SFN Die Hard

3192 Posts |
Posted - 07/18/2008 : 08:11:56
1)Earthquake prdictions No one within 2000km of actual location -3 for all, Robb with 2 points for predicting the richter strength exactly.
2)Hurricane Preditions All but Dave get -3 points for missing all three questions(still early) Dave with 3 for predicting Bertha would do most damage to US, (wave damage)
3)Price of a barrel of oil Humbert with a 5 point pick, Dave with 1 point, moakley with 0, everyone else -2
4)Deadpool Everyone but Dave and Filthy get -3 for no hits, dave and filthy with 2 points
5)Top movie of 08(soon to be dark knight, but not yet) All but BPS , pleco, humbert and moakley get -2 for being more than 250M away from actual take. BPS,dude, humbert and moakley get 3 points for naming the movie.(indiana jones)
6) Stock assault [I didnt have time to calculate, numbers are approx. may be off a point] BPS [-6] A) [@28.21]GM [12.65] B) [@2.89]Max and Ermas: MAXE [Sold and disqualified]-1 C) [@24.50]Cisco: CSCO [21.71] Robb [-4] A) [@38.47]Wochovia: WB [13.30] B) [@12.76] CSG Systems: CSGS [14.83] C) [@50.03] Landstar: LSTR [51.25] Pleco [3] A) [@135.36]Apple: AAPL [168.31] B)[@564.30]Google: GOOG [484.65] C) [@74.50]Schlumberger: SLB [101.74] Dude [-1] A) [@80.02]Kyocera: KYO [84.65] B) [@35.36]GE: GE [27.72] C) [@130.05]Siemens: SI [116.02] Filthy [-2] A) [@43.72]Hewlett Packard: HPQ [43.15] B) [@]Danfoss Co: ??? -1 C) [@]Sundance Solar: ??? -1 H. Humbert[-1] A) [@30.64]Home Depot: HD [23.06] B) [@47.50]Sony: SNE [41.32] C) [@32.41]Waste Management: WMI [35.50] Dave W.[0] A) [@564.30]Google: GOOG [484.65] B) [@107.11]IBM: IBM [128.30] C) [@86.40]Exxon: XOM [81.28] Moakley [-3] A) [@30.64]Home Depot: HD [23.06] B) [@24.16]Corning: GLW [20.39] C) [@23.36]Pfizer: PFE [18.25] Just Some Guy [-4] A) [@108.32]Toyota: TM [89.02] B) [@]Disney: (Invalid Answer) -1 C) [@60.06]Coca-Cola: COKE [34.17]
7)Dollar vs euro BPS, Robb with 4 points, dave with 0 everyone else at -2
8)Deadly Terror Attack Pleco with 4 points for predicting Khandahar
Dave 1 point! Can anyone knock him off the hill?! Humbert -4 Pleco -6 Robb -8 BPS -10 Filthy -12 Moakley -11 Dude -13 Just Some Guy -17
FYI 5+ points, the CIA might test you with flash cards 0-4 points, close enough to claim pychic powers and sell books -1 to -7, Close enough to fool Larry King -8 or less, not fooling anybody