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Skeptic Summary

The SFN's weekly summary of web site additions, forum activity, and other news that may be of interest to the skeptic community.

What's New in Skeptic Summary

Skeptic Summary #398
By The Staff
Posted on: 03/12/2014
Updated on: 03/12/2014

The end and more!

Read entire article...

  • Skeptic Summary #395
    Happy new year, Nye debate, disruptive preacher, Hitchens, same-sex marriage, in the press, Fukushima and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #396
    Holocaust denial, rape apologetics, resolution time, unemployment gone, peel my orange, the Museum of Hoaxes and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #397
    Nye and Ham, wages and gender, Snowden and Nobel, Darwin and creationists, skepticism and global warming and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #398
    The end and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #379
    Sad reviews, Xmas cards, objections, creationism, Relatively Interesting and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #380
    Defense, Beckistan, fighting, nudity, Moon hoax, the Smithsonian and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #381
    Atheist church, cannabis cures, free will, porn-legal, synthetic fuel, skeptic movement origins, NOVA beta and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #382
    Prohibiting drugs, an awesome ticket, Sandy Hook truthers, Pope resigns, Gish dies, a return, the Media Guide, the Evil Pick and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #383
    Ebert, conspiracies, bibliophilia, Nelson, Facebook and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #384
    Helping, viewing, freeing, reminiscing, pleading, trolling and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #385
    Aliens, possums, children, bills, superstition, retirement, the Planetary Society and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #386
    Veganism, truthiness, destruction, feminism, GMOs and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #387
    Racism, questions, TableTop, victories, spinning, genetic literacy and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #388
    Dirty tricks, deep ends, jury verdicts, TAM reports, public domains and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #389
    Our Ninth Summer Spectacular!

  • Skeptic Summary #390
    Assassination, Gullible's Island, character attacks, too awesome, Deep Rifts and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #391
    Shooting blind, leaping frog, busting Robertson, mystery man, horrible verses, federal agency and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #392
    French racism, military religion, Trudeau's contempt, government shutdown, deconverting evangelicals, worlds war and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #393
    Hypothetical cross, hypothetical politics, hypothetical question, hypothetical slavery, not-so hypothetical worlds and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #394
    Christian love, con-man contempt, psychic failure, typhoon relief, streaming ideas and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #352
    The New Year, pasta, Cenegenics, Gingrich, the Ark, solar energy, prayer, self-delusion and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #353
    Starships, philosophies, mirrors, returns, conspiracies, money and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #354
    Ben Stein, SOPA, Jessica Ahlquist, Reason Rally, the Snake Oil Skeptic and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #355
    Deja vu, doggy style, religious annoyances, New Age girls, PCness, Skeptical Science and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #356
    Whispering, mediuming, transferring, expoing and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #357
    The blurry mammoth, gay marriage, yeast, IDiocy, biodiversity and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #358
    Aliens, politicians, shyness, creationism, unworkable devices and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #359
    Randi, trolling, Limbaugh, Area 51, Ancient Aliens, hate speech, evolution documentaries and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #360
    Falsifiability, freethought, aurorae, understanding, Trayvon, the Museum of Hoaxes and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #361
    Ancient monoliths, alleged art, iffy atheism, atheistic hooking, yogic flying, science newsing and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #362
    Ghostie-talkie, Gnuness, damned pagans, dark matters, questioning tone, Listverse and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #363
    Product abuse, unicorn abuse, dog abuse, hiring abuse, land abuse, avoiding abuse and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #364
    Illustration, salt, marriage, Rothamsted, Neil Armstrong and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #365
    Christians and Christians, a special Venus, a GOP meltdown, purpose, sexism, hoaxes and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #366
    Dark Matter, placebos for sale, social justice, SpaceX and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #367
    Conservatives, Nessie, radicals, Republicans, creationists, atheist conversion, the Museum of Unnatural History and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #368
    A real guy, life on Mars, gay marriage, equal criticism, the Affordable Care Act, hating soccer, TAM 2012 and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #369
    The presidency, the madman, the debates and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #370
    Skeptic conversion, equal criticism, mabus, head of household, pets, please help and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #371
    Our Eighth Summer Spectacular!

