The Imperfectionist

4955 Posts |
Posted - 06/06/2006 : 09:41:24
"Another Terrorist Attack Coming Soon?" That's the headline of a recent CBS News (on-line) piece. It discusses the recent arrests of potential terrorists in Canada, and their links to those in the US:quote: Two months ago, a pair of Atlanta men, one a Georgia Tech engineering student, were arrested not long after communicating by e-mail with two of the suspects arrested in Canada over the weekend. The Atlanta men are charged with videotaping domestic targets, including the U.S. Capitol and the World Bank.
Analysts now conclude similarities between all the cases were dramatic: All were self-financed, self-motivated, and in each case the men were seeking out others to join their cell.
In short, Osama bin Laden didn't pay for these plots, recruit for them or even know of them. They were all totally homegrown — even amateurish. But if four, including the one in Canada, have been uncovered in just 11 months, officials fear there are inevitably other plots that have not been and are maturing even now.
If this is true (and part of me is just cynical that these "officials" are Rovian plants setting up more scare tactics in time for the November elections), then why the hell is our government devoting significant time and energy to fight gay marriage? Especially since both sides agree their efforts aren't winnable?
Shouldn't Congress be holding sessions to ask why ports aren't more secure? What is the status of disaster magagement for major cities like L.A., Chicago, and Boston (to say nothing of DC or New York)? Is the CDC able to moniter and cope with a terrorist-related incident?
This is what our leaders should be doing!!! Not pandering to the stone-age god-lovers and their zeal regulating sex!
SFN Die Hard

14408 Posts |
Posted - 06/06/2006 : 10:42:56 [Permalink]
Do not depend upon this Congress for anything of merit. Too many members of it are afflicted with Republican scumbagitis and Democrat spineapussiea. Fortunately, both are curable with a heavy dose of a special laxative called The Ballot Box Flush. And don't forget to wipe afterward, sons-a'-bitches.
But here's the kicker: Who sez the next terrorist attack will for sure be carried out by Musilms?

"What luck for rulers that men do not think." -- Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)
"If only we could impeach on the basis of criminal stupidity, 90% of the Rethuglicans and half of the Democrats would be thrown out of office." ~~ P.Z. Myres
"The default position of human nature is to punch the other guy in the face and take his stuff." ~~ Dude
Brother Boot Knife of Warm Humanitarianism,
and Crypto-Communist!
The Imperfectionist

4955 Posts |
Posted - 06/06/2006 : 13:36:03 [Permalink]
quote: Originally posted by filthy
Do not depend upon this Congress for anything of merit. Too many members of it are afflicted with Republican scumbagitis and Democrat spineapussiea. Fortunately, both are curable with a heavy dose of a special laxative called The Ballot Box Flush. And don't forget to wipe afterward, sons-a'-bitches.
But here's the kicker: Who sez the next terrorist attack will for sure be carried out by Musilms?
Right. Though my understanding is that the people involved in the story cited above is that they were "home grown" terrorists of the Muslim variety. However, since they were doing their thing locally and learning on the internet rather than in camps in the Middle East, we should really be wary. How? It's hard to say. Some answrs are clearly wrong (e.g. launching a war against a Middle Eastern country), but others might not be. But privacy issues aside, shouldn't serious effort be put into securing obvious targets like nuclear sites, ports, water and power sources, etc.? Yet now-- to fight off sagging poll numbers?-- it's all about attacking gays and protecting the flag (because how will we survive if a Muslim fanatic burns the flag?)... |
SFN Die Hard

6891 Posts |
Posted - 06/06/2006 : 18:54:18 [Permalink]
Of course there is another terror attack comming!
We have ELECTIONS this year, and the current admin will do as much as they can to scare the shit out of people with vague threats of possibly imminent attacks before then!
Ignorance is preferable to error; and he is less remote from the truth who believes nothing, than he who believes what is wrong. -- Thomas Jefferson
"god :: the last refuge of a man with no answers and no argument." - G. Carlin
Hope, n. The handmaiden of desperation; the opiate of despair; the illegible signpost on the road to perdition. ~~ da filth |
H. Humbert
SFN Die Hard

4574 Posts |
Posted - 06/06/2006 : 19:18:52 [Permalink]
How was Canada able to nab those terrorists without a Patriot Act?
"A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true." --Demosthenes
"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself - and you are the easiest person to fool." --Richard P. Feynman
"Face facts with dignity." --found inside a fortune cookie |

15831 Posts |
Posted - 06/07/2006 : 00:01:02 [Permalink]
I think more attacks are likely coming, regardless of the Bush bunch's love of shamelessly exploiting them for cheap political mileage. The jihadis have their own agenda and timetables that are independent of Republican Party needs. Much as I loathe both camps, I am not willing nor able to make any conspiracy-theory leap of faith that the jihadis and the Republicans are plotting together. Nor do I think that the latest case, or warnings coming out of it, are mostly bogus.
On the face of what little is publicly known bout it now, the roundup in Canada of the alleged plotters certainly seems to have been a remarkable intelligence and police coupe. That said, as they say, the jihadis only have to lucky once. The security people have to be lucky every time. And that's why I think attacks of some kind within Canada and the US are likely coming soon.
“Biology is just physics that has begun to smell bad.” —HalfMooner Here's a link to Moonscape News, and one to its Archive. |
SFN Regular

