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 What is up with the lasers
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SFN Regular

1613 Posts

Posted - 01/06/2005 :  03:47:27   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Starman a Private Message
Hi woolytoad!

It was more than ten years since I took my course in laser physics an I have not touched the subject much since then, so I was bound to be vague and make some errors.
I managed to dig up my old course book, cant find my notes though. Probably long gone.

I'm not 100% that the CO2 laser I worked with was class 4. It could have been class3B, but we never left the room when using it (to shoot holes in various materials including metal. Fun!) Rules can of course differ in various countries.

I never said that you could order a car portable AA laser, but as CO2 lasers are used in society they should be possible to get hold of, and modify (We are already talking about criminal activities.)

If you aim a high powered IR laser into a cockpit I don't think you would have to hit the crew directly in the eyes to cause serious trouble. The scattered light would cause eye damage and there would be no blink reflex.
It is of course better to make an enemy crash in your territory than to let him drop his ordnance at his leisure.

Yes you can double the frequency with an anisotropic crystal, but that will reduce the power. Not especially useful here.
High frequency lasers (UV and above) are still very hard to manufacture.

Im fully aware that some lasers use larger frequency bands. I have used such lasers (dye lasers). I belive that CO2 lasers are pretty monochromatic, though.

I cant find any references for the dangers of monochromatic light. I think it was something about monochromatic light getting very focused in the vitreous chamber. The intensity is of course the most important factor. But my (unfortunately unsupported) claim is that monochrome light is more dangerous to the eye than other light of the same intensity.
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Dave W.
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Posted - 01/06/2005 :  10:42:21   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Dave W.'s Homepage Send Dave W. a Private Message
Originally posted by Starman

I never said that you could order a car portable AA laser, but as CO2 lasers are used in society they should be possible to get hold of, and modify (We are already talking about criminal activities.)
I used to get catalogs from a laser surplus company called Meredith Instruments. At one point in time, they had a couple of 1-watt CO2 lasers for sale. These things would suck a full 15 amps of house current, and required a fish-tank pump for coolant circulation. According to the catalog, it would easily put a hole through your hand.
If you aim a high powered IR laser into a cockpit I don't think you would have to hit the crew directly in the eyes to cause serious trouble. The scattered light would cause eye damage and there would be no blink reflex.
Problem is, the pilots know that there's a laser pointing into their cockpits. In other words, the current activities are not using something as nasty as a CO2 laser.

- Dave W. (Private Msg, EMail)
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SFN Regular

1613 Posts

Posted - 01/07/2005 :  00:01:11   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Starman a Private Message
Originally posted by Dave W.

Problem is, the pilots know that there's a laser pointing into their cockpits. In other words, the current activities are not using something as nasty as a CO2 laser.
Yea, this is most likely the activities of someone with a single digit amount of brain cells looking for herostratic fame.

"You know Burke, I don't know which species is worse. You don't see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage! "
-- Ripley
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