New Member
14 Posts |
Posted - 01/12/2009 : 18:10:40
I was told before I even signed on here that there aren't very many females on here, which is pretty common on any skeptical boards. Will all the females step forward so I know that I am not alone :) Much appreciated.
15831 Posts |
Posted - 01/12/2009 : 18:20:07 [Permalink]
[Respectfully takes one step back.]
“Biology is just physics that has begun to smell bad.” —HalfMooner Here's a link to Moonscape News, and one to its Archive. |
SFN Die Hard
3739 Posts |
Posted - 01/12/2009 : 19:16:31 [Permalink]
I am one of the few, the proud. |
"Too much certainty and clarity could lead to cruel intolerance" -Karen Armstrong
Check out my art store: http://www.marfknox.etsy.com
SFN Addict
2322 Posts |
Posted - 01/13/2009 : 06:39:29 [Permalink]
I'm a girl. Sometimes. |
"Why are you afraid of something you're not even sure exists?" - The Kovenant, Via Negativa
"People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs." -- unknown
River Otter
Skeptic Friend
67 Posts |
Posted - 01/13/2009 : 12:05:20 [Permalink]
I am of the female gender. |
I am not ashamed to confess that I am ignorant of what I do not know. -Cicero
Brother, You say there is but one way to worship and serve the Great Spirit. If there is but one religion, why do you white people differ so much about it? Why not all agree, as you can all read the book. -Sagoyewatha,(Red Jacket) - Chief and great orator of the six nations. |
Skeptic Friend
50 Posts |
Posted - 01/13/2009 : 16:43:26 [Permalink]
female, but I rarely post |
Those who danced were thought quite insane by those who could not hear the music. |
SFN Die Hard
3739 Posts |
Posted - 01/13/2009 : 19:18:34 [Permalink]
I used to post a lot, but the past 6 months or so I just stop in every once in a while to see if anything strongly attracts my interests. I think it is because I got a job working for my Humanist Association, so now I do skeptic-related stuff all the time and I thus suffer from burn out. But I've always really liked this forum. The moderators are pretty loose and there are many very intelligent regular posters. |
"Too much certainty and clarity could lead to cruel intolerance" -Karen Armstrong
Check out my art store: http://www.marfknox.etsy.com
New Member
14 Posts |
Posted - 01/14/2009 : 05:06:48 [Permalink]
Very few females and they don't post often :(
marfknox I did check out your art store, you like cats, I have 5. I have a friend who does art work, she has shows her stuff on elfwood, ever hear of that place? She's also tried selling her stuff on ebay but well that didn't work out so well. I think she is awesome but what do I know, I'm no artist.
That's really cool that you have a humanist association, I went to the convention for "The New Humanists" at Harvard 2 years ago, maybe you were there?
Nice to meet you River Otter and ocheewah. |
SFN Die Hard
3739 Posts |
Posted - 01/14/2009 : 08:08:29 [Permalink]
scarlet 35 wrote; Very few females and they don't post often :( | Have you checked out Skepchick: http://skepchick.org/blog/ I don't think they have a discussion forum anymore, but they do have a lot of bloggers where you can Interact through comments. You could get your girlie fix there and then come over here. :-)
marfknox I did check out your art store, you like cats, I have 5. | Damn, you beat me; I have four. I've heard that four is the minimum for "Crazy Cat Lady" status. Nice to meet another one.
I have a friend who does art work, she has shows her stuff on elfwood, ever hear of that place? | I hadn't heard of it but just checked it out online. If she'd doing basically SF or Fantasy illustrations, has she considered trying to market her stuff to SF or Fantasy magazines? Many of them pay.
She's also tried selling her stuff on ebay but well that didn't work out so well. I think she is awesome but what do I know, I'm no artist. | Ebay is a terrible place to try to sell art. I only have used Ebay to get rid of old work when I needed some cash fast and didn't care about how little I earned from it.
I'd also say that quality of art has very little to do with how well it sells. Lots of artists who have difficulty selling their work start to question how "good" it is. The truth is, it is all about marketing. A friend of mine was selling prints on Etsy at the rate of about one per month. Then her prints received a positive review in a popular art blog. That was over a year ago, and ever since then she's sold prints at an average of one per day! Unfortunately, there is no perfect marketing plan that works for everyone. Every artist just has to read a lot, form their own plan, try, and if they fail, form a new plan and try again. Business like any other.
