Skeptic Friend

68 Posts |
Posted - 04/24/2002 : 16:31:08
I saw a Clorox Bleach ad on TV this morning, and it really torqued my cookies. The ad shows bottles of generic bleach looking on their respective labels for claim that they kill germs. The implication is that if they don't have labels saying the kill germs they must not kill germs. This is, of course, false. Bleach is the one product you can always count on to kill germs. I can see all the biohazard labs dumping there 100 gallon drums of bleach and running out to the store to buy Clorox since it has a label.
I know FUD ads are nothing new. I just have not seen one this egregious in a while. This whole genre of ads makes me cringe since they say nothing positive about their product and make (false) implications about competitors.
And, yes I can wait 'til the next election and new round of political FUD.
SFN Regular

630 Posts |
Posted - 04/24/2002 : 17:58:28 [Permalink]
I am curious: what does the expression torqued my cookies mean?
If you like FUD you should take a look at Bill Gates recent testimony in the anti-trust trial. Basically if they enforce any sort of sanctions agaianst Microsoft then there is a strong possibiltiy that the world is going to end.
SFN Addict

2511 Posts |
Posted - 04/25/2002 : 02:04:46 [Permalink]
I am curious: what does the expression torqued my cookies mean?
Isn't that funny, I wasn't going to read this folder because I didn't know what that meant either. But then I saw the opening post on the front page of SFN and since it was about MY pet peeve, commericals, I had to comment. There's a commerical on here in Los Angeles that just started about a week ago I think, and it hurts my ears so much I have put my fingers in my ears and count to 30 until it goes away. I don't know what it's advertizing but maybe you will know if I tell you how it begins. I think they think it's 'singing' but it's really some horrid noise that starts out with some high pitched girl yelling 'Tell me what you really want'. It's aweful, the girl who is making that noise should be shot. So if you think you know what product they are advertizing, will you do me a favor and write or call the company and tell them they are loosing my business. Thanks. BTW, while you're at it....can you tell me what is FUD too?
* * * * * * *Carabao forever. ----------------- Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. |
SFN Regular

630 Posts |
Posted - 04/25/2002 : 03:47:27 [Permalink]
BTW, while you're at it....can you tell me what is FUD too?
From the Jargon file:
quote: FUD /fuhd/ n.
Defined by Gene Amdahl after he left IBM to found his own company: "FUD is the fear, uncertainty, and doubt that IBM sales people instill in the minds of potential customers who might be considering [Amdahl] products." The idea, of course, was to persuade them to go with safe IBM gear rather than with competitors' equipment. This implicit coercion was traditionally accomplished by promising that Good Things would happen to people who stuck with IBM, but Dark Shadows loomed over the future of competitors' equipment or software. See IBM. After 1990 the term FUD was associated increasingly frequently with Microsoft, and has become generalized to refer to any kind of disinformation used as a competitive weapon.
Mr. Spock
Skeptic Friend

99 Posts |
Posted - 04/25/2002 : 05:14:44 [Permalink]
Well, it seems as though there are at least two things about advertisements that would peeve the skeptic. First, there are the errors in reasoning; the content and/or form of the "argument" presented in the ad almost never supports the conclusion "you should buy this product." When I taught critical thinking in grad school, I found adds to be great fodder for illustrating fallacious thinking.
In addition, many ads simply insult our intelligence, by being noisy, annoying and just plain dumb. For these reasons, I sometimes wish that there were a hell, just so that the ad writers could go there to join the sex criminals, tyrants, astrologers and other examples of how human evolution is not necessarily progressive. But alas, this is only a fantasy.
Another peeve is when businesses give you things you never asked for, and I'm not talking about junk mail and phone calls. A few months ago, I purchased a burger from a well-known burger franchise. When I opened my bag, I discovered a "God Bless America" bumper sticker. I was so upset by this boldface assumption on the part of the business that all of its customers were theists that I crossed out the "B" is "Bless" and stuck it on their drive-through window after they had closed.
"What sane person could live in this world and not be crazy?" --Ursula LeGuin |
SFN Regular

630 Posts |
Posted - 04/25/2002 : 06:47:08 [Permalink]
In addition, many ads simply insult our intelligence, by being noisy, annoying and just plain dumb.
They might insult the intelligence of a selected few of us, but they are right on traget for the majority.
For these reasons, I sometimes wish that there were a hell, just so that the ad writers could go there to join the sex criminals, tyrants, astrologers and other examples of how human evolution is not necessarily progressive. But alas, this is only a fantasy.
Like the Tenth Circle of Hell for Total Bastards like marketing executives?
Valiant Dancer
Forum Goalie

4826 Posts |
Posted - 04/25/2002 : 07:42:00 [Permalink]
I am curious: what does the expression torqued my cookies mean?
Isn't that funny, I wasn't going to read this folder because I didn't know what that meant either. But then I saw the opening post on the front page of SFN and since it was about MY pet peeve, commericals, I had to comment. There's a commerical on here in Los Angeles that just started about a week ago I think, and it hurts my ears so much I have put my fingers in my ears and count to 30 until it goes away. I don't know what it's advertizing but maybe you will know if I tell you how it begins. I think they think it's 'singing' but it's really some horrid noise that starts out with some high pitched girl yelling 'Tell me what you really want'. It's aweful, the girl who is making that noise should be shot. So if you think you know what product they are advertizing, will you do me a favor and write or call the company and tell them they are loosing my business. Thanks. BTW, while you're at it....can you tell me what is FUD too?
* * * * * * *Carabao forever. ----------------- Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
Quick definitions for folks.
"Torqued my cookies" - equivalent to "knickers in a twist" or "undies in a bunch". A very aggrivating event.
FUD - Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. (Lars posted this first)
'Tell me what you really want' - Beginning line to "If You Wanna Be My Lover" by the Spice Girls. You aren't the first one to want her whacked. I believe the commercial is for Cellular One.
BTW, for all our Australian and New Zeland freinds out there, Happy Anzoc Day. And could one of you tell me what this holiday is all about.
Cthulu/Asmodeus, when you're tired of voting for the lesser of two evils. |
SFN Regular