  • Skeptic Summary #372
    Guilds, debates, mathology, Armstrong, Republicans, arguments, bestiality, transitions, thinking big and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #373
    Found mass, forced giving, riotous movie, George Carlin, the Daily Currant and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #374
    Blankety train, godlessness rising, a big tax bill, ignosticism, the War of the Worlds and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #375
    Atheism, Chick, the election, quaking scientists, blasphemy, UFOs, oatmeal and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #376
    Darth Goofy, lasers, turbines, sore losers, the Secret, Thanksgiving, Olympus Bioscapes and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #377
    Morton, Markuze, masters, buzzwords, satire, Full Documentaries and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #378
    No explanations, no Christmas, no duh, no disabilities, no militias, no algebra, no time and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #266
    Trolltheism, archeological drunks, Santa lies, deeper and deeper, climate consensus, resolutions, Tyson talk and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #267
    Avatar, Dennett redux, gay families, numerology, humanities, reflection and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #268
    Palin failing, pyramid sighting, teabag burning, argument assaulting, AGW denying, apocalypse busting and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #269
    Non-seriousness, relief works, Reiki doesn't, debunking, homeopathy facts and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #270
    Missing something, winning the race, a spectacular shaming, distributing justice, laughing at woo-meisters, escaping Scientology and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #271
    A new series, a propodeception, some Obama answers, crunchy time, the known universe and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #272
    Darwin, homeopathy, presuppositions, Bill Nye, information, disillusion and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #273
    Climate, ignorant law, teabaggers, Trudeau, embarrassment, ancient geometry, Debunkatron and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #274
    A meeting, a species, a depiction, an explanation, an attack, a continuation, a horrible injustice and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #275
    The pipes, the gas, the racism, the awards, the eagles and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #276
    Opinions, borders, not-good stuff, buffoonery, oil, the Holocuast and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #277
    Headdesk, Pi Day, a UFO, a quiz, star stuff, how you help, science-based pharmacy and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #278
    Health care, water, more denial, a member in need, men-men-men, NatGeo videos and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #279
    Catholic hijinks, Hutaree busts, muchas gracias, cheering injustice, eight wonders and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #280
    Homeopathy, skin cancer, conspiracy, lesbians, a worldwide telescope and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #281
    Help, Constitutionality, theocrats foiled, sad people, denialism and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #282
    Ash cloud, contradictions, salty injustice, pick your poison, space hunting and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #283
    A slow launch, a ghost car, a massive distrust, a loss of info, an expelled movie, a strange site and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #284
    Mr. Rogers, the Democrats, horrible video, Mana, Hubble and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #285
    Coolness, divisiveness, stupidness, responsibleness, oceanographicness and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #286
    Black and Beck, the first cell, facts about pot, draw Mohammad, science fair experiments and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #287
    Breastfeeding, shooting oneself in the foot, mutilations, problems, RealClimate and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #288
    Blockade, handy fish, sinkholes, more apologies, bad inventions and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #289
    Dowsing for dollars, blockading for cruelty, leaning on purpose, a filthy infection, metering quackery and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #290
    The last century, brutality, freakiness, magnetics, balance of power, lies and more lies, Darwin's debt, space-face and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #291
    Expertise, anti-atheism, expansion, cancer, chaos and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #292
    Cancer, AZ, RPGs, JVP, WWYD, TAM8, Climate Change, Tone Evidence and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #293
    Speeding, expelling, subverting, toning, viewing and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #294
    Cancer, marriage, bad medicine, counter-intuitivity, bizarre 'truth', baloney detection and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #295
    Our sixth Summer Spectacular!

