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 Energy !!! I knew it!!!
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SFN Regular

708 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2004 :  19:36:57  Show Profile  Visit Storm's Homepage Send Storm a Private Message

Check this tripped out website.

Pretty cool although the emphasis on "one way" and "secret" creep me out.

Any thoughts?

Hey filthy I know your on. I checked before and no-one was on...
Are you telling me you people actually have lives.....
you mean to say that you have much better things to do on a Saturday night than read my pseudoscientific bomb threads

Dave W.
Info Junkie

26022 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2004 :  19:59:46   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Dave W.'s Homepage Send Dave W. a Private Message
It's all a big advertisement for a $20 "e-book" (which is only 72 pages). None of the quotes appear to be attributed to anyone but "experts" or "researchers." There are no obvious citations of any research.
"The essence of this ‘secret,' according to researchers, relies on the scientific truth that if you were to break down everything you see around you, the net result would be a pure, non-physical energy, which can be directed to create what we desire"...
Obviously, the author uses a different meaning for the word 'energy' than would the average physicist. The guy is "connecting the dots" between physics and spiritualism, but neglecting the fact that the word 'energy' has two different meanings in those fields. A non-physical energy, of course, would have no effect upon the physical world (nor would the world have an effect upon it). The reason E=mc2 is that energy is physical.

Indeed, the author has found the key to wealth: get $20 a pop from suckers on the Web.

And, oddly, the author calls metaphysicists "metaphysicians," which might make one think they've got something to do with the medical field.

If you want to learn about energy, Storm, go crack open a physics textbook.

- Dave W. (Private Msg, EMail)
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SFN Regular

708 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2004 :  20:12:14   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Storm's Homepage Send Storm a Private Message
Hey Dave how do you highlight my name like that. I am a novice on this site.

Very interesting Dave about what you said about energy. So let us change that non physical to physical?

I am watching a very interesting show called Faith under Fire. The atheists and the religious debate it out. Now they are debating if our schools are Pagan? Is Christianity not Pagan... Uhh Chritmas tree, Easter egg, Sun King, anything else.
Anyone heard of this programm? I am watching it on PAX t.v. It is a pretty cool Show?

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SFN Regular

708 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2004 :  20:17:07   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Storm's Homepage Send Storm a Private Message
Now the Baptists are saying on this show that the public schools have become Temples of Baal, that the public schools have become Goddless.. Is not Baal a God!!!!!
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SFN Die Hard

3834 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2004 :  20:23:04   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send beskeptigal a Private Message
Watch most TV channels in the US after about 1:00am. You will notice right away the same 'infomercial' language used. It is soooo obvious just by the language that it is a money making sham.
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Evil Skeptic

13477 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2004 :  20:28:04   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Kil's Homepage  Send Kil an AOL message  Send Kil a Yahoo! Message Send Kil a Private Message
Any thoughts?

Yeah. I checked out the site and had several thoughts. Well, one mainly. The secret that will cost me $24.95 could be printed out, cut up and mixed into my compost heap. There it would degrade, be consumed by the worms, shat out and become a nice rich food for my lawn. In that way, the book will have achieved its greatest potential for unlocking a rich and useful energy resource.

Of course, it isn't really worth the $24.95 to do that.

Uncertainty may make you uncomfortable. Certainty makes you ridiculous.

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Dave W.
Info Junkie

26022 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2004 :  20:44:58   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Dave W.'s Homepage Send Dave W. a Private Message
Originally posted by Storm

Hey Dave how do you highlight my name like that. I am a novice on this site.
It's the big B next to "format" - B for Bold.
Very interesting Dave about what you said about energy. So let us change that non physical to physical?
Nope, sorry. The site claims it is talking about non-physical energy. Every word there is thus irrelevant to a discussion of physical energy.
I am watching a very interesting show called Faith under Fire. The atheists and the religious debate it out. Now they are debating if our schools are Pagan? Is Christianity not Pagan... Uhh Chritmas tree, Easter egg, Sun King, anything else.
Pagan with a capitol-P typically refers to the "Neo-Pagan" movement which started back in the 1970s. With a small-p, it refers to any person who is not Christian, Muslim or Jewish. Christianity fits neither definition of 'pagan'.

- Dave W. (Private Msg, EMail)
Evidently, I rock!
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SFN Regular

708 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2004 :  21:22:15   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Storm's Homepage Send Storm a Private Message
Yes dave in all its fucking technical term christianity does fit the definition of pagan but the Christians sure know how to play the part examples I sighted before.
As far as the non physical and physical let us move beyond the article. No one said we had to be such tight asses and stick to just that article. Sorry for the cursing but it is late and I am tired but still wired from my day at work
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Skeptic Friend

446 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2004 :  22:54:45   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Paulos23's Homepage Send Paulos23 a Private Message
Originally posted by Storm

Hey Dave how do you highlight my name like that. I am a novice on this site.

Very interesting Dave about what you said about energy. So let us change that non physical to physical?

And how would you do that? Even if there was a way to physical energy nonphysical it would make the nonphysical engery part of the univerise's total of energy and mass. If this was true, we can then see energy and/or mass disapear and reapear. Because no one has see this or successfully done it, I would think it would be very unlikely.

You can go wrong by being too skeptical as readily as by being too trusting. -- Robert A. Heinlein

Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. -- Aldous Huxley
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Dave W.
Info Junkie

26022 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2004 :  22:55:00   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Dave W.'s Homepage Send Dave W. a Private Message
Originally posted by Storm

Yes dave in all its fucking technical term christianity does fit the definition of pagan but the Christians sure know how to play the part examples I sighted before.
If you're not interested in what I've got to say, you don't need to reply. You asked a question, I answered it. If you're going to redefine the word 'pagan', then the question was meaningless in the first place.
As far as the non physical and physical let us move beyond the article. No one said we had to be such tight asses and stick to just that article.
Well, you already know my opinion of your ideas about "energy," so it's up to you to move this discussion along. Just saying "let's move beyond the article" doesn't take us anywhere. Were you really expecting a different response?
Sorry for the cursing but it is late and I am tired but still wired from my day at work
Perhaps you should think about sleeping it off. There's no hurry.

