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 Dembski comes out for Darwin
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Posted - 11/29/2006 :  05:46:12  Show Profile Send HalfMooner a Private Message
Intelligent Design scientist outs himself as a Darwinist

Fort Worth, Texas, November 29, 2006 (CNS) -- Dr. William Dembski today shocked the academic world by breaking with Intelligent Design and announcing his conversion to a new way of thinking.

Dembski spoke to the press before a painting he recently commissioned

Dembski is famed as the "Isaac Newton of Information Theory," and is rumored to be next in line for the Lucasian Chair of Mathematics at Cambridge University. Dembski is presently a research professor in mathematics at the prestigious Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth, Texas. He has long been an outspoken critic of evolution, and a supporter of "intelligent design."

"That's all changing right now," says Dembski, stamping his foot. "For far too long, I have been a secret Darwinist, hiding my true nature. Now it's time for me to come out of the closet at last!"

Dembski continued, "It has been clear to me for several years that the Discovery Institute has not even been in the same hemisphere as the truth. Darwin was right, and everyone at DI knows it in their heart of hearts. Maybe those guys just need someone like myself to come out and say it: Darwinism is great! There, I feel better already."

Dembski explained that he was busy in numerological research to found the field of "Darwinist Creationism." It will be "a synergistic field combining science and religion, involving the worship of Charles Darwin as the Creator. It will acknowledge that He used evolution to create animals, plants, and humans."

"All this controversy over evolution evaporates when we simply choose the correct Designer to worship," Dembski explained. "What a man! Darwin's my God now."

Biology is just physics that has begun to smell bad.” —HalfMooner
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Edited by - HalfMooner on 11/29/2006 06:07:00
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