1223 Posts |
Posted - 04/25/2002 : 09:18:32 [Permalink]
Annoying commercial #1 for me is the one that's either for Sear's or Penny's. Opening scene shows some kid acting like an amphedimine crazed brat from hell. Dad does nothing, zip, except to say "where is your mother?" She's shopping. If I had a kid, and couldn't trust Ed to watch the little yard ape for a couple of hours while I went shopping, I think I'd have bigger problems than whether or not I'd hit the sale in time. Lisa
If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room. |
Skeptic Friend

96 Posts |
Posted - 04/25/2002 : 10:02:13 [Permalink]
To sum up one of my trademark drunken rants into a concise statement.
Commercials are the purpose of broadcast television. Everything else, news and educational material included, exist solely to get you to watch the commercials.
"Know what, if you were in a building, and it was on fire, I'd rescue you." - My Son 3/5/2002 |
SFN Addict

2511 Posts |
Posted - 04/25/2002 : 23:50:52 [Permalink]
BTW, while you're at it....can you tell me what is FUD too?
From the Jargon file:
quote: FUD /fuhd/ n.
Defined by Gene Amdahl after he left IBM to found his own company: "FUD is the fear, uncertainty, and doubt that IBM sales people instill in the minds of potential customers who might be considering [Amdahl] products." The idea, of course, was to persuade them to go with safe IBM gear rather than with competitors' equipment. This implicit coercion was traditionally accomplished by promising that Good Things would happen to people who stuck with IBM, but Dark Shadows loomed over the future of competitors' equipment or software. See IBM. After 1990 the term FUD was associated increasingly frequently with Microsoft, and has become generalized to refer to any kind of disinformation used as a competitive weapon.
Thanks. But that's all too confusing for me. Why can't people just use plain English and say concisely what they mean instead of all these cute little expressions?
* * * * * * *Carabao forever. ----------------- Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. |
SFN Regular

630 Posts |
Posted - 04/26/2002 : 05:26:54 [Permalink]
Thanks. But that's all too confusing for me. Why can't people just use plain English and say concisely what they mean instead of all these cute little expressions?
Considering that the FUD thing comes to us from the hacker-culture, there appears to be a very simple reason why they did not use plain English so everyone would understand what they mean. They did not want everyone to understand what they mean. That is a very elitist group of people there.
Skeptic Friend

96 Posts |
Posted - 04/26/2002 : 06:10:59 [Permalink]
quote: Considering that the FUD thing comes to us from the hacker-culture, there appears to be a very simple reason why they did not use plain English so everyone would understand what they mean. They did not want everyone to understand what they mean. That is a very elitist group of people there.
I don't know. Every actual hacker I've ever met who was worth a damn was very open and down to earth. Sharing information is part of their philosophy. It seems to be mostly the wannabe script kiddies who flood message boards with obscure jargon.
"Know what, if you were in a building, and it was on fire, I'd rescue you." - My Son 3/5/2002 |
SFN Regular

1447 Posts |
Posted - 04/26/2002 : 06:24:09 [Permalink]
I'm annoyed at commercials' tendency to portray the man as a lazy moron, while the woman is the smart, eye-rolling, tolerant-of-his-stupidity one. I can laugh at a funny stereotype as much as the next guy, but this is getting ridiculously ubiquitous!
Truth above pride and ego; truth above all |
Skeptic Friend

68 Posts |
Posted - 04/26/2002 : 10:36:06 [Permalink]
Thanks. But that's all too confusing for me. Why can't people just use plain English and say concisely what they mean instead of all these cute little expressions?
I'm fascinated by the evolution of language and slang. Consequently, I tend to use it a lot, and I apologize for any confusion.
The first time I heard the phrase "torque my cookies", I knew exactly what it meant. I also really like the imagery of actually twistin' someone's biscuits.
Since most people on this board are computer literate, I thought the term FUD would be well known. However its a nice short word that accurately represents a class of sleazy advertising, so I would've probably used it anyway. :)
Edited by - Wiley on 04/26/2002 10:37:05 |
SFN Addict

2511 Posts |
Posted - 04/26/2002 : 21:25:35 [Permalink]
Considering that the FUD thing comes to us from the hacker-culture, there appears to be a very simple reason why they did not use plain English so everyone would understand what they mean. They did not want everyone to understand what they mean. That is a very elitist group of people there.
Boy! Am I glad I don't follow that 'culture' and also am so happy I don't know about pop American music or that horrid sound of 'tell me what you want'. Those are two areas of human existance I care not to participate in.
Lisa is right about that Sear's or Penny's commerical too. I don't know what store it's for either. Why would I want to shop at a store where morons shop? Anyone who would shop there because of that commerical is a moron. You know another store that has a really stupid ad! The one where the lady is peering in the window of the store saying 'Open, open, open'. Oh Shut UP! Lady.
* * * * * * *Carabao forever. ----------------- Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. |
SFN Regular

1668 Posts |
Posted - 04/26/2002 : 22:12:24 [Permalink]
There are at least half a dozen car ads for different makes where car skids in a sideways sprial on the road and stops in front of the camera. Personally I don't want my car skidding sideways --I'd have trouble getting the smell & stains out of the drives seat cover
------- It will sometimes be necessary to use falsehood for the benefit of those who need such a mode of treatment. ----Eusebius of Nicomedia, The Preparation of the Gospel
Edited by - slater on 04/26/2002 22:13:21 |