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 Wat's Wrong with Mine Eggs?
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Skeptic Friend

79 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2004 :  07:58:04  Show Profile Send PruplePanther a Private Message
My hardboiled eggs started being funny about 2-3 weeks ago. The yoks were too small. The wites were too big and soft and watery. The eggs were big but i felt that i was eating more egg-fluff instead of real eggs.

This morning i sprung for an omeleta at a restraunt where i know how the head cook cooks eggs and omeletas. He always cooked them nice before but the last too times i had this kind of omeleta there the wites were soft and runney. Last time thought it was just a new cook. Now think that there's something wrong with his eggs too.

errr. last sentence dont read too well in Mexican. Dont translate to Mexican pleeze.

And the subject title doesnt read too well in Mexican so dont' translate pleeze if u are Mexican. ANYWAY......

Wat could it be? Dont think that eggs are very much good for u any more. But eggs MUST be about as FUNDY, primitive a human foodstuff as almost anything. Could it be the chickens are being fed some new GM foodstuff? Could it be some new fancy manmade chickens? Dont know but think that this is very very bad. First the beef goes. then the chickens go. Now the eggs go.

In Truth tho, the very first thing i noticed gone bad was the grits...grit-cut white corn boiled to yummy yummy perfection...5 or 6 years ago. they kept turning out all mushy. Couldnt possibley eat them with a fork like ur suppose too. Drove me to quit cooking them. Drove the resturant cook crazy...kept adding more and more cornstarch to make them stiff like theyre suppose too be. ugh. They tasted like cornstarch instead like yummy buttery grits. I finally switched to potatoes. Fried potatoes. Full of acrylamides. No acrylamides in boiled corn grits...or boiled anything.

Would like to make pole of this called "Wats' Wrong with the Eggs?" but dont know how to make all the little buttons.

So skeptics. Wat do u think?

EDITED TO fix a little of this and a little of that. To make nicer reading.

"If I don't know where we are, I can't plot a course home." Major Carter, SG-1

Edited by - PruplePanther on 03/19/2004 08:29:12

SFN Addict

2102 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2004 :  11:10:37   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Trish a Private Message
First, it's my understanding that omelets are made from eggs that are mixed, so don't know where the idea that the whites would still be soft is coming from. However, the quality of eggs depends on the supplier. Are you certain you didn't have a junior or new cook in the kitchen at your favorite restaurant? When I was waiting tables, the cook made a big difference, so much in fact that on Monday and Tuesday I encouraged my customers not to order steaks - the cook on those nights tended to burn everything. Every other night was ok as long as it was one of two specific cooks making steaks - otherwise, I would again let my customers know to wait until one of the cooks good with steaks was in the kitchen.

As for grits, I don't have any difficulties with the grits I make at home. So, I would suggest checking the suppliers. Grits are made from hominy.

Ok, with eggs and sizes of the yoke vs the white, it depends in large part upon the age of the chicken laying the eggs. First year chickens in laying, tend to lay eggs with two yokes. Can't remember how many years before the yokes become too small that the chickens should be removed from the laying process, but they are old enough that they get so tuff you need to boil the chicken to make it edible. Grandpa and Granny are long gone, so can't call and ask.

It's part of the natural process of the aging chicken. No great conspiracies here. one has ever found a 4.5 billion year old stone artifact (at the right geological stratum) with the words "Made by God."
No Sense of Obligation by Matt Young

"Say what you will about the sweet miracle of unquestioning faith. I consider the capacity for it terrifying and vile!"
Mother Night by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

They (Women Marines) don't have a nickname, and they don't need one. They get their basic training in a Marine atmosphere, at a Marine Post. They inherit the traditions of the Marines. They are Marines.
LtGen Thomas Holcomb, USMC
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SFN Die Hard

14408 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2004 :  12:49:56   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send filthy a Private Message
I get my eggs from a small store that buys localy. the flavor is much better whatever way I cook them.

