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 Xian child abuse centers
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SFN Addict

2562 Posts

Posted - 08/17/2011 :  08:32:09  Show Profile Send the_ignored a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well, speaking of xianity's victimhood get a load of this:

If you read the bill, it is a collection of fairly common sense rules to prevent child abuse and neglect: physical and mental abuse is prohibited, kids have access to a phone for emergencies, staff are required to know the state laws regarding child abuse and neglect. The bar is set very low here, and only basic, minimal, freakin’ obvious restrictions are imposed…and this would "effectively close all Christian ministries helping troubled youth"?

Then so be it. Christian ministries must be so unethical, so corrupt, so hateful, and so incompetent that perhaps we can simplify the law and just make exposing children to Christianity, period, a criminal act. I’d favor laws that prohibited churches and priests from anywhere within a mile of a school or playground, if Christians can’t even abide by the common-sense provisions of HR 911.

For the context, which makes this worse, read the link to PZ's article, as well as his link to the wording of HR 911. Get a load of who opposes that bill, and whose helping them.

(excerpt follows):
> I'm looking to teach these two bastards a lesson they'll never forget.
> Personal visit by mates of mine. No violence, just a wee little chat.
> **** has also committed more crimes than you can count with his
> incitement of hatred against a religion. That law came in about 2007
> much to ****'s ignorance. That is fact and his writing will become well
> know as well as him becoming a publicly known icon of hatred.
> Good luck with that fuckwit. And Reynold, fucking run, and don't stop.
> Disappear would be best as it was you who dared to attack me on my
> illness knowing nothing of the cause. You disgust me and you are top of
> the list boy. Again, no violence. Just regular reminders of who's there
> and visits to see you are behaving. Nothing scary in reality. But I'd
> still disappear if I was you.

What brought that on? this. Original posting here.

Another example of this guy's lunacy here.

Edited by - the_ignored on 08/17/2011 12:26:26

On fire for Christ
SFN Regular

1273 Posts

Posted - 08/17/2011 :  17:48:42   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send On fire for Christ a Private Message  Reply with Quote
"Xian" is a city in China. Is it really that hard to type "Christian"?

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Skeptic Friend

210 Posts

Posted - 08/17/2011 :  18:27:59   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send alienist a Private Message  Reply with Quote
You really need to go after these christian reform "schools" instead of worrying about how people spell christian. These people are making christians look bad

The only normal people are the ones you don't know very well! - Joe Ancis
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On fire for Christ
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Posted - 08/17/2011 :  18:31:07   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send On fire for Christ a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm not worried about how to spell Christian, I'm worried about people besmirching the reputation of the city of Xian.

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Skeptic Friend

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Posted - 08/17/2011 :  18:59:23   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send alienist a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Okay, that made me smile. I have heard that Xian is a beautiful place

The only normal people are the ones you don't know very well! - Joe Ancis
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Dave W.
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Posted - 08/17/2011 :  20:05:42   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Dave W.'s Homepage Send Dave W. a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by On fire for Christ

"Xian" is a city in China.
Actually, it's Xi'an.
Is it really that hard to type "Christian"?
It's the way Xians used to spell it.

- Dave W. (Private Msg, EMail)
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On fire for Christ
SFN Regular

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Posted - 08/18/2011 :  01:30:42   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send On fire for Christ a Private Message  Reply with Quote
please don't try to correct me, it is an affront to my hubris

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Dr. Mabuse
Septic Fiend

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Posted - 08/18/2011 :  03:42:38   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Send Dr. Mabuse an ICQ Message Send Dr. Mabuse a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Religious people of any denomination shouldn't be exempt from the law.

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SFN Addict

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Posted - 08/18/2011 :  07:10:15   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send the_ignored a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Speaking of which, holy shit. Mennonites? Fucking Mennonites?!

(excerpt follows):
> I'm looking to teach these two bastards a lesson they'll never forget.
> Personal visit by mates of mine. No violence, just a wee little chat.
> **** has also committed more crimes than you can count with his
> incitement of hatred against a religion. That law came in about 2007
> much to ****'s ignorance. That is fact and his writing will become well
> know as well as him becoming a publicly known icon of hatred.
> Good luck with that fuckwit. And Reynold, fucking run, and don't stop.
> Disappear would be best as it was you who dared to attack me on my
> illness knowing nothing of the cause. You disgust me and you are top of
> the list boy. Again, no violence. Just regular reminders of who's there
> and visits to see you are behaving. Nothing scary in reality. But I'd
> still disappear if I was you.

What brought that on? this. Original posting here.

Another example of this guy's lunacy here.
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Skeptic Friend

210 Posts

Posted - 08/18/2011 :  13:49:13   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send alienist a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I didn't realize that Mennonites didn't educate their girls past age 12. The government should force them to educate the girls or put them in jail.

BTW, the Chinese would spell Xian with characters.

The only normal people are the ones you don't know very well! - Joe Ancis
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SFN Addict

2562 Posts

Posted - 08/18/2011 :  16:55:45   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send the_ignored a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yeah, I've noticed that xianity is just loaded with characters.

I note that OFFC doesn't really say anything about the actual topic. Telling, that. I spell it the way I do to indicate a lack of respect without being vulgar. Though many times I am vulgar about it.