510 Posts |
Posted - 06/07/2006 : 00:56:28 [Permalink]
quote: Originally posted by H. Humbert
How was Canada able to nab those terrorists without a Patriot Act?
Canada does have an anti terrorism act which allows for suspects to be held without many of the rights accorded normal criminal suspects.
The police are not revealing much, but these suspects appear to have been caught by normal police work. Visits to radical Islamic websites were traced. In Canada large purchases of ammonia nitrate fertilizer are reported and in this case the RCMP took over the deliver of this fertilizer to the suspects (they purhcased 3 tons).
The apparent ringleader was known for inflamatory remarks - having delcared that Canadian troops were in Afghanistan to rape muslim women. He made this statement in mosque where a Member of Parliament happened to to be attending the service.
The scary thing about this is this individual was able to recruit several Canadian citizens. The good news is they were caught - I suspect they were under observation for a long time. |
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. / You can send a kid to college but you can't make him think." - B.B. King
History is made by stupid people - The Arrogant Worms
"The greater the ignorance the greater the dogmatism." - William Osler
"Religion is the natural home of the psychopath" - Pat Condell
"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter" - Thomas Jefferson |
SFN Regular

510 Posts |
Posted - 06/07/2006 : 00:58:15 [Permalink]
quote: Originally posted by H. Humbert
How was Canada able to nab those terrorists without a Patriot Act?
Canada does have an anti terrorism act which allows for suspects to be held without many of the rights accorded normal criminal suspects.
The police are not revealing much, but these suspects appear to have been caught by normal police work. Visits to radical Islamic websites were traced. In Canada large purchases of ammonia nitrate fertilizer are reported and in this case the RCMP took over the delivery of this fertilizer to the suspects (they purhcased 3 tons).
The apparent ringleader was known for inflamatory remarks - having delcared that Canadian troops were in Afghanistan to rape muslim women. He made this statement in mosque where a Member of Parliament happened to to be attending the service.
The scary thing about this is this individual was able to recruit several Canadian citizens. The good news is they were caught - I suspect they were under observation for a long time. |
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. / You can send a kid to college but you can't make him think." - B.B. King
History is made by stupid people - The Arrogant Worms
"The greater the ignorance the greater the dogmatism." - William Osler
"Religion is the natural home of the psychopath" - Pat Condell
"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter" - Thomas Jefferson |
New Member

35 Posts |
Posted - 06/11/2006 : 21:25:28 [Permalink]
The whole thing just freaks me the hell out. These ignorant empty-headed fuckheads want to kill Americans, Canadians, Europeans becasue of their twisted religion. How the hell do you combat that?
My wife and a friend of hers had always wanted to go to New York, and they went up the the World Trade towers on a tuesday morning in 2001. If they had gone in September instead of May, my kids would have no mom. And why? Because some worlthless dickheads thought they were going to serve God.
Yes, we shouldn't have gotten into Iraq. Yes, there's some shitty politics involved.
But the bigger question to me is:
What the hell can we do about this? How can we "fight" agaist people who think they're in a Holy War?
My only solution is to wave my magic wand and make the whole planet agnostics.
If I was the Supreme Being, I wouldn't muck about with butterflies and dandelions, I'd start with lasers, eight o'clock, Day One! -Time Bandits |
Edited by - Pernicious on 06/11/2006 21:50:48 |
New Member

35 Posts |
Posted - 06/11/2006 : 21:35:04 [Permalink]
And yes, I agree with you that making flag-burning and gay marriage top prorities is ludicous. So stupid and mind-boggling it makes me twitch to think about. |
If I was the Supreme Being, I wouldn't muck about with butterflies and dandelions, I'd start with lasers, eight o'clock, Day One! -Time Bandits |
SFN Die Hard

4907 Posts |
Posted - 06/12/2006 : 16:02:28 [Permalink]
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Imagine if we took all the money we spent on the Iraq war, and used that instead to improve their country. Rebuild it without destroying it first, in a word. The one major problem with this, and that is it leaves Sadam in power, for the time being. But I believe it would sort itself out.
Sadam has two choices, either let us help his people or not. If he lets us help them, wouldn't an extra school in your town be better to convince you that America is good, rather than leveling it? Or Sadam could refuse the help, in which case we would be able to say to their population, "We want to help you, but your leader isn't letting us. Maybe it's time for a new leader." This would hopefully in turn lead to them choosing to overthrow Sadam, which of course we would help in doing.
Could have killed him with kindness. Either way, it works in our favor, it would safer for our military, and it would probably be cheaper. But too late for that now, Bush has made everything FUBAR. |
Why continue? Because we must. Because we have the call. Because it is nobler to fight for rationality without winning than to give up in the face of continued defeats. Because whatever true progress humanity makes is through the rationality of the occasional individual and because any one individual we may win for the cause may do more for humanity than a hundred thousand who hug their superstitions to their breast.
- Isaac Asimov |
The Imperfectionist

4955 Posts |
Posted - 06/12/2006 : 17:10:21 [Permalink]
quote: Originally posted by Pernicious
The whole thing just freaks me the hell out. These ignorant empty-headed fuckheads want to kill Americans, Canadians, Europeans becasue of their twisted religion. How the hell do you combat that?
Well it's hard to combat-- that's for sure. But it seems as though the people running this country are more interested in posturing and the like to stay in power rather than find actual solutions. And even the issues that should be addressed-- border security and immigration-- are all screwed up to appeal to a certain voter (the far-right bigoted wing-nut), rather than find ways to secure the country.
What a mess! |