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Scientists go on Faith

By Christian Believer
Posted on: 4/24/2002

All correspondence received by Skeptic Friends Network or its staff becomes the property of Skeptic Friends Network, and may be printed without the consent of the author.

Faith! Ah, why didn't I see that before?!

To:   David Glück (Kil)
From: Christian Believer
Date: Unknown

I read what you wrote about faith in your different articles on the
Atheist web page. You said that it's skepticism that leads to
discovery. Well, all our scientists in the world go on faith. How can
they not? They don't know the facts. They cannot prove alot of their
theories. They are theories. Evolution. Scientists go on faith. Most
of this world is on faith. You have faith that you will have a job
tommorrow. You have faith that you will be safe in your own home.
Everything is going on faith. 

In my life everything is on faith in JESUS. He is my Savior and Lord.
I have faith in HIM. I am not scared of anything because as scripture
goes, when GOD is with you, who can be against you?

The end is coming soon. Jesus will come and save us. Please change
your faith.

To:   Christian Believer
From: David Glück (Kil)
Date: Unknown

May I suggest that you read “Scientific Truth” at our Skeptic Friends Network Web site? Sounds like this information might be if use to you…

To:   David Glück (Kil)
From: Christian Believer
Date: Unknown

I read the skeptic friends web page and here is what I have to say:
1. First of all you said that engineers and computer science majors
don't have the background to talk about science and faith. I am an
engineer if that means anything. Well, my sister is a biology major,
graduating this semester and she gives every ounce of credit to God.
We have talked about passages in the Bible where archeologists
actually use the Bible to find something here on Earth. There are many
scientists who use the Bible to find things on this Earth. How can
someone believe that part of the Bible but not another? It doesn't

2. Are you familar with the Hebrew Code? It is a coding system in the
Hebrew langauge of the Bible. SCIENTISTS use computers, and as an
example take every 17th letter out of Genesis. It spelled out JESUS
300 times. Coincidence? Other names like Sadamm, Hitler, JFK, places
and dates were also found using this method, only to name a few. The
names and places went along with the passage in the Bible as well.
SCIENTISTS tried this on many other historical and religious books and
couldn't find a thing that made any sense. I don't believe in the
slightest that this is coincidence. I have found no one that can prove
this wrong and I have found no one to disprove the Bible. This, in my
opinion, proves it was GOD breathed.

3. Jesus has changed my life!! THERE is some proof that you can
physically see if you need to see results with your own eyes. I used
to not care about anyone or anything. Jesus made me care!! I needed
money for college this year, and after praying, a few weeks later I
was given 1000 dollars. I also have no worries. Of course I have some,
but not as I used to. I have given my whole life to Jesus Christ and
it has changed my life for the better. I know that we will never meet
so you will never be able to see these physically, but I would just
like to ask you how you cannot believe the other facts I have given

If you need to see any miracles in this day and age, go to a hospital.
Watch a baby being delivered, watch a cancer patient somehow make it
when the doctors don't have an explanation, and watch the miraculous
sky and diversity of the life on Earth.

I hope you have some new thoughts and convictions. If not, give the
Bible a try. You will be truly amazed and in awe. God bless you.

- Christian Engineer in the Making

To:   Christian Believer
From: David Glück (Kil)
Date: Unknown
I know I’m going to regret this but I’ve decided to answer this letter.

