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 Former President George W. Bush is laid to rest
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15831 Posts

Posted - 01/09/2007 :  06:54:45  Show Profile Send HalfMooner a Private Message
All of North America is swept by grief as our greatest President is interred

Parliament Hill, Ottawa, DC, January 9, 2046 (NAP) -- Former President George W. Bush was solemnly laid to rest today in Beechwood National Cemetery. Our only five-term President, Bush was the 43rd (and after the 2028 repeal of the Twenty-Second Amendment) also the 48th President of the United States of North America. President Chelsea Clinton-Morgan laid a wreath on Bush's casket. The former President was 99 years old when he passed away last Thursday.

Bush's last official Presidential holoportrait, taken in 2040 when he was 94.

All across our great Nation, from Oregon's border with the Peoples Republic of Mexico, through the sundrenched wheat-growing plains of Saskatchewan and Manitoba, to the rocky coast of the Maritime States, from the great fruit basket of Alaska's Matanuska Valley, to the frontiers of South Dakota, a bereft nation mourns the greatest President of modern times.

Enduring sweltering weather, mourners watch
President Bush's funeral caisson pass by in Ottawa, DC.

George W. Bush was painted by his critics as a warmonger, a supporter of theocracy, and "the worst president ever" during his first two terms in office, and for decades afterward. Despised and reviled, in 2009, he settled into a quiet, secluded retirement, waiting. Waiting for events that no other human knew were coming. Bush had secretly dedicated his first two terms in office to preparing his nation for these harrowing events.

Rideau Hall, the "New White House" in holo taken last month.

For, as Bush wrote in his 2040 memoirs, "On the night of 9/11/2001, as I finally fell to sleep, God spoke to me."

Bush wrote, "I was plum wore out that night, and don't know to this day if God spoke to me directly, or through a dream. But I remember every word He said to me."

Bush writes in his memoirs that God said:

"George, this your Lord God. I have a great mission for you, my chosen instrument. For lo! A time of great tribulation and testing is coming to this world. The earth is warming, its northern and southern ice is melting, yea, also the ice of the high mountains. The oceans will rise and inundate many great cities of the earth, and many fields of plenty will lie under the deep. The land will quake as the earth's burdens shift, and yet more cities will fall and burn. Rich cities otherwise untouched will know famine and plague as bountiful fields go under the seas, or wither from heat, storm and drought. Most of my new chosen people's land will become desert, or jungle, or be invaded by desperate people from the south. I choose you, George, to prepare my people for the mighty toils that lay ahead. Much of the Old World will perish as it descends into war, starvation, disease and barbarism, but you will make it possible for my people here to thrive."

The Pacific claims Los Angeles, 2022.

"But, God, why me?" Bush replied in his vision. "I'm not exactly the brightest candle on your Menorah, Lord."

"That is why I chose you, George. You are a simple and foolish man who is yet cunning like a beast, sly and able to keep your real motivations secret. You are also the leader of my new chosen people, the Americans. Your task will be difficult. You must appear to be doing one thing while actually doing another. You must do great evil, and cause great hardship and bloodshed at my command. You must begin a war that is so intractable, even your successor will be unable to end it.

"You will be hated among men. But I require you to prepare my people by hardening their hearts and sharpening their swords in a false war, for only thus may they be prepared for the real challenges they face in the decades after you are removed from power. For then they must march north, to seize the nation that will provide new fruited fields to feed them all. Through this preparatory war, you will make my people hard, cruel and warlike. Thus when the time comes, they will invade Canada, as that is the land I promise to your people and their progeny. You must tell no-one of this sacred charge I give you, not until Canada is America."

2024: A desperate Canadian Army recruits anyone who'll fight.

Even small children were drafted and hastily trained to pilot Canadian helicopters.

When British Columbia and Saskatchewan accepted the "invitation" of the United States to become the 51st and 52nd States in the US, the Ottawa government declared war upon the US. But America was ready, because of the sacrifice of George W. Bush.

Vast numbers of American citizens migrated north from US states inundated by the ocean, or turned into desert or steaming jungle. But America and its battle-hardened military were prepared, thanks to George W. Bush.

Sometimes a festival atmosphere prevailed as
Americans on foot ran into Canada behind US tanks.

A few Canadians refused to see the writing on the wall, and would not call themselves Americans. Some fanatics joined the so-called Canadian National Liberation Front, carrying out sporadic terrorist acts of guerrilla warfare. But most former Canadians are today happier and more secure as citizens of the United States of North America. Vast public works projects open more and more former tundra lands to farming. All Americans benefit from the courage and sacrifice of George W. Bush.

CNLF bandits skulking around in the Alberta desert.

Factoids: Recent Presidents of the United States

2001-2009, 43rd President, G.W. Bush

2009-2010, 44th President, A. Gore (Assassinated while in office, succeeded by Vice President Obama.)

2010-2017, 45th President, B. Obama

2017-2021, 46th President, S. Brownback

2021-2029, 47th President, H.R. Clinton (Annexed Canadian states, launched Great Northward Migration.)

2029-2041, 48th President, G.W. Bush (First American President to serve 5 terms of office.)

2041-Present, 49th President, C. Clinton-Morgan

[My thanks go to my daughter, who came up with the concept for this story.]

Biology is just physics that has begun to smell bad.” —HalfMooner
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Edited by - HalfMooner on 02/19/2007 15:56:32

Dr. Mabuse
Septic Fiend

9690 Posts

Posted - 02/07/2007 :  22:29:54   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Send Dr. Mabuse an ICQ Message Send Dr. Mabuse a Private Message
A great story!

Edited to add:
Nostradamus would be envious when he sees your prediction of the future with such clarity...

Dr. Mabuse - "When the going gets tough, the tough get Duct-tape..."
Dr. Mabuse whisper.mp3

"Equivocation is not just a job, for a creationist it's a way of life..." Dr. Mabuse

Support American Troops in Iraq:
Send them unarmed civilians for target practice..
Edited by - Dr. Mabuse on 02/07/2007 22:31:01
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15831 Posts

Posted - 02/07/2007 :  23:18:41   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send HalfMooner a Private Message

Like, Nostradamus, I will probably be safely away from this mortal coil by the time most of these dates arrive. But you can't say I wasn't specific, unlike he was.

Biology is just physics that has begun to smell bad.” —HalfMooner
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