On fire for Christ
SFN Regular

1273 Posts |
Posted - 02/28/2013 : 23:09:07 [Permalink]
Originally posted by Dave W.
Anyone having sex in order to feel like "a big lady" is doing it for the wrong reason.
Willfully misinterpreting again Dave? The obvious takeaway from her comment is that at 13 she felt old enough. Not she did it in order to feel big. If the statement read "I was 13....I wanted to feel like a big lady, so I did it." Then you might have a point. I never tire of your ability to twist words to suit your argument, and the ability of your cronies to ignore it.
Kil: Lets not forget this is a grown woman's (with a fully developed brain) reflections on her decision. Not the same 13 year old who made it.
What decisions ARE you qualified to make before you brain becomes fully developed? Choosing your major could have a larger impact on your life than having sex.
Ultimately you can make sex illegal for all minors or even raise the age above 18, but biology will dictate what people do in privacy. It's already a joke to assume the majority of under 18 year olds are virgins. You need to have an element of realism where you decide the draw the line, and IMO we DO need a line.
Evil Skeptic

13477 Posts |
Posted - 03/01/2013 : 00:57:22 [Permalink]
OffC: Kil: Lets not forget this is a grown woman's (with a fully developed brain) reflections on her decision. Not the same 13 year old who made it. |
I get that there are cultural differences. Never the less, at 13 she was not hard wired yet. What she thinks about it now makes no difference. In this culture, we don't allow her to make that decision because we know that at that age, she lacks the mechanism to make it a rationally consenting decision. Teenagers make much riskier decisions than adults do. The reason for that is that the prefrontal cortex is where those decisions are made in an adult. Teenagers do some pretty stupid shit, wouldn’t you agree? There are studies on the risk behaviors of teens with regard to brain development. I can supply some if needed.
OffC: What decisions ARE you qualified to make before you brain becomes fully developed? Choosing your major could have a larger impact on your life than having sex. |
True. But kids change majors. There is no guarantee that what she is interested in at 13 will be the same thing she is interested in at 18 when there is more frontal cortex to work with. What’s more, it’s not at all unusual for people to change majors while in college.
OffC: Ultimately you can make sex illegal for all minors or even raise the age above 18, but biology will dictate what people do in privacy. It's already a joke to assume the majority of under 18 year olds are virgins. |
True. And kids do have sex. Most statutory rapes are not litigated because of the closeness in age. But pedophilia, which is in the DSM as a disorder, pretty much means an adult who wants to have sex with a child. And the subject here is pedophilia.
OffC: You need to have an element of realism where you decide the draw the line, and IMO we DO need a line. |
Yes. And legally the line is drawn at 18. Grey areas are considered before litigation.
Uncertainty may make you uncomfortable. Certainty makes you ridiculous.
Why not question something for a change?
Genetic Literacy Project |
Dave W.
Info Junkie

26024 Posts |
Posted - 03/01/2013 : 04:36:46 [Permalink]
Originally posted by On fire for Christ
Willfully misinterpreting again Dave? | No. The words "willfully" and "again" are both wrong.The obvious takeaway from her comment is that at 13 she felt old enough. Not she did it in order to feel big. If the statement read "I was 13....I wanted to feel like a big lady, so I did it." Then you might have a point. | You're right. I read the statement incorrectly. A mistake.I never tire of your ability to twist words to suit your argument, and the ability of your cronies to ignore it. | Cite another time that you think that that's happened, since this isn't one. |
- Dave W. (Private Msg, EMail) Evidently, I rock! Why not question something for a change? Visit Dave's Psoriasis Info, too. |