I'd advise looking for eggs from free-roaming hens. Many of the larger stores carry them, albeit at a higher price. Beside these, the mass production eggs are scarcly fit to eat.

As for grits, I eat lots and have never noticed a problem. I likes them with lots of black pepper, a taste of cayanne, and a bit butter. And I don't like them runny. By the bye, grits are excellent for thickening up soup and stews.

Only Beelzebub knows what crap the commercial producers put their feeds. Anything, it seems, that will oil up the hens, produce bigger eggs, and cut fatalities (there are a lot of these last mainly due to the way the hens are kept) is dumped in. I've noticed quite a difference in the shells of eggs from commercial farms and eggs from chickens that are allowed to scratch. Many commercial shells are thin and almost delicate. This is not nearly as common in 'scratch' eggs.

This last reminds me of the decline of our raptor and pelican, et al, populations due to DDT, a few decades ago. Their egg shells became too thin and would break before the chick could develope.

Is chemestry for profit slowly ruining our food supply? Could be....

"What luck for rulers that men do not think." -- Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)

"If only we could impeach on the basis of criminal stupidity, 90% of the Rethuglicans and half of the Democrats would be thrown out of office." ~~ P.Z. Myres

"The default position of human nature is to punch the other guy in the face and take his stuff." ~~ Dude

Brother Boot Knife of Warm Humanitarianism,

and Crypto-Communist!

Edited by - filthy on 03/19/2004 12:53:46
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SFN Addict

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Posted - 03/19/2004 :  21:23:16   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Trish a Private Message
Alright filthy,

They aren't supposed to feed reconstituted chicken parts to chickens anymore. As far as hormones and vitamin supplements, the way large chicken farms keep their chickens they probably do need those.

I will agree, free range or scratch fed chickens produce the best eggs. Also, it is less likely that these chickens will produce eggs for so many years that the eggs are affected. Let's face facts here filthy, the best eggs, shell thickness, taste etc, are brown eggs. Though I will warn that these are not the infertile eggs produced by most chickens used in mass production of eggs. You will notice some odd bits in the egg, that you don't get with the white shelled egg. But these were what we collected from the chickens that grandpa and granny raised. So I prefer them. one has ever found a 4.5 billion year old stone artifact (at the right geological stratum) with the words "Made by God."
No Sense of Obligation by Matt Young

"Say what you will about the sweet miracle of unquestioning faith. I consider the capacity for it terrifying and vile!"
Mother Night by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

They (Women Marines) don't have a nickname, and they don't need one. They get their basic training in a Marine atmosphere, at a Marine Post. They inherit the traditions of the Marines. They are Marines.
LtGen Thomas Holcomb, USMC
Commandant of the Marine Corps, 1943
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Dave W.
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Posted - 03/19/2004 :  22:37:53   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Dave W.'s Homepage Send Dave W. a Private Message
For your information, here is The Straight Dope on "free range" and other chicken labels:
Here's the U.S. Department of Agriculture definition of these terms in its entirety: "Producers must demonstrate to the Agency that the poultry has been allowed access to the outside." In other words, there has to be a door, and it has to be open at least part of the time. The chickens don't necessarily have to take advantage, and they often don't.
And also The Straight Dope on the brown v. white egg controversy:
There is one major, MAJOR difference between brown eggs and white eggs.

Brown eggs are brown and white eggs are white.
Note, however the differences the article describes between commercially-produced brown eggs and those one might find in a backyard henhouse.

The major point I get from both of these articles is: both "free range chicken" and "brown egg" are terms which, when found in a typical grocery store, mean "spend more money for no real difference from the cheaper products."

And for those who might be thinking about it now, here's The Straight Dope on the red spots one sometimes finds in eggs.

The Straight Dope doesn't seem to have any answers to PruplePanther's query, however, and neither do I.

- Dave W. (Private Msg, EMail)
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SFN Regular

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Posted - 03/20/2004 :  07:03:18   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Renae a Private Message
My anecdotal experience with white vs. brown eggs: brown eggs are more likely to be bloody. Maybe because it's harder to see through brown shells than white shells when they screen out fertilized eggs? I'm assuming they still candle eggs with light to screen them, but I'm just guesing.

