Dave W.
Info Junkie

26024 Posts |
Posted - 03/13/2014 : 18:32:32
Evangelical Christians want access to more corpses … to hone their ‘raising the dead’ skills:TYLER Johnson runs a ministry called the Dead Raising Team in the US. He claims to have brought 11 people back to life. He says he even persuaded the authorities in his state to issue him with an official photocard which lets him through police lines at car accident sites.
Johnson, according to this BBC report, appears in a new documentary film called Deadraisers, which follows enthusiasts as they trail round hospitals and mortuaries trying to bring people back to life.
Sadly, those they pray for in the film remain resolutely dead. I can't wait to see the lawsuits fly when they even attempt to resurrect someone who chose to end a terminal illness early.
- Dave W. (Private Msg, EMail) Evidently, I rock! Why not question something for a change? Visit Dave's Psoriasis Info, too. |
Dr. Mabuse
Septic Fiend

9691 Posts |
Posted - 03/13/2014 : 22:09:42 [Permalink]
Question is if this isn't supposed to go into the humour folder.
Dr. Mabuse - "When the going gets tough, the tough get Duct-tape..." Dr. Mabuse whisper.mp3
"Equivocation is not just a job, for a creationist it's a way of life..." Dr. Mabuse
Support American Troops in Iraq: Send them unarmed civilians for target practice.. Collateralmurder. |
Dr. Mabuse
Septic Fiend

9691 Posts |
Posted - 03/14/2014 : 05:27:16 [Permalink]
How many at the hospital died with a "Do Not Resussitate" sign by the bed? Those would still apply, won't they? |
Dr. Mabuse - "When the going gets tough, the tough get Duct-tape..." Dr. Mabuse whisper.mp3
"Equivocation is not just a job, for a creationist it's a way of life..." Dr. Mabuse
Support American Troops in Iraq: Send them unarmed civilians for target practice.. Collateralmurder. |
Dave W.
Info Junkie

26024 Posts |
Posted - 03/14/2014 : 06:10:19 [Permalink]
Originally posted by Dr. Mabuse
How many at the hospital died with a "Do Not Resussitate" sign by the bed? Those would still apply, won't they? | Just remember to add your "Do Not Reincarnate" directive to your will. |
- Dave W. (Private Msg, EMail) Evidently, I rock! Why not question something for a change? Visit Dave's Psoriasis Info, too. |
Dr. Mabuse
Septic Fiend

9691 Posts |
Posted - 03/14/2014 : 07:12:12 [Permalink]
or "Reanimate"... |
Dr. Mabuse - "When the going gets tough, the tough get Duct-tape..." Dr. Mabuse whisper.mp3
"Equivocation is not just a job, for a creationist it's a way of life..." Dr. Mabuse
Support American Troops in Iraq: Send them unarmed civilians for target practice.. Collateralmurder. |
SFN Addict

2830 Posts |
Posted - 03/14/2014 : 14:30:41 [Permalink]
Originally posted by Dr. Mabuse
Question is if this isn't supposed to go into the humour folder.
| Oh, without a doubt it should have.
What are you two going on about beyond that? There is nothing to their claim. These idiots are claiming that some how they, through their (groveling) praying, that their imaginary God will first say "that's it, I'm punching your clock" and then because these yahoo's show up God is going to change his/her/it's "mind" and resurrect them. Can we get back to reality? This is not reality based. These deluded brain washed theists, out to make a buck, aren't bringing anyone back to life after they die and their imaginary God who is no more real than any other imaginary God is not going to do any better.
Lawsuits? Because someone is thought to have died but didn't die when these yoyo's show up? Please! It a ministry, aka "Religious Confidence Game" to get money out of gullible people by taking credit of what happened, whether they showed up or not. |
There are only two types of religious people, the deceivers and the deceived. SS |
Evil Skeptic

13477 Posts |
Posted - 03/14/2014 : 17:29:05 [Permalink]
I suppose it could depend on whether the corps is mostly dead or all dead. Big difference according to Miracle Max. |
Uncertainty may make you uncomfortable. Certainty makes you ridiculous.
Why not question something for a change?
Genetic Literacy Project |
Dr. Mabuse
Septic