  • Skeptic Summary #296
    Friends, puzzles, confusion, islamification, fraud, history and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #297
    Home again, replying to woo, very old news, fly it with shame, unexplained mysteries and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #298
    Glenn Beck, weird eyesight, cruddy cure, Bad Universe, a thoughtful blog and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #299
    Burning the Koran, extending your life, telling off the Pope, terminal homeopathy, weird science and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #300
    Identifying gays, rejecting experts, dueling rallies, a big collection and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #301
    Jihadis, arresting the Pope, cheat the wrong way, go indie and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #302
    An atheist win, a fundamentalist fail, a chance for a new trial and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #303
    Faux News, birthday time, one wrong letter, still number one, medical artifacts and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #304
    Cancer, real men, Harris' Landscape, a science-based life and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #305
    Context, closets, dumbasses, the poor persecuted victims, Understanding Evolution and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #306
    Irrelevancy, sub-par arguments, teabaggers, greed, headcolds, God and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #307
    Sagan Day, Election Day, shouting day, rally day, ass day, NASA day and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #308
    Climate change, Olbermann, precognition, dickishness, symphonies and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #309
    A debate, a war, a vendetta, a conflict, a hope, a horrifying list and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #310
    Antivax ads, real skeptics, Arsenic, agnostic dad, precog, Wikileaks, Godzilla and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #311
    Winter blues, unbelievable nonsense, gift ideas and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #312
    Soilage, stupidity, the Solstice, the blame game, the Top Ten and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #219
    Allied atheists, over-the-top Phelps, little people, predictions, the NAS on evolution and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #220
    Work, uninvited guests, Bush-league damage, retirement secrets, smoke and mirrors and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #221
    Replicants, pundits, smokers, hemorrhages, metal, digital bits and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #222
    Consciousness, methane, Barack, Trudeau, pseudoscience and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #223
    Nazis, the GOP, Rove, warming, the Secular Coalition and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #224
    Darwin, Atlantis, Hitchens, Hell, appendices, memory, perception, outrage, polls and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #225
    Antiblashpheming, boiling pots, bizarre experiments and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #226
    Blackly, punch-drunk, halfsies, cheeriness, a real oddity and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #227
    Pie, Moses, crimes, funding, funnies, the end and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #228
    Sermon, the tunnel, the sixth sense, reality, Shermer and a creationist, eagles' homelife, Mexico and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #229
    Marketing, fooling a psychic, cold fusion, Santa, demons and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #230
    Abbie's video, funny or not, a UFO hoax, KKK spoor, a giant "it," old-school Bush, an open mind, interrupting Jesus and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #231
    The Pigasus cometh, evolution was created, dietary detox, reading lips, the benefits of Christianity and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #232
    Holy man, Hitchens, pirates, unranking, scary debate, SkeptiCamp, porno (!!) and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #233
    AiG, Shermer, Hawking, Phelps (no, not that one), a smoldering gun, the Shroud and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #234
    Detox redux, oink-oink, switcheroo, O Canada, the HuffPo disaster and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #235
    The NCSE and religion, sex and thoughts, transitionals, lotsa free stuff, Cosmos and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #236
    Another missing link, tearing into the Bible, Libertarianism, truth in advertising, more atheism, visual illusions and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #237
    Darwinius, many miles, sucky anti-change, three wolves, bogus therapies, biodynamics and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #238
    Deconversion, failure to confirm, banning Scientology, a wedding, the economy, why it matters and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #239
    Twits, suckiness, love, your best life and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #240
    Completely idiotic, hunting witches, Oprah's whacky world of health, em are deity, opinions are like... and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #241
    A slow week, but with an epic article, a speech and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #242
    Darwin axed, MJ sighted, Sanford shamed, moderators challenged, universe curved, hot women painted and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #243
    Popularity, divine existence, exorcism, a meeting to get to, science tidbits and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #244
    Fence-sitting kiss-off, I see an M and a J, resigned to be a clown, lucky number, a quest, a great site and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #245
    Penn & Teller, quote-piling, Cronkite, TAM7, Monster Talk and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #246
    Morality, lies, unsupported junk, photographs, the future and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #247
    Skeptic intro, absolutely nuts, deceptive movie, Unscientific America again, a user-friendly tree-of-life and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #248
    Idiots all around, Dawkins and Wright, the CreoZerg, Atheism defined and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #249
    Our fifth Summer Spectacular!