- Dave W. (Private Msg, EMail)
Evidently, I rock!
Why not question something for a change?
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SFN Die Hard

4907 Posts

Posted - 12/19/2004 :  00:10:58   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Send Ricky an AOL message Send Ricky a Private Message
I think this quote pretty much sums up the entire site in my point of view:

(energy obviously being to small to actually see)

Sorry, just can't stop laughing.

Why continue? Because we must. Because we have the call. Because it is nobler to fight for rationality without winning than to give up in the face of continued defeats. Because whatever true progress humanity makes is through the rationality of the occasional individual and because any one individual we may win for the cause may do more for humanity than a hundred thousand who hug their superstitions to their breast.
- Isaac Asimov
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SFN Die Hard

14408 Posts

Posted - 12/19/2004 :  00:50:57   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send filthy a Private Message
Originally posted by Storm

Hey filthy I know your on. I checked before and no-one was on...
Are you telling me you people actually have lives.....
you mean to say that you have much better things to do on a Saturday night than read my pseudoscientific bomb threads

Actually, I don't. Due to my disabilities, I am all but house-bound. A trip to the store is a big deal, these days. Hopefully, that's going to change with a couple of surgeries next year.

The chances are that I might have been 'on,' but not on. My computer is so slow to boot up that I often leave it running. The site I happen to be on is where it stays, the telephone be damned.

I must agree with Kil, et al, on the site. An expensive addition to the compost pile (when I get back on my feet, such a garden I'm going to have!).

And Ricky's favorite quote:
(energy obviously being to small to actually see)
Further, as soon as you see something like this:
"For the first time in our history, we can now agree, there seems to be just one ‘secret' which can actually create what we desire.”
Your bullshit detector should have pegged the needle with that one. Somebody's after your lunch money.

I must ask: what 'size' is energy? I've never heard of energy having a size, at least as I uderstand the word.

Now the Baptists are saying on this show that the public schools have become Temples of Baal, that the public schools have become Goddless.. Is not Baal a God!!!!!
Yeah, Ba'al is one among who-the-hell knows how many, and the double-dipped in deep water say a lot of silly things. It should be funny, but rather it is a sad commentary on the general public's thought process' that they are listened to at all.

"What luck for rulers that men do not think." -- Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)

"If only we could impeach on the basis of criminal stupidity, 90% of the Rethuglicans and half of the Democrats would be thrown out of office." ~~ P.Z. Myres

"The default position of human nature is to punch the other guy in the face and take his stuff." ~~ Dude

Brother Boot Knife of Warm Humanitarianism,

and Crypto-Communist!

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SFN Addict

2322 Posts

Posted - 12/19/2004 :  05:43:27   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Siberia's Homepage  Send Siberia an AOL message  Send Siberia a Yahoo! Message Send Siberia a Private Message
Yep, what works for Filthy works for me too. Handicap be damned. Only I'm on a different timezone.

And actually, I do enjoy Storm's threads. They're quite amusing. Especially, they make me feel less guilty about not going for Physics and going for Computer Science. Such safe, woo woo free land.

"Why are you afraid of something you're not even sure exists?"
- The Kovenant, Via Negativa

"People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs."
-- unknown
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SFN Die Hard

6891 Posts

Posted - 12/19/2004 :  14:46:16   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Dude a Private Message
It might be worth the $$ just to laugh at whatever "secret" this dipshit is selling.

Ignorance is preferable to error; and he is less remote from the truth who believes nothing, than he who believes what is wrong.
-- Thomas Jefferson

"god :: the last refuge of a man with no answers and no argument." - G. Carlin

Hope, n.
The handmaiden of desperation; the opiate of despair; the illegible signpost on the road to perdition. ~~ da filth
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SFN Die Hard

6891 Posts

Posted - 12/19/2004 :  14:53:48   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Dude a Private Message
Google returns exactly two responses when you enter Darrell Daybré.

Both are the site that sells the e-book.

You'd expect a scientist who has discoverd what this guy claims to have discovered
Darrell Daybré, a researcher in metaphysics states that “with this knowledge, people will no longer have to keep trying method after method, reading book after book, while trying, hoping, or wishing for what they want in their lives. There is only one 'secret' to having what you desire!"

Would have his name thrown around more often on the internet. You'd think that a google search would turn up some peer reviewed research articles. ect...

Storm, I'm going to have to reccomend to you the same thing I have been recommending to verlch for months (he hasn't listened, and I doubt you will either).

PLEASE. Stop drinking the contaminated pond water.

Ignorance is preferable to error; and he is less remote from the truth who believes nothing, than he who believes what is wrong.
-- Thomas Jefferson

"god :: the last refuge of a man with no answers and no argument." - G. Carlin

Hope, n.
The handmaiden of desperation; the opiate of despair; the illegible signpost on the road to perdition. ~~ da filth
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SFN Regular

708 Posts

Posted - 12/19/2004 :  17:17:44   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Storm's Homepage Send Storm a Private Message
Other than you not agreeing with this person let us talk more of this energy he describes. Do we have the ability to affect peoples wills without speaking? Using just our minds? The force be with you Luke? Very interestisng Grasshopper?
If energy is too small to see {ricky} then it must have a size? Even if it is a small tiny size.{filthy}
One thing I never said was that I was for or against this sight. I am just surfing doing research.
No pond Water for me...
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