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 Physicist John Hagelin on "Shadow Matter"
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Skeptic Friend

75 Posts

Posted - 08/30/2011 :  08:50:35  Show Profile Send Alexander1304 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hello All,
I had some read of particle physicist John Hagelin: "It appears plausible, theoretically, that this shadow matter aggregates around our physical bodies, and may actually constitute a subtler level of our physiology (i.e., a subtle body) that "thinks." Moreover, if shadow matter possesses the remarkable properties that we believe it does, it may provide a natural link between our material brain and the Unified Field of Consciousness.

It was previously assumed that our interaction with shadow matter was through the gravitational force alone, and hence, far too weak to be of any practical consequence. In fact, our calculations show it is highly plausible that we interact with this unseen world via the (far stronger) electromagnetic force.

This electromagnetic interaction with shadow matter provides a plausible scientific explanation for mind and thought, for fulfillment of desire, for Jyotish, Yagya, the Maharishi Effect÷ for numerous phenomena of consciousness that had previously seemed mysterious."

What do you guys think?
So far he is the only person I found who thinks that iteractions between shadow-ornal matter can be electromagnetic.

Dave W.
Info Junkie

26024 Posts

Posted - 08/30/2011 :  10:42:00   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Dave W.'s Homepage Send Dave W. a Private Message  Reply with Quote
We've discussed this before.

Suggesting that shadow matter is an explanation for mind and thought is putting the cart before the horse. Shadow matter needs to be demonstrated to even exist, first. If all Hagelin is doing is "assuming" some things and "calculating" others, then no amount of plausible-sounding stuff is relevant. What's required is actual empirical data.

Until that data is collected and analyzed, all talk of shadow matter explaining anything is like talking about the buttons on the Emporer's new clothes.

- Dave W. (Private Msg, EMail)
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