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 Republicans Talk Small Business but Do Big Busines
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Posted - 01/29/2009 :  06:25:32  Show Profile  Visit hholdings's Homepage Send hholdings a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Republicans try to convince the American public that they are for small business but their actions are all oriented toward big business. As a small business man running a consulting company of up to 50 people, small businesses do not benefit from the programs pushed by the Republican Party. I never hear them talking about the efforts that they are pushing for big businesses; It's always talk about small businesses. Yet, the actions are decidedly for big business. Talk about how certain programs are going to adversely affect the salaries of small business owners, you will find these small business owners do not, in general, make salaries of $250,000.00 or more, if working in an incorporated business. If working in a proprietorship, they are more likely to make a lot less after expenses are deducted from gross income and, if the truth be told, may be in a deficit position used as offset on their tax returns. So, I say Republicans are perpetuating a shame on the American public. What's your take?


15831 Posts

Posted - 01/29/2009 :  07:11:21   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send HalfMooner a Private Message  Reply with Quote
My take is that if the GOP admitted it was only an advocate of big business (along with militarists and fundamentalists), it might as well pack it in. Instead, they attempt to present themselves as representing small business, and in so doing, try to take advantage of the wishful thinking of many small business owners that they may all become big business entrepreneurs. After all, that's not an impossible dream, just an unlikely one.

Likewise, there are millions of working stiffs with part-time businesses, or one-person businesses which are essentially "self-employment" (think gardeners who imagine themselves as landscapers) at an income level beneath many unionized blue-collar workers. These people often have greater dreams than prospects in the business world,a and often (think Amway distributors), being less savvy than successful small business owners, are greater suckers for the GOP's Horace Greeley fantasy.

When your whole Party revolves around servicing the desires of the wealthy like a call girl, along with the religious fanatics and xenophobic militarists, you just can't be very honest. Not if you want to have any chance of winning elections. The positive side of the GOP situation is that they normally have plenty of dough from the plutorcrats, and fanatical devotion on the ground among the fundies. Plus, since they know tet are a minority coalition, they tend to better understand the need for internal unity than do Democrats.

The Democrats have a complementary problem. Since they represent much wider and more diverse constituencies, they have more of a problem in focus and organization. Their problem isn't that they need to misrepresent themselves so much as to find ways of figuring out what they do represent. Aside from Barack Obama's remarkably organized campaign, organizing Democrats is usually like herding cats.

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Edited by - HalfMooner on 01/29/2009 07:28:54
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