I ruined an entire batch of biscotti with a bloody brown egg once. Ugh. It kept me from eating eggs for months.

I have no idea why your eggs have been weird, Pruple. The only thing I can think of is, as Dave's article suggested, that the chickens' diets changed.
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Evil Skeptic

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Posted - 03/20/2004 :  10:52:04   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Kil's Homepage  Send Kil an AOL message  Send Kil a Yahoo! Message Send Kil a Private Message
My anecdotal experience with white vs. brown eggs: Brown eggs are brown. White eggs are white. Some chickens lay brown eggs while some lay white eggs. The difference is superficial...

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SFN Die Hard

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Posted - 03/20/2004 :  13:04:57   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send filthy a Private Message
I agree that an egg's color means nothing except at Easter, but where those eggs came from makes a big difference.

The commercial egg farm I saw kept their hens in relitivly clean but otherwise horrendous conditions. They were in cages just big enough for the bird to turn around. The newly-laid eggs were collected by rolling out of the bottom of the cage and down a sort of a ramp on to a conveyer, and from there, I assume (I didn't get to, nor want to, see the whole thing), to a processing room for sorting, and so forth. Feed and water, and cleaning, were all automatic. The whole thing was literally a factory, and there were thousands of hens. Even with venelation, the place was hot and foul-smelling. I was told that if the fans failed, all the chickens would soon die.

Perhaps things have changed over the years.

But in my experience, as stated, scratch eggs have a better flavor, even the ones bought from a big store. I'll only buy 'factory' eggs if I'm making pickled eggs.

Alas, some quack in a white coat has told me to lay off the eggs. Sez they're bad for the cholestrol. But I still have a few, now and then.

Incidently, the best eggs I've eaten were turtle eggs. I had some more of those last spring when a car-hit snapper I was rehabbing laid some 18 in her tub. Guinea eggs are very good, too, albeit small.

"What luck for rulers that men do not think." -- Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)

"If only we could impeach on the basis of criminal stupidity, 90% of the Rethuglicans and half of the Democrats would be thrown out of office." ~~ P.Z. Myres

"The default position of human nature is to punch the other guy in the face and take his stuff." ~~ Dude

Brother Boot Knife of Warm Humanitarianism,

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Woody D
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Posted - 03/20/2004 :  21:46:44   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Woody D a Private Message
Originally posted by PruplePanther

My hardboiled eggs started being funny about 2-3 weeks ago.

Hey! If I give you my address can you send me some?
Nothing better than to start off the morning with an egg that tells jokes.
As long as there's, you know, sex and drugs, I can do without the rock and roll.
Mick Shrimpton
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Woody D
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Posted - 03/20/2004 :  21:54:06   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Woody D a Private Message
Originally posted by Renae
I ruined an entire batch of biscotti with a bloody brown egg once. Ugh. It kept me from eating eggs for months.

Yuk! That's disgusting.
1st rule of cooking:
Never crack an egg directly into the bowl with all the other ingrediants you are cooking. Put it in a small bowl 1st, and for each egg needed, put that one in separtly too. So if it's spoiled or yucky like in your case it doesn't ruin the biscotti....what ever that is!
As long as there's, you know, sex and drugs, I can do without the rock and roll.
Mick Shrimpton
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SFN Addict

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Posted - 03/21/2004 :  19:00:22   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Trish a Private Message
Well guess that's what you get for fighting the chickens for their eggs, better eggs. Chickens are mean when you're trying to get into the hen house for eggs. If one hen decides she's going to sit her eggs, you're in for more pecks than normal.

I actually prefer to buy my eggs at the local farmers market. So, I probably am purchasing eggs that aren't mass produced.