(excerpt follows):
> I'm looking to teach these two bastards a lesson they'll never forget.
> Personal visit by mates of mine. No violence, just a wee little chat.
> **** has also committed more crimes than you can count with his
> incitement of hatred against a religion. That law came in about 2007
> much to ****'s ignorance. That is fact and his writing will become well
> know as well as him becoming a publicly known icon of hatred.
> Good luck with that fuckwit. And Reynold, fucking run, and don't stop.
> Disappear would be best as it was you who dared to attack me on my
> illness knowing nothing of the cause. You disgust me and you are top of
> the list boy. Again, no violence. Just regular reminders of who's there
> and visits to see you are behaving. Nothing scary in reality. But I'd
> still disappear if I was you.

What brought that on? this. Original posting here.

Another example of this guy's lunacy here.
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On fire for Christ
SFN Regular

1273 Posts

Posted - 08/19/2011 :  03:24:35   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send On fire for Christ a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by the_ignored

I note that OFFC doesn't really say anything about the actual topic. Telling, that.

Really, what does it tell you?

I spell it the way I do to indicate a lack of respect without being vulgar. Though many times I am vulgar about it.

Well that's pretty childish.

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Dr. Mabuse
Septic Fiend

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Posted - 08/19/2011 :  04:52:26   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Send Dr. Mabuse an ICQ Message Send Dr. Mabuse a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by On fire for Christ

Originally posted by the_ignored

I note that OFFC doesn't really say anything about the actual topic. Telling, that.

Really, what does it tell you?
That you don't want to acknowledge the existance of the actual topic, but would rather manufacture something else to discuss in order to distract from the original topic. If you are embarrassed by your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, that's perfactly understandable. But avoiding takning about it doesn't make it go away.

The cold hard fact is that Christians are using that book as an excuse to do some pretty evil things to their children. But why should we care, they are practicing their religion?

I spell it the way I do to indicate a lack of respect without being vulgar. Though many times I am vulgar about it.
Well that's pretty childish.
Would you prefer the_ignored being vulgar at every turn when talking about christians who deserve no respect?

If a bunch of child-torturing christians are fucking stupid, then calling them that may be vulgar, but it would also be stating the God-honest truth. So what do you propose we do, lie about it? (Oh I forgot. Lying for Jesus is an occupational requirement to be an evngelical Christian...)

Dr. Mabuse - "When the going gets tough, the tough get Duct-tape..."
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Valiant Dancer
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Posted - 08/19/2011 :  06:16:21   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Valiant Dancer's Homepage Send Valiant Dancer a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Technically, OFFC, ig is using the term Xian respectfully to Christians. The term Xian (no offence to the people in that lovely Chinese city) is to show where the adherents claim loudly to be Christian but their actions and beliefs remove the teachings of Christ. Hence Xian instead of Christian much like commercialism has rendered Christmas into Xmas.

Not to shabby for an old Witch.

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SFN Addict

2562 Posts

Posted - 08/19/2011 :  09:23:03   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send the_ignored a Private Message  Reply with Quote
There you go, OFFC...the Doc has it right. So, OFFC...going to say anything bloody relevant here or are you just going to whine?

Sorry, VD, but in this case I am not being respectful. I know that some members of that faith get ticked off when someone calls them by a name that they themselves coined centuries ago, so I use it. Kind of like how the teabaggers get mad when someone else calls them that, even though they first took that term themselves without checking up on what other meanings it may have.

(excerpt follows):
> I'm looking to teach these two bastards a lesson they'll never forget.
> Personal visit by mates of mine. No violence, just a wee little chat.
> **** has also committed more crimes than you can count with his
> incitement of hatred against a religion. That law came in about 2007
> much to ****'s ignorance. That is fact and his writing will become well
> know as well as him becoming a publicly known icon of hatred.
> Good luck with that fuckwit. And Reynold, fucking run, and don't stop.
> Disappear would be best as it was you who dared to attack me on my
> illness knowing nothing of the cause. You disgust me and you are top of
> the list boy. Again, no violence. Just regular reminders of who's there
> and visits to see you are behaving. Nothing scary in reality. But I'd
> still disappear if I was you.

What brought that on? this. Original posting here.

Another example of this guy's lunacy here.
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Dr. Mabuse
Septic Fiend

9691 Posts

Posted - 08/19/2011 :  12:03:39   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Send Dr. Mabuse an ICQ Message Send Dr. Mabuse a Private Message  Reply with Quote
What does "xian" mean?

"What does the abbreviation "xian" mean? Is it an insult?"

When writing the name "Christ," it is quite common to abbreviate it to X or x, representing the first letter (chi) of the Greek XPICTOC khristos. For example, "xmas" is a common abbreviation of "Christmas." "Xian" just means "Christian."

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the use of the abbreviation "xian" or "xtian" for "Christian" dates back at least as far as 1634. Before that, it was more usual to take the first two letters of XPICTOC, and write "xpian" for "Christian." Priests would record Christenings using the shorthand "xpen" or "xpn."

So no, it's not an insult.
Emphasis above mine.

More links:

Dr. Mabuse - "When the going gets tough, the tough get Duct-tape..."
Dr. Mabuse whisper.mp3

"Equivocation is not just a job, for a creationist it's a way of life..." Dr. Mabuse

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Edited by - Dr. Mabuse on 08/19/2011 12:04:43
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