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 Really courageous, these teabaggers!
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Bill scott
SFN Addict

2103 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2010 :  13:16:38   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Bill scott a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by moakley

why would someone who does as many speeches as the President not utilize the available technology.

He might not need the teleprompter if he was actually speaking for himself and not just acting as a parrot.

"Lets get one thing clear, Bill. Science does make some assumptions." -perrodetokio-

"In the end as skeptics we must realize that there is no real knowledge, there is only what is most reasonable to believe." -Coelacanth-

The fact that humans do science is what causes errors in science. -Dave W.-

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Dave W.
Info Junkie

26024 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2010 :  13:22:14   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Dave W.'s Homepage Send Dave W. a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Bill scott

...a public figure making a public appearance who was surrounded by a security team...
Um, the security team had her surrounded before the candidate showed up, and then they screwed things up by allowing her access. Perhaps she fooled 'em with her feminine wiles.
...she got what she should have expected to get.
A concussion?!?! Seriously, Bill: she should have expected head trauma?!

- Dave W. (Private Msg, EMail)
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Dave W.
Info Junkie

26024 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2010 :  13:22:48   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Dave W.'s Homepage Send Dave W. a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Bill scott

He might not need the teleprompter if he was actually speaking for himself and not just acting as a parrot.
Whom is he parroting?

- Dave W. (Private Msg, EMail)
Evidently, I rock!
Why not question something for a change?
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Bill scott
SFN Addict

2103 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2010 :  13:30:55   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Bill scott a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dave W.

Except as you've argued before, the "tea party" isn't a monolithic block of like-minded people, so you can't claim otherwise now.

Well 95% are like minded.

What "agenda" would that be?

The Obama agenda.

And how well is the "ramming" going?

Well for us tax paying Americans, not very well right now. But I suspect the first step to righting the ship will come next Tuesday.

Except for the 5% or so for whom it does have something to do with race.

Well it may be less then 5% but at any rate that is my point. At the very most 5% of the tea party folks appear to have a problem with the prez race yet the media coverage of racism in the tea party greatly exceeded 5% of their tea party coverage. "The wolf is coming the wolf is coming!!!"

"Lets get one thing clear, Bill. Science does make some assumptions." -perrodetokio-

"In the end as skeptics we must realize that there is no real knowledge, there is only what is most reasonable to believe." -Coelacanth-

The fact that humans do science is what causes errors in science. -Dave W.-

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SFN Regular

727 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2010 :  13:31:52   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Fripp a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Bill scott
Hey Buster, why don't you throw on your tea party shirt and then go try to vote in Philly next week. Those Black Panthers will beat your skinny little ex-navy seal ass so silly with their billy clubs that you will be mumbling "Go Army!!!!" by the time they are finished with you.

Golly gee, aren't we yet another internet tough guy? Conservatives always love to talk up vets yet they never have the balls to serve themselves. You sound just like those gutless turd Tea Party pussies. You guys can beat up women and talk tough on the internet but all you have is a severe case needing to grow a sack.

I live outside of Philly, so I just might stop on down and I'll let you know how it goes. You see Bill, I walk the walk, unlike you.

If you had any idea of how many "bad ass street fighters" (black, white, etc) I've tussled with in the Navy and came out the better, you'd stop talking crap. They may look bad, but 9 times out of 10, they ain't shit. And the 1 out of 10 ends up starting to gain some respect for you because you're not going down as quick as he wants, he starting to get hurt himself and he loses confidence.

One of my best friends in the Navy was a 160-lb white guy. He was also a Golden Glove boxer. He put down so many guys who thought he was an easy mark. He was lightning-quick and his blows hurt, so when one goes down lickety-split, his buddies start having second thoughts.

So don't start talking shit to me, jack-ass. I don't need you to like me, but I have earned the respect.

"What the hell is an Aluminum Falcon?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought my Dark Lord of the Sith could protect a small thermal exhaust port that's only 2-meters wide! That thing wasn't even fully paid off yet! You have any idea what this is going to do to my credit?!?!"

"What? Oh, oh, 'just rebuild it'? Oh, real [bleep]ing original. And who's gonna give me a loan, jackhole? You? You got an ATM on that torso LiteBrite?"
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Bill scott
SFN Addict

2103 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2010 :  13:31:59   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Bill scott a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dave W.

Originally posted by Bill scott

He might not need the teleprompter if he was actually speaking for himself and not just acting as a parrot.
Whom is he parroting?

His speech writers.

"Lets get one thing clear, Bill. Science does make some assumptions." -perrodetokio-

"In the end as skeptics we must realize that there is no real knowledge, there is only what is most reasonable to believe." -Coelacanth-

The fact that humans do science is what causes errors in science. -Dave W.-

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SFN Regular

1888 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2010 :  13:32:08   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send moakley a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Bill scott

Originally posted by moakley

why would someone who does as many speeches as the President not utilize the available technology.

He might not need the teleprompter if he was actually speaking for himself and not just acting as a parrot.

You have evidence that he does not believe what he is saying? Or is that just projection? No this is a wise use of available technology to ensure precision of message. I have already stated why.

Life is good

Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that may never be questioned. -Anonymous
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SFN Regular

727 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2010 :  13:35:54   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Fripp a Private Message  Reply with Quote
So Bill, let me get this straight...

Teleprompter + Obama = Bad.

Crib notes written on palm + Palin = Good.

Is that right?

"What the hell is an Aluminum Falcon?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought my Dark Lord of the Sith could protect a small thermal exhaust port that's only 2-meters wide! That thing wasn't even fully paid off yet! You have any idea what this is going to do to my credit?!?!"