I agree Snake, when cracking eggs, it's usually best to crack them into something besides the rest of the ingredients and add them late. Though that's usually a hassel with extra dishes. one has ever found a 4.5 billion year old stone artifact (at the right geological stratum) with the words "Made by God."
No Sense of Obligation by Matt Young

"Say what you will about the sweet miracle of unquestioning faith. I consider the capacity for it terrifying and vile!"
Mother Night by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

They (Women Marines) don't have a nickname, and they don't need one. They get their basic training in a Marine atmosphere, at a Marine Post. They inherit the traditions of the Marines. They are Marines.
LtGen Thomas Holcomb, USMC
Commandant of the Marine Corps, 1943
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Dave W.
Info Junkie

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Posted - 03/21/2004 :  19:55:04   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Dave W.'s Homepage Send Dave W. a Private Message
And don't crack eggs on the edge of a bowl or pan. That risks pushing bits of shell into the white. Crack 'em on something flat. The countertop will do just fine.

Wait... is this the Skeptical Cooking forum?

- Dave W. (Private Msg, EMail)
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SFN Die Hard

14408 Posts

Posted - 03/22/2004 :  07:44:06   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send filthy a Private Message
Originally posted by Dave W.

And don't crack eggs on the edge of a bowl or pan. That risks pushing bits of shell into the white. Crack 'em on something flat. The countertop will do just fine.

Wait... is this the Skeptical Cooking forum?

Damn Dave, I never thought of that!

Whilst I don't mind a little shell in the over-easys, and a little calcium is actually a good thing, I'd rather not have it there.

Thanks for the tip.

"What luck for rulers that men do not think." -- Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)

"If only we could impeach on the basis of criminal stupidity, 90% of the Rethuglicans and half of the Democrats would be thrown out of office." ~~ P.Z. Myres

"The default position of human nature is to punch the other guy in the face and take his stuff." ~~ Dude

Brother Boot Knife of Warm Humanitarianism,

and Crypto-Communist!

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Dave W.
Info Junkie

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Posted - 03/22/2004 :  08:47:34   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Dave W.'s Homepage Send Dave W. a Private Message
Got that tip from Alton Brown's show, Good Eats. I'm no cook, and I generally wish I didn't have to spend time eating at all, but I like this show. From Alton's bio:
After college, Alton worked as a cameraman and eventually as a director of commercials and corporate films. When he wasn't shooting he was cooking, and watching cooking programs which he constantly criticizes as dull and uninformative. Tired of the griping, Brown's wife (and producer) DeAnna suggested they do something about it. So they left their careers, sold the house and moved to Vermont so that Alton could attend the New England Culinary Institute.

During the years of work and study that followed Alton started to concoct a new kind of food show, one that would blend wit with wisdom, history with pop culture, and science with the kind of common cooking sense that our grandmothers took for granted. It would be a show for people who'd rather understand their food than follow a recipe. It would be Good Eats, now one of the top-rated shows on Scripps-Howard's Food Network.
It's the humor and science that got me liking the show, despite the fact that I wouldn't eat most of the stuff he makes.

- Dave W. (Private Msg, EMail)
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Sea Sorbust
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Posted - 04/06/2004 :  06:22:40   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Sea Sorbust a Private Message
Originally posted by Dave W.

And don't crack eggs on the edge of a bowl or pan. That risks pushing bits of shell into the white. Crack 'em on something flat. The countertop will do just fine.

Wait... is this the Skeptical Cooking forum?

Think that the PruplePanther is right about eggs being one of the most fundamental of foodstuffs...along with clams and the like...which means, DareDevil Dave, that i am skeptical about egg shell worries. Think that the only original way to eat eggs...especially small ones...was to pop the entire thing into your mouth, shell and all. Where else would calcium come from? A little crunchy but oh so good for you.

"This is the forest primeval...."
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Sea Sorbust
Skeptic Friend

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Posted - 04/06/2004 :  07:17:31   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Sea Sorbust a Private Message
Originally posted by filthy

Only Beelzebub knows what crap the commercial producers put their feeds.

Amen to that, Bro!
Is chemestry for profit slowly ruining our food supply? Could be....

Amen to that, too.

"This is the forest primeval...."
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