That's really cool that you have a humanist association, I went to the convention for "The New Humanists" at Harvard 2 years ago, maybe you were there? | My local group: www.hagp.org I wasn't at the Harvard convention, but Greg Epstein (the Humanist Chaplain at Harvard) is a colleague of mine (I'm also a Humanist Celebrant.) I also listened to a lot of the talks online. I especially loved Rushdie's talk. Although when he mentioned coming up with a sort of "atheistmas" holiday I wished he'd known there is already HumanLight! (www.humanlight.org) |
"Too much certainty and clarity could lead to cruel intolerance" -Karen Armstrong
Check out my art store: http://www.marfknox.etsy.com
Dave W.
Info Junkie
26023 Posts |
Evil Skeptic
13477 Posts |
Posted - 01/14/2009 : 10:14:40 [Permalink]
Originally posted by scarlet_35
Very few females and they don't post often :(
There is also a rather large skeptic community on facebook. It seems pretty much evenly divided among male and female. It's not a forum, but there is plenty of room to comment.
One big plus is that I'm there...
Uncertainty may make you uncomfortable. Certainty makes you ridiculous.
Why not question something for a change?
Genetic Literacy Project |
New Member
14 Posts |
Posted - 01/14/2009 : 20:22:06 [Permalink]
Thanks for the info marfknox, Humanlight looks very interesting, when I have more time I'll have to check it out more. I wish there were more humanist gatherings in Ohio.
I have met Greg, he came out to Cleveland once to hang with us for a few hours, he's a great guy, I look forward to meeting him again. Did he ever finish his book?
I wouldn't be interested in skepchick, long, not so great history there, my name might still be on the member list though, unless it was deleted (wouldn't surprise me) I was actually in the first calendar. Is Beleth the one who is running that board now?
Kil, I am already on facebook, who knows we could be friends? I keep getting a lot of requests from other skeptics on there. I'm in so many groups, I honestly can't keep up, nor do I have the time to read everything, even if I wanted to.
I'm also on myspace (yeah I get around) <---umm that didn't sound right my hubby has a group on myspace that at one time was the largest organized atheist group on the net and first one on myspace. He received an award for it when we were in Harvard, which is why we went to the convention and why I ultimately became a humanist, it fits my personality pretty well.
SFN Die Hard
3739 Posts |
Posted - 01/15/2009 : 10:00:43 [Permalink]
Ohio - that's where I'm from! There are lots of groups in Ohio; so many in fact that there is a coalition of secular groups currently forming. Where do you live in Ohio? (The concentration of groups is around Columbus.)
Editing to add: ah, I see Cleveland there. Lemme ask my friend who is the President of the Humanist Community of Central Ohio if she has contacts in Cleveland. |
"Too much certainty and clarity could lead to cruel intolerance" -Karen Armstrong
Check out my art store: http://www.marfknox.etsy.com
Edited by - marfknox on 01/15/2009 10:02:11 |
SFN Die Hard
3739 Posts |
Posted - 01/15/2009 : 10:08:53 [Permalink]
Cleveland Freethinkers Meetup looks very active: http://www.meetup.com/clevelandfreethinkers/
They have a meetup at a UU Church on the 18th. UU's are "small h" humanists, meaning that they ascribe to the humanist philosophy but their individual members may or may not belief in anything supernatural. UU churches tend to attract a lot of secular humanists who don't feel they belong anywhere else.
This group is also going tobogganing and do "Drinking Skeptically", so obviously they have a significant social component. And they are celebrating Darwin Day with a group trip to the Cleveland Museum of Natural History.
All sounds fun to me! |
"Too much certainty and clarity could lead to cruel intolerance" -Karen Armstrong
Check out my art store: http://www.marfknox.etsy.com
SFN Die Hard
3739 Posts |
Posted - 01/15/2009 : 10:12:57 [Permalink]
Center for Inquiry also has a group in Cleveland that meets monthly with programs and speakers. (CFI is Paul Kurtz's organization. He used to push secular humanism, but now he pushes this vague sort of skepticism with no label. It's all the same stuff, just re-packaged.) http://atheists.meetup.com/491/ |
"Too much certainty and clarity could lead to cruel intolerance" -Karen Armstrong
Check out my art store: http://www.marfknox.etsy.com
New Member
14 Posts |
Posted - 01/15/2009 : 18:09:43 [Permalink]
I am actually aware of both of those groups. I signed up for the free thinker one around the time it started, they have a lot more people now. Some creepy guy kept writing to me so I decided not to attend the meetings. Last I had heard they were thinking of banning that guy but I don't know if they ever did, nor can I remember his name now.
CFI is one I had wanted to attend before but the time frame never worked out. I'm on their email list though.
Thanks for taking the time to find that information for me, that was really nice of you. I might just have to check out free thinkers again, I do know one person who goes but I don't know her that well.
Columbus does have a lot going on there but it's too far away.