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Home Fan Mail Praise for Info on Creationism/Evolution Debate
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Praise for Info on Creationism/Evolution Debate

By Nordica M. Friedrich
Posted on: 4/24/2002

All correspondence received by Skeptic Friends Network or its staff becomes the property of Skeptic Friends Network, and may be printed without the consent of the author.

A letter which really warms the cockles of an old skeptic's heart.

To:   SFN
From: Nordica M. Friedrich
Date: Unknown

This letter is probably going to be received amidst a bunch of more
important e-mails, but I absolutely must commend you on the neat way
you present the Evolutionist case on your Web site. I don't really
know who you are, and I don't even know your name, actually... But you
are one of the most enlightening people I have come across on the Web.

I was feeling bored an particularly hateful about the fact that my
intelligent, educated, best friend whom I had met over the Internet
(and was the same age as me -- 12) was a creationist. I only recently
discovered this, and as an evolutionist, I was saddened by the fact
that someone so smart could be so blind.

Since I only recently learned about the Creationist theory, I've
become interested in the difference of the two. Since I learned my
best friend was a creationist, after a heated discussion in a "chat
room", where I had to kick another creationist out because he was
interfering with my friend's logical thinking, I've been trying to
convince her that however brilliant she may be, her believing in the
creationist theory makes her look... bluntly put... awfully dumb.

As a late night Web surfer, I came across your site and laughed in
delight and showed my family members the pages on the creationist
hoaxes, the follies of Bible-thumping talk show hosts, scientists
blinded and driven to foolishness by religion... I hope to refer my
friend to your site. It's a sad, sad thing that so many people, with
so much intelligence, could be flawed by this nonsense that makes them
scramble for mistakes in an evolutionists' research -- while so much
of their own "proof" comes from the non-dependable and fickle Word of

I know that my effort to bring my friend "into the light", so to speak,
could fail miserably and tear us apart, but to see such a wonderful,
smart person believe in such an sloppy theory nearly breaks my heart.

Thank you, whoever you are, for this amazing Web site that taught me
what I wanted to know, and could potentially highlight the writing on
the wall for my misguided friend. You're forever in my bookmarks!!

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