SFN Regular

775 Posts |
Posted - 05/13/2006 : 21:29:33
Apparently, Christians are getting just a bit more sophisticated. I don't know how I've missed this site over the years, but these guys seem to have created a web site specifically to teach other Christians how to debate skeptics. They've even enlisted the aid of ex-skeptics. I wonder if there will ever be an Ex-Skeptic Ministry, sort of like Ex-Gay Ministries. I can hear the sound bite now--"Just believe and you'll never doubt again!"
Anyways, I thought some folks here might be interested in what the more intellectual Christians are enlisting into the battle against the evil atheist. So, here's the link... http://www.christiancadre.org/purpose.htm
"We got an issue in America. Too many good docs are gettin' out of business. Too many OB/GYNs aren't able to practice their -- their love with women all across this country." Dubya in Poplar Bluff, Missouri, 9/6/2004