  • Skeptic Summary #250
    Frankly smacked, suggesting guesswork, massive unscientific people, religion-free kids, Venter and Dawkins and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #251
    Obama's yakking, filthy's scattering, Kennedy's passing, funereal whining and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #252
    A book, a death, a speech, a break, a justice system and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #253
    ACORN, bay, stone, accomodation, reserves, brain-melting and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #254
    A retreat, a mangy wolf, a bad book, a snake with a leg, a question of governance, a chasm to bridge and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #255
    A birthday, a new dream, more fallacies, a prize-winner, some peddlers, a non-atheist, some old lights, a few toys and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #256
    Balloon busting, antivaxxing, evolutionizing, death-dealing, fact checking, Beck parroting and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #257
    Goodness, divisiveness, nerdiness, musicalness, photogenicness and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #258
    Clark, Inhofe, Scott, Comfort, Johnny, Bert and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #259
    Biology, politics, magic, lying, fish, yes men and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #260
    Rising incidence, ages missing, passing the House, water quantums, ontology, politics, Sagan and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #261
    The future, the present, the strange, the idiotic, the hallucinogenic, the critical and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #262
    Creationistii interuptus, powdery prayers, WTF?, the one-and-only Debunkatron and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #263
    Designer arguments, bigoted architecture, exploding corn, questioning religion, booking skepticism, rejecting woo, blazing trails and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #264
    Religion, the Senate, an Amazing opinion, spiraling, skeptic strategy, the worst dissertation, humbug, climate answers and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #265
    Nazis, skepticism about science, climate denialists and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #173
    Huckabee, creationism, NPR, wannabe martyr, conspiracy, the new year, the afterlife and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #174
    Oh the humanities, down with mercury and up with autism, Hovind has competition, weighty matters, godfull scientists, myths and misconceptions and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #175
    Hell, Mercury, student religion, the results are in, the Commie threat, pages and pages of Simanek and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #176
    Hell, Randi, telepathy, PZ is my hero, girls and boys, get a human and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #177
    Eating their own, NERDS!, shutupshutupshutup, rumbling, infoscams and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #178
    ID questions, expelled questions, science questions, true questions, perpetual questions, predictable questions, rights questions, Scientology questions, scary questions and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #179
    A christian, a messiah, a terrorist act, an argument, a cave-in, an artist and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #180
    Bad gas and good light, making the left twitch, lonely and wrong, many dead soldiers, media over matter, 24 extra hours and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #181
    Hagee's endorsements, NWO forever, being unbalanced, bad psychics, the market's mind and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #182
    Racism, psychicity, not-so-free energy, many many tests and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #183
    Bible studies, an epic-fail expulsion, the nature of consciousness and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #184
    Dance you maggots, deep-sea fishing, utter filth, a true obscenity and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #185
    Goring Gore, believers beware, Biblical astronomy, fatherhood, Kansas, Newton, hoaxes and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #186
    Lamarck, abortion, Expelled and Ben Stein and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #187
    Expelled (of course), blinkies, altmed, a big pony and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #188
    Phelps, PZ, revisions, atheism evolving, the price for one's integrity, the sleep cost of an ex and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #189
    Flat food, good god, nair, wrong, smackdown, very odd people and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #190
    Skeptical exercise, a new tool, a question for the areligious, slowing down, the belief engine and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #191
    Mommy fish, warming, frogamander, more fossils, laughing last and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #192
    Happy almost birthday, BS post BS, an unreal discussion, then a real one and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #193
    Darwin, Christianity, hair and flamingos, math, 9/11, skepticism and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #194
    UFOs, hamming it up, water proof, TAM6, banana-nono, harm-shmarm and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #195
    High mileage, justice is served, rethinking, help!, the awesomeness, Masonic lies, poor old Sylvia and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #196
    Collision insurance, collapsing stories, questionable authorship, price panic, dying to meet God and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #197
    Re-hi, pokey-pokey, no can run, north-vs-south, Catholics-vs-Catholics, another SFN and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #198
    Catholics of course, re-Steined, a Savage attack, oh really?, punishment, energy healing and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #199
    Vote outside the box, Expelled, astronautic nonsense, nifty rover, daily science and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #200
    Our fourth Summer Spectacular!

