk confiding in someone
to succed sometimes in life and many people succeded by taking risk.

I want you to understand that I was born and brought up in a very good  christian
family, my father until his death was the patron also a prayer worrior in our church
(Mountian Of Fire & Miracle Ministries) and I am in deliverance ministry till yet so
I have never sat down before and fabricate a lie. I wish to inform you that the
funds in question was deposited with the name of my late father and my name as the
next of kin. I have been to the bank to confirm the existance of these funds with
the deposit certificate the bank issued to my late father as of the time he made
this deposit and the bank has also reconfirm the deposit with a statement of the
account status, I am assuring you that everything is in order. be rest assured that
this project is 100% risk free and legitimate in the sense that there will never be
any strange protocols or whatever illegality to be attached or associated to it
everything has to be utmost transparent between us. Only what I need from you is to
be a good and honest partner who will assist me to receive these funds over there
for establishment while I continue my education.

It could have been better if I can fly down to your country to know exactly whom I
am dealing with but its unfortunate that I can't afford the air ticket because the
bank made be to understand that I don't have access to the funds until the funds are
transfer out; according to my late father, he mandated the bank that I will have no
acess to the funds until I will be 25 but he told me on his bedside at the hospital
before he died that I must look for foreign partner(s) from any country of my choice
whom I will introduce to the bank as my guardian so that the bank will transfer the
funds to the person for investment and my up bringing hence I solicited for your
urgent assistance due to the current political instability in this country that
resulted to war and cold blood  killing of the innocent people. I regret to inform
you that I am unable to afford plane ticket at this time. Please I want you to help
me get this funds transfer and I am suggesting that you should come down here to see
everything yourself before the commencement of the transaction because seeing is
believing. Base on the genuiness of this transaction I am sending you here in
attachement my Identity card & photos for you to know whom you are dealing with and
before I will send the deposit certificate of the funds with account statememnta and
my late father's WILL I would like you to provide me with those requested
information for my perusal and confirmation in trust with cofidence. Please get back
to me immediately regarding your position

With All love and cares


(Four attachments)

March 30th

Dear Christel,

Well, you sure have an honest face. I have always been good at spotting an honest face. And you definitely have one.

Thank you for the other information. I wish I understood it. But it looks official and I am inclined to go with my heart in this matter.

I just have a few questions, if you would indulge me for a little while longer, please. I’m wondering, out of the millions of people you could have chosen to help you, why you chose me? How did you find me? I mean, I’m not the kind of person who would run off with your money, but how did you know that?

There is a college near here. In fact, there are several. Do you want me to send you any information about those? I could if you want me to. How far have you gotten in school? What year are you in?

I’m sorry for all the questions. But I feel that I should get to know you a bit before I give out my personal information. You understand.


David Glück
Skeptic Friends Network

March 31st

Dear David;
Thanks for your email and noted: I contacted you because of the confidence I have in
the Lord who never fails. I told you earlier that I am a christian born again
worshiping in Mountin Of Fire & Miracle Ministry. Let me use this medium to inform
you that I was born in the church during a sunday service and my late parents
dedicated me to the church. Before God & man I have been faithful to the Lord since
I started growing as a young girl. I believe in everything that God said and I am
alive today just by the special grace of God because I have passed through
difficulties humiliated and rejection here in my country but God uphold me by his
holy hands. dear David I wish God will bestow his spirit on you to know the kind of
person I am. Be inform that it was through prayer I selected you amongst the million
people, I believe that God who made it possible for me to locate you will not let me
As regard to my educational carrier, I am a first year medical student of Cocody
University Abidjan Cote D'ivoire before my father died which made it impossible for
me to continue my educational carrier here. You can go ahead and send me the
information of the colleges you mentioned about.
Please I want you to feel free to ask me any question you do not understand because
one has to be very sure of this to avoid ay mistake. Thanks for your understanding
and God bless.

March 31st

Dear Christel,

I have almost every confidence that you are a very honest person, being a person of faith and all. But your reply leads me to ask some other questions if you can bring yourself to be patient with me.

I’m wondering if God told you about me. I mean, did he say my name? That would be amazing. I really didn’t know God even knew about me specifically among the millions he watches over. That would make me feel truly blessed.

Can you tell me what I would have to do after I send you my personal information? I mean, I can’t afford a ticket to Africa. I, being a humble man, without the means to just leave my family and stop working even for a little while. (I have some savings, but that is for my children when I throw off this mortal coil.)

I will send you the college info later tonight when I get home from work.

Most sincerely,

David Glück
Skeptic Friends Network

April 3rd

Dear David:
Thanks for having trust and confidence in me all just the same way I do for you. Its
really amazing when you asked if God says your name. I want you to know that God
knows you by your name and he knew the numbers of your hairs likewise every human
being. He is the Alpha & Omega, creator of heaven and earth, everything seen and
unseen.that is the God that I am worshping.
Sir, as soon as I recieve your personal information, I will immediately go to the
bank and introduce you as my guardian who want to assist me with the funds transfer
to your position and will request the bank to transfer the funds to you without
further delay and I will be sending you all the legal documents covering the funds
in the bank and stating that I am the original beneficiary of the said funds. Thanks
for your understanding and cooperation.
Take my regards to your dear family

April 4th

Dear Christel,

Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you.

I’m sorry I haven’t sent you the info on colleges yet, but I was called away on an urgent family matter and have not been able to get into my email for several days.

About God, I understand what you are saying, but just how did God tell you about me? That is what I am wondering. This may be a small thing to you but to me it’s very important.

I hope the last several days have gone okay for you.


David Glück
Skeptic Friends Network

April 5th

Dear David,
Thanks for writting me again. Can we proceed with the funds transfer?
Ms Christel

April 5th

Dear Christel,

Wow! Your last letter was pretty darned unfriendly.

I asked you a question that is important to me. And why did you go from being Christel to Ms Christel again? Now I am not even sure you are the same person who wrote to me before. And I was just starting to trust you. Now, I don’t know.


David Glück
Skeptic Friends Network

April 6th

You son of the Bitch please get out the way I am looking for some better people not
you. You actually came my way by mistake.
Ms Miss Mr Christel  David Gluck Jean

April 6th

Dear Ms Christel or whoever you are,

You are not looking for better people. You are looking for fools. People much like you. You spammed a skeptic’s site! How stupid is that? We make it our business to foil people like you. And we make it our business to warn others about your little scam.

Hell, you’re not even smart enough to come up with a name that hasn’t been used over and over again, Ms Christel Jean.

Thanks for the fun!

Of course, more important than my fun is that you are busted and put away as soon as possible.


David Glück (Son of the Bitch)
Skeptic Friends Network

(Please see also “About the 419 (Advance Fee) scam.”)

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