You say:
1. First of all you said that engineers and computer science majors don’t have the background to talk about science and faith.
I never said any such thing. I was making a point about the “scientists” at the Institute for Creation Science. I said that a degree in engineering or computer science does not qualify them to speak with knowledge on subjects like biology, astronomy, geology and anthropology. What I’m saying is, while they might have opinions, they are not experts in the natural sciences.
I am a engineer if that means anything.
No, sorry, it means nothing at all.
Well, my sister is a biology major, graduating this semester and she gives every ounce of credit to God.
I hope she doesn’t forget to credit God on her resume.
We have talked about passages in the Bible where archeologists actually use the Bible to find something here on Earth. There are many scientists who use the Bible to find things on this Earth. How can someone believe that part of the Bible but not another? It doesn’t click?
So, what you’re saying here is that if there is some historical accuracy in the Bible, then it must all be true. Do you feel the same about Mein Kampf?
2. Are you familar with the Hebrew Code? It is a coding system in the Hebrew langauge of the Bible. SCIENTISTS use computers, and as an example take every 17th letter out of Genesis. It spelled out JESUS 300 times. Coincidence? Other names like Sadamm, Hitler, JFK, places and dates were also found using this method, only to name a few. The names and places went along with the passage in the Bible as well. SCIENTISTS tried this on many other historical and religious books and couldn’t find a thing that made any sense. I don’t believe in the slightest that this is coincidence. I have found no one that can prove this wrong and I have found no one to disprove the Bible. This in my opinion proves it was GOD breathed.
Well, I hate to be the one to break it to you but this coding thing has been debunked and debunked again. I’m providing some links so you can read up on what you say no one has proven wrong.

[Links missing from original - Ed.]

There are parts of the Bible that, if taken literally, are wrong, by the way. It pretty much boils down to how you interpret what’s there. For example, if you believe a flood covered the entire Earth with water you would be pretty much wrong. There is no support for that in the geological record. On the other hand, you might take that story as a parable. If so, you get no argument from me.
If you need to see any miracles in this day and age, go to a hospital. Watch a baby being delivered, watch a cancer patient somehow make it when the doctors don’t have an explanation, and watch the miraculous sky and diversity of the life on Earth.

I hope you have some new thoughts and convictions. If not, give the Bible a try. You will be truly amazed and in awe. God bless you.
I look at all these things and think, I’m happy I don’t have all the answers because it gives me a reason to go on looking and questioning…

To:   David Glück (Kil)
From: Christian Believer
Date: Unknown

I am glad that you answered my letter and I read the reports that you
asked me to read. They said it was like one in a million. The name
JESUS comes up 300 times in Genesis. I hardly call that chance. 

Not going on any facts or figures or anything now. WHY ARE WE HERE ON
EARTH? What is life worth living for if there is no GOD? I could die
today and it really wouldn't matter. This life wouldn't be worth
living without GOD. I have told this to another non-believer and she
said to have fun and live a life with a family. Thats great. We get
about 60-70 years of fun and then we die. For what though? I can
hardly believe someone can believe this.

One more reason in the Bible. How could the disciples possibly go
through that persecution if they did not know that Jesus was the Son
of GOD? They were there and saw the miracles and saw the love of
Christ. They were being killed because of their beliefs for goodness'

I don't think that my knowledge of 19 years is ever going to sway you
in any way. I hope someday something in your life will make you see
that God really does exist, and that Jesus came and died for our sins
and loves everyone on this Earth very much. I hope you live a good
life and I hope GOD blesses it.

To:   David Glück (Kil)
From: Christian Believer
Date: Unknown

I have yet to see you tell me exact passages where the Bible is wrong,
and I don't think you will be able to. I am sorry but I at least gave
you evidence of my own life and experiences. I noticed you never said
anything about my other e-mail about if there was no God and how
hopeless a life would be. I am sorry if I have wasted any of your
time. I hope that you have a good life, but I also hope you will find

To:   Christian Believer
From: David Glück (Kil)
Date: Unknown
What are we missing here? I told you the Flood story is a matter of interpretation, that there is no evidence in the geological record for a flood of biblical proportions. I mentioned that I enjoy questioning and learning. I sent you to an area that debunks the Bible code and you came back, said you read it and it supports Bible code. I asked you to read “Scientific Truth” on our site and you came back and said you’re an engineer. Etc… Frankly, I hope you’re not going to be building any bridges that I’ll ever be driving on…

Have a nice life.

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