  • Skeptic Summary #201
    Anthrax nick, religious debates, stupidity, snow-beasts, becoming them again, checking facts and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #202
    Not-so-free markets, scholarly Googling, Obama's second, a Bigfoot let-down, didja know and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #203
    Ray's comfort, hiding the truth, Gary's illusion, varying decay, sideshows and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #204
    Chick vampirism, Darwinian idol, same-old stuff, Speedy McSpeederson, science at this moment and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #205
    Eats, playing god, head/desk, dying experts, collapsing physics, privileged lies and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #206
    Electioneering (a lot of it), happy birthday Jacob!, a massive subject, prying eyes and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #207
    Design, Africans, debate, geocentrism, the crisis, Coulter, archival quality, the West Memphis Three and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #208
    Numbers, accusations, evangelizing, apologies, conspiracies, food poisoning and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #209
    Ex-what? Socia-what? So many crises! Plus, fugliness, medias mattering and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #210
    Medicinal fakery and trickery, UFOs declassed, miracles, memory lane, Halloweeny goodness and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #211
    Motoring, biasing, warming, crashing, exploring and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #212
    Demonic, fantastic, imbecillic, historic, improbabilistic, anachronistic, deific and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #213
    Mocking the hunters, killing the corporations, blaming the book, simplifying the stupid, sending the unknown and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #214
    Blasphemy, spamerica, psychology, abuse, fundies and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #215
    Billboards, try your luck, meaningless death, important stuff, rotten stuff and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #216
    New creationist, slacker atheists, incorrect skeptics, pumped doctors, tons of newness, bad parenting and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #217
    Chickens, spacetime, weird things, hardcore, getting schooled and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #218
    Art, answers, morality, theft, death and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #124
    Kil sent, born again atheist, grab the default, extra-cool, reDiscovery and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #125
    The Canon, the one God, the skepticism, the Science News and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #126
    Hovind goes to prison, flying cars vanish, God goes to YouTube, believers become crazier, quacks become visible and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #127
    Magic, neutrality, slurs, metaphors, bad stuff, Websurdities and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #128
    McCain, the universe, evidence, blackmail, the whore, warming ID and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #129
    Atheism, vaccines, victims, Randi down under, Libertarianism and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #130
    Books, myths, mottos, religions and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #131
    Apes, ID, big industry, making sense, the borderline, politics and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #132
    Jesus, predictions, smoke, flying saucers, psi-balls, parties and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #133
    Flying saucers, lost worlds, testing religion, chess, BJU and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #134
    Migraines, illusions, Stark, associations, venoms and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #135
    Self-delusion, mastication, we're needed, activists, woolly thinking and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #136
    Revisitng the Sun, museum depression, skeptical defaults, Einstein, Rove rap and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #137
    Atheism, shilling, abductees, interview and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #138
    Prayer, the Pope, Vonnegut, denial, last words, big lies and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #139
    Massacre, Egnor, season opener, Hovind update, vices, Stonehenge and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #140
    Bush-league lawyers, earthiness, more of the same, not-so-good news, the solution, Nessie and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #141
    Climate change, CNN, simulations, activism, an old challenge, superlative and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #142
    All sorts of 9/11 bafflegab, science sense and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #143
    Edgumackashun, bye-bye Jerry, conspiracists, fairly stupid, Edwards revisited, climate skepticism and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #144
    Freebies, museums, opinions, tips, conspiracies and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #145
    Creationism, eugenics, evolution, fairness, organs and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #146
    Museum reflux, unethics, a joke, Chinese fakery, Philly psychics, podcasts, the gap, Null Hypothesis and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #147
    9/11 vindication, Cho was clean, Surface flattened, plane tickets, logical deism, alternative medicine, strange science and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #148
    Bugs, predictions, names, perpetual scams, Lincoln, balloons and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #149
    CRASH!, origins, more origins, meaning, answers, galaxies and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #150
    Booklists, beating a theoretical dead horse, bad metaphysics, bad psychics and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #151
    Possum, Paul, convention, feedback, WWN and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #152
    Our third Summer Spectacular!