"What? Oh, oh, 'just rebuild it'? Oh, real [bleep]ing original. And who's gonna give me a loan, jackhole? You? You got an ATM on that torso LiteBrite?"
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Bill scott
SFN Addict

2103 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2010 :  13:38:15   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Bill scott a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Fripp

Golly gee, aren't we yet another internet tough guy?

Um, Fripp, have you read your last two posts?

BTW, Go Army!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Lets get one thing clear, Bill. Science does make some assumptions." -perrodetokio-

"In the end as skeptics we must realize that there is no real knowledge, there is only what is most reasonable to believe." -Coelacanth-

The fact that humans do science is what causes errors in science. -Dave W.-

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SFN Regular

1888 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2010 :  13:40:51   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send moakley a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Bill scott

Originally posted by moakley

Uh? Did she get what she deserved?

As someone who was in disguise and carrying an unidentified object who was trying to force her way over to a public figure making a public appearance who was surrounded by a security team, she got what she should have expected to get.
So after she was wrestled to the ground submissively lying in the fetal position she deserved to have her head stomped? She should have expected that? Well I guess had she expected them to respond like the Basij or SA.

Life is good

Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that may never be questioned. -Anonymous
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Bill scott
SFN Addict

2103 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2010 :  13:41:53   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Bill scott a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by moakley

Originally posted by Bill scott

Originally posted by moakley

why would someone who does as many speeches as the President not utilize the available technology.

He might not need the teleprompter if he was actually speaking for himself and not just acting as a parrot.

You have evidence that he does not believe what he is saying? Or is that just projection? No this is a wise use of available technology to ensure precision of message. I have already stated why.

I never said that he did not believe it and he "uses the technology" because he fumbles and bumbles his way through a speech without it.

"Lets get one thing clear, Bill. Science does make some assumptions." -perrodetokio-

"In the end as skeptics we must realize that there is no real knowledge, there is only what is most reasonable to believe." -Coelacanth-

The fact that humans do science is what causes errors in science. -Dave W.-

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Bill scott
SFN Addict

2103 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2010 :  13:43:09   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Bill scott a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Fripp

So Bill, let me get this straight...

Teleprompter + Obama = Bad.

Crib notes written on palm + Palin = Good.

Is that right?

You tell me.

"Lets get one thing clear, Bill. Science does make some assumptions." -perrodetokio-

"In the end as skeptics we must realize that there is no real knowledge, there is only what is most reasonable to believe." -Coelacanth-

The fact that humans do science is what causes errors in science. -Dave W.-

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SFN Regular

727 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2010 :  13:51:46   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Fripp a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Bill scott
Um, Fripp, have you read your last two posts?
BTW, Go Army!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bill, I didn't directly insult nor threaten you. In fact, I didn't even know you were lurking. I merely stated my wish to be placed in a direct confrontation with Tea Party pussies.

But you had no problem with a direct attack...

Those Black Panthers will beat your skinny little ex-navy seal ass so silly with their billy clubs that you will be mumbling "Go Army!!!!" by the time they are finished with you.

Again, my first post wasn't directed towards you at all.

But since you decided to talk shit, I responded in kind. I want you to post any previous examples where I have strutted around and talked tough. Take all the time in the world. But if you're going to attack me via this forum, don't expect me to keep returning insults. That's a pussy's game and it's a waste of my time. But anytime you wish to meet me in person and talk, (and I do mean talk, I am not threatening you with physical violence), feel free to PM me. I live in rural SE Pennsylvania.

"What the hell is an Aluminum Falcon?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought my Dark Lord of the Sith could protect a small thermal exhaust port that's only 2-meters wide! That thing wasn't even fully paid off yet! You have any idea what this is going to do to my credit?!?!"

"What? Oh, oh, 'just rebuild it'? Oh, real [bleep]ing original. And who's gonna give me a loan, jackhole? You? You got an ATM on that torso LiteBrite?"
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SFN Regular

727 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2010 :  13:54:59   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Fripp a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Bill scott

Originally posted by Fripp

So Bill, let me get this straight...

Teleprompter + Obama = Bad.

Crib notes written on palm + Palin = Good.

Is that right?

You tell me.

Don't weasel out. When have you EVER criticized someone on the right?

If you feel that Obama's use of a teleprompter is wrong, then what do you feel about GW Bush's use of the same? What do you feel about Palin's crib notes?

"What the hell is an Aluminum Falcon?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought my Dark Lord of the Sith could protect a small thermal exhaust port that's only 2-meters wide! That thing wasn't even fully paid off yet! You have any idea what this is going to do to my credit?!?!"

"What? Oh, oh, 'just rebuild it'? Oh, real [bleep]ing original. And who's gonna give me a loan, jackhole? You? You got an ATM on that torso LiteBrite?"
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SFN Regular

727 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2010 :  14:06:24   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Fripp a Private Message  Reply with Quote
BTW, Bill, I don't give two flying fucks about the Army v Navy rivalry. So if you want to continue with the "Go Army" hoping to get a rise out of me, you're wasting your time.

But since you are saying it in an obvious attempt to insult or irritate me, this is just another example where you twist a comment that wasn't directed at you, then you try to adopt an "anonymous tough guy" stance.

You see, Bill, I respect all the armed forces... they served, but you didn't.

"What the hell is an Aluminum Falcon?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought my Dark Lord of the Sith could protect a small thermal exhaust port that's only 2-meters wide! That thing wasn't even fully paid off yet! You have any idea what this is going to do to my credit?!?!"

"What? Oh, oh, 'just rebuild it'? Oh, real [bleep]ing original. And who's gonna give me a loan, jackhole? You? You got an ATM on that torso LiteBrite?"
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