SFN Regular

894 Posts |
Posted - 02/21/2013 : 10:55:20
Hi there folks! Long time no see. We are currently having health risk assessments at work. These assessments do not affect our health insurance rates this year but they will starting next year. I had mine this morning. There is a series of questions that they ask. All seemed reasonable i.e. " do you ride a motorcycle?" and other lifestyle related questions. One question was asked which caught me off guard. It was "Do you belong to a faith group?". My reaction was to question " What relevancy does that have?". I could see that it made the nice lady uncomfortable and she responded " It isn't a judgement question".
I am looking for opinions or to see if anyone might have some expertise for a situation like this. I certainly do not want whether or not I belong to a faith group to have any kind of influence on my health insurance rates whether it be positive or negative. It seems very wrong to me. Like I said, next year these assessments will have an impact on our health insurance rates. I am contemplating whether or not I should get involved and have this type of question stopped.
Haole with heart, thats all I'll ever be. I'm not a part of the North Shore society. Stuck on the shoulder, that's where you'll find me. Digging for scraps with the kooks in line. -Offspring |
Valiant Dancer
Forum Goalie

4826 Posts |
Posted - 02/21/2013 : 12:18:46 [Permalink]
Originally posted by Ebone4rock
Hi there folks! Long time no see. We are currently having health risk assessments at work. These assessments do not affect our health insurance rates this year but they will starting next year. I had mine this morning. There is a series of questions that they ask. All seemed reasonable i.e. " do you ride a motorcycle?" and other lifestyle related questions. One question was asked which caught me off guard. It was "Do you belong to a faith group?". My reaction was to question " What relevancy does that have?". I could see that it made the nice lady uncomfortable and she responded " It isn't a judgement question".
I am looking for opinions or to see if anyone might have some expertise for a situation like this. I certainly do not want whether or not I belong to a faith group to have any kind of influence on my health insurance rates whether it be positive or negative. It seems very wrong to me. Like I said, next year these assessments will have an impact on our health insurance rates. I am contemplating whether or not I should get involved and have this type of question stopped.
Get involved.
It's based on bad science which claims being involved in a faith based group has stress reducing properties when it is actually having access to a social network of supportive friends that renders the benefit.
Part of a bolwing team, fer instance has the same effect as a faith based group. |
Cthulhu/Asmodeus when you're tired of voting for the lesser of two evils
Brother Cutlass of Reasoned Discussion |
SFN Addict

2830 Posts |
Posted - 02/23/2013 : 06:00:42 [Permalink]
Originally posted by Valiant Dancer
It's based on bad science which claims being involved in a faith based group has stress reducing properties when it is actually having access to a social network of supportive friends that renders the benefit. | I find the question very strange. I never heard or read that claim Valiant Dancer. What makes you say or believe that? Is that the opinion of something you might be able to like to?
Part of a [bowling] team, fer instance has the same effect as a faith based group.
| Exactly or maybe more so! In this case, being asked "Do you belong to a faith group?", possibly suggest not only that believing anything based on faith is good thing health wise, which completely flies in the face of the science that medicine is supposed to be based on. If not why does not medical science promote Faith healing? Sounds like the type of conclusion being touted from The Discovery Institute, up in Seattle but I don't know on what you based your comment. |
There are only two types of religious people, the deceivers and the deceived. SS |
Valiant Dancer
Forum Goalie

4826 Posts |
Posted - 02/25/2013 : 09:31:02 [Permalink]
Originally posted by sailingsoul
Originally posted by Valiant Dancer
It's based on bad science which claims being involved in a faith based group has stress reducing properties when it is actually having access to a social network of supportive friends that renders the benefit. | I find the question very strange. I never heard or read that claim Valiant Dancer. What makes you say or believe that? Is that the opinion of something you might be able to like to?
It's been touted by back crack quacks..... I mean Chiropractors and has gotten some leverage at the Family Research Council. In all probability, your provider is an evangelic Christian and is using FRC (which seems to be a misnomer as the "council" does no research) articles as a reference.
JAMA linked positive attitude with a support network but found no correlation with medical outcomes.
Part of a [bowling] team, fer instance has the same effect as a faith based group.
| Exactly or maybe more so! In this case, being asked "Do you belong to a faith group?", possibly suggest not only that believing anything based on faith is good thing health wise, which completely flies in the face of the science that medicine is supposed to be based on. If not why does not medical science promote Faith healing? Sounds like the type of conclusion being touted from The Discovery Institute, up in Seattle but I don't know on what you based your comment.
Wow. I really screwed up the spelling of bowling.
It does seem effective in psychosomatic illnesses. Sometimes, they need the dog and pony show. |
Cthulhu/Asmodeus when you're tired of voting for the lesser of two evils
Brother Cutlass of Reasoned Discussion |

1 Post |
Posted - 03/22/2013 : 00:14:49 [Permalink]
I think it would be great to be a part of this health community to know various solutions for our health problems.