  • Skeptic Summary #153
    God's wrong, the inexplicable, fossils, job offers, Noah's Ark, science reporting and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #154
    Anti-gay crusaders, huge void, woo clubs, unscience, lawsuit, Moon hoax, email scam, Sleights of Mind and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #155
    Guns, God, warming, Dembski, evolution, Andrus and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #156
    Busts, sightings redux, possible Presidents, Canadian bunk, clowns, brain death, skeptic tricks and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #157
    9/11, the consensus, putting the 'fun' in fundamentalism, Odin!, contradictions, cool videos and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #158
    Bush, Tasering, malfunctions, the money quote, a briefer history and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #159
    Craig, discrimination, more discrimination, ideas please, shared genes, your source, quirks and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #160
    Bush, CNN, a textbook, more money quotes, the flat Earth and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #161
    Peaceful Gore, inducted Falwell, singular AI, rubberized Pastor, Chinese Moon, challenged psychics and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #162
    Criminal actions, torture, relativity's Waterloo, following a trend, old Behe, go see Bob and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #163
    Immediacy, cabling, idiocy, fingers, more cabling, bending and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #164
    Laws and religion, Jeffrey Dahmer of all people, Scientology, retractions, Our Lady of Revenge and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #165
    Questionable prophet, questionable politics, questionable religion, questionable greatness, questionable reproduction, questionable beliefs and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #166
    New staff, proponentsists on trial, curved-Earthers, Behe wrong, the UN, risky health news and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #167
    Trolling tactics, bad fields of knowledge, time to die, blatant plagiarism, tobacco, data gone wild and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #168
    Info, Sunday, firing, faith, China, hoops, holidays and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #169
    Courts and God, Gonzalez and tenure, teens and sex, 'Mooner and revenge, evolution and otherwise, acreage and the Moon and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #170
    Global denial, recognizing Xmas, prediction recap, hacked, fe-sun, holiday shopping and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #171
    Happy something, denial en masse, creationist kills, it's viral, a new contest, skeptical ignorance and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #172
    Rumbling, psychowhatsits, humbuggery, confusion, a collision, resolutions and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #74
    New museum, new wonders, new disaster, new label, not-so-new psychology and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #75
    Fresh stale air, being skeptical of skeptics, disproving God, cyclopia, Bill Scott's antievolution, a new carol, hits and misses and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #76
    Fake saucers, still more Sun surfacing, a psychic offer, how to be a psychic and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #77
    A sad day, crackpottery, Hovind appearance, feature suggestions, new age music and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #78
    O'Reilly, Hovind, Bush, King, Mozina, With, Stossel and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #79
    Randi's attack, Mozina's nonscience, Bush's possible coup, Derek's shirt, Darwin's birthday and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #80
    Our missing week, aborting abortion, healing or wishful thinking, clogged arteries, Iraqi freedom of conflict, more T-shirts, special podcast and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #81
    Terrorist switcheroo, a failed museum, a Catholic town, strut your SFN, a creation science fair and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #82
    An overreaction, a bunch of semantic nonsense, unthinking proponents, probing Saturn, Daniel Dennett, TAM4 and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #83
    Dumb, soulful, scientological, stifling, biasing and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #84
    Special note, untrusted and loving it, roll out the rolls, chain letter of fools, criticism and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #85
    Another special note, a trifecta of hat tricks, eggstanding, best of the best, workable cloning and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #86
    They're toads, revisiting foxholes, the antichrist, cyclopia, dumb questions, strange science and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #87
    Transitionals, Ceasar, atheist missionary, zombies, Bush, the fantastic and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #88
    ACLU and Phelps, 'round like a record, easter attacks, hijacked, judicial activism, becoming human and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #89
    New feature, atheist anger, bigotry and then some, reborn top-10 list, visiting the capitol, darwinism and God, beliefs, kooks and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #90
    New feature, the big 10, Colbert and Bush (twice), Washington (again!), Icke reptiles, Kenneth Miller and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #91
    Noah, 419ing, plastics, science, pseudoscience and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #92
    9/11 again, Robertson again, that damn monkey again, conspiracies again and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #93
    Cloaks, microbes, prayers, revisiting old links and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #94
    Shakeup!, reminders, Masons, microbes, eggs, icons, something fugly, the Ark, egg details, nukes and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #95
    The trip, the date, the art, the clones, the asteroids, the worms, the conspiracies and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #96
    Survival, space, advancements, calls, cures, Bigfoot and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #97
    Bigfoot neutrality, brave integrity, spider creativity, robotic calamity, Bigfoot fatality, Scientologist insanity, website nativity and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #98
    Consciousness, matter, a pyramid, ucky stuff, separation and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #99
    Archeobibliology, antimatter blackholes, asteroids, false research results, bad moves and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #100
    Evading taxes, surviving Rapture, questioning constants, distrusting media, blogging stupidly, attacking science and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #101
    Explosions, beatings, lies, confusion and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #102
    Technological Chick, funny FAQ, apt criticism, dishonest fiction, the whole universe and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #103
    Passion, armageddon, hope, terror and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #104
    Our second Summer Spectacular!

  • Skeptic Summary #105
    An institute, a child, a virgin, a fine line, a movie, an important skeptical question and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #106
    Storm, Pluto, Coulter, Illusions and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #107
    Microfascists, sharks, churches, spammers, scammers and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #108
    Americans and evolution, volcanos and carbon, ABC and reality, aliens and bars, scammers and scamees and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #109
    Confessions, designs, exorcisms, Heavens, conspiracies and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #110
    Batteries, missionaries, needlers, psychics, queries, biases and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #111
    Amaz!ing, debunking, mirroring, butt-kicking, chipping, rushing and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #112
    Nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, skeptical help, conspiracies and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #113
    Korea, being clear, truth, abortion, 9/11 war and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #114
    Big fizzle, molten whozeewhatzee, Hovind in the news, funny stuff, Numenware and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #115
    Near death, Jomanda, trivia, vampires, smarts, daddy and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #116
    A hero, a prisoner, a recommendation, a theory, a scientist, a remarkable finding and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #117
    Dennet, politics, synthetic coal, Sagan and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #118
    Marriage, ID, liberalism, NASCAR, squirrels and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #119
    Science and religion, Christmas and the ACLU, CPUs and desires, pointlessness and coolness and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #120
    Madness, swearing, humor, compatibility, pranks and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #121
    Send Kil, remember Carl, antiscience, ignorance, predictions, moonscapes, Shermer and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #122
    Send Kil, convert or debug, legal literacy, O'Reilly's kneejerking, Carl Sagan and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #123
    Send Kil, Xmas, flatulence, Kwanzaa, stickers, predictions, podcasts and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #22
    Back to basics, spew, bad ideas, a top-10 list, blaming gays, vampire turtles and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #23
    Again with Babylon, Founding Fathers, textbooks, claims, mottos, predictions, festive dead critters, black (magic) Russians, and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #24
    False memories, more predictions, James Randi, the Belief-o-Matic, java, disproving evolution, false memories, false memories and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #25
    Calling all skeptics (yawn), Bush agonies, death penalties, Johnny Carson, dinner, false memory syndrome, the New Age paradigm shift and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #26
    Dr. Mayr passes, impossibilities, Olympic math, tiny mummy, old-fashioned creationist, Sin City, Cold Reading, God and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #27
    Fate and karma, spinning, illuminati, procreation, non-"enemies," haikus and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #28
    Lego my doctrine, computer hell, sky disc or frisbee, life on Mars, may the Schwartz avoid you, Miracle Thaw redux and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #29
    A stumper, a bumper, a floater, a bender, a waste, a challenge and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #30
    Brights, geniuses, physicists, biochemists, historicists, creationists, a damned game and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #31
    Possible eruption, calling all conservatives, rewarding equivocation, who needs help, NDEs and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #32
    Loftus in a new light, ad hominem mastery, mercury, judicial activism, the FMSF is an educator and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #33
    Banning, lingering, twisting, eye-popping, racing and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #34
    Good communications, SEO gone crazy, eeeeevil, dirty secrets, Darwin's badgers and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #35
    Hammesfahr's Nobel, creationism gone wild, Skeptic News news, determinism, best of March, archeology and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #36
    Fifteen, a promotion, ephedra, religious traps, goals, Tyrannosaurus, paralysis and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #37
    An evolutionary, name that movie, the new Pope, keep on truckin', the life of slime, religion's influence and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #38
    EU Constitution, guns-guns-guns, atheist proof, save an embryo, unproven therapies, Jesus and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #39
    Praying, designing, depressing, fanning, philosophizing, biting, abducting and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #40
    Consciousness, contradictions, the heat in Kansas, unlucky days, Macs, Scientology and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #41
    Barna, fundies, greetings, logical deism, peace, popes, newage and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #42
    The Pentagon plane, three-ring creationism, more newage, buckley's beliefs, higher powers, ex-woos and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #43
    Dull knives, ugly sentences, obvious politics, silly theories, contradictory verses, super germs, reality carnivals and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #44
    Dardnest things, somewhat more logical deism, uber-skepticism, Joe Nickell, skepticism's burden and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #45
    Global warming, the heat in Kansas, American Taliban, a fish story, a fashionable dictionary and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #46
    Project me to the Moon, drunk on foolishness, religionology, cheap-and-easy mastery, the evil eye and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #47
    Protests, baloney on BS, introductions, the media, workings, bad Hovind fruit and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #48
    Atheism sucks, myth at the zoo, nukes are bad, a special gift, advertisements, exemplaries, hoaxes and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #49
    Two notable events for our forums, hominids with attitude, and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #50
    SLOT, paracops, doubting atheists, puzzles, changing one's mind, science as a hobby and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #51
    Ghostly theory, annoying Americans, banning smoking, Pascal's wager, plague, secondhand smoke and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #52
    ID and Bush, death and taxes, hypocrisy and date-rape, nukes and nonsense, audio and pops, bovines and pollution and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #53
    An anniversary blowout!

  • Skeptic Summary #54
    Religion, conspiracies, wind power, the NCSE and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #55
    Religious scientists, Robertson's chutzpah, global warming, free power, Intelligent Design creationism and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #56
    Katrina, tearing down the Big Tent, Bush and ID, ID and FSM, God and gays, ghosts and tests, politics and origins and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #57
    Non-hurricane devestation, the Governator, common descent, shadowy figures, anti-NASA dogmatism, computer crap, Sylvia, SHARE and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #58
    Obesity, pledging, the wrath of Katrina, telepathetic powers and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #59
    Behe squawking, Derek healing, HYBRID abusing, island sinking, science failing and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #60
    The problem with ID, the problem with Trudeau, the problem with DeLay, the problem with 9/11, the problem with conspiracies and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #61
    Get a wedgie, get more power, get another planet, get a terrorist, get better, get healthy, get rid of bogus science and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #62
    10,000 floors and rising, hobbits, a real surprise, baloney and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #63
    Dover, Starkid, DeLay, false memories, Bullshit! and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #64
    Zap your daddy, fly into flames, get fresh needles, a terrifying website and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #65
    Spread the word, SLOT once again, creationist speaker, evolution, StarChild, goodbye Allan and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #66
    "The" argument, the supernatural, the myth, the hat, the newage, spirituality and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #67
    Duties elsewhere, protochicken eggs, Unitarian Holy War, musical genes, speaking engagement, analogous arguments and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #68
    Hypothetical genes, hypothetical surfaces, the best equation ever, old ID, Bowie and the occult and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #69
    UFOs, OK?, cold reading, the Sun's surface, a material skeptic, trolling tips, the evolution of Darwin and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #70
    Asteroids, pornography, predictions, quackery and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #71
    Bruce and God, still more Cassini, life and death, honesty, weird inventions and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #72
    Happy whatever, asteroids and guns, creationism writ annoying, a non-activist judge, predict the future, stupid stuff and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #73
    A new year, some new gear, brand new fear, gimme another beer, pop another dear, why we're here, for ID not a tear and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #1
    Perhaps Koko can fix the two-party system, the prodigal son returns, atheists get the short stick, bizarre critters, follow the bouncing activist, and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #2
    Rabid lepers, agnosticism in the spolight, the never-ending thread, going off to college, Hubbard's evolution and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #3
    Agnosticism again, mysogynist alert, welcome to the newbie, possibly grotesque, being right for the wrong reasons and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #4
    Spooky stuff, SETI, email, circles and squares, the West Memphis Three, Monty Python and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #5
    Artificial intelligence, SETI revisited, picturesque balloon, creationists, book queries, paranoia and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #6
    Alternative meds, ugly history, a missing cookie, paralyzed paradigms, um... blindness, and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #7
    Divine questions, a new fallacy, psychic help (or not), smog for health, Bible incest and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #8
    Harry Potter and the Book Burners, psychics wishing, the candidates head-to-head, spilling gray matter, converting the believers, why we have those beliefs, and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #9
    Name that sound, yet another debate, hippo-birdy-two-ewes, sending your money to Malaysia, evolution's boost from the Bible, advice for debates and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #10
    Not that debate, ponzi defense, poll questions, the fiction channel, help for the hoax-challenged, modern myths and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #11
    CNN capped, more of the debate, home computation projects, forced broadcast, modern Noah, J.R. "Bob" Dobbs and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #12
    Voting, balancing, explaining, debating, offending, politicking, flaming and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #13
    The Air Force, the flying brain, the Redskins, the fence-sitters, and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #14
    We've got an awkward work situation, an awkward radio pause, our calendar, our pseudoparanormal stories, a trip to La-La Land, and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #15
    Seeking imbalance, seeking answers, seeking disproof, seeking a sign, seeking categorization and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #16
    Mmmmmmm... Mary, Boat of Ages, poop on Randi, our new flunky, disclaimer Heaven, pick a door... any door and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #17
    Babylonian Freemasons, reading minds, debate update, new(er) staff, a plea for posts, punny chatting, a dreamy game and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #18
    Nextgen English, cartoon skepticism, joke-joke-real-joke, therapy near the holidays, despair and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #19
    Belief and education, God and evil, chickens and eggs, predictions and failure, wombats and opossums, studies and pointlessness and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #20
    Season's greetings, hollow Earth, user names, consumer pollution, abuse of power, scary/haunted places, James Randi, Mark Twain and more!

  • Skeptic Summary #21
    Cloned cat, bad quake, desired inventions, post sluts, female skeptics, resolutions, EVP and more!

   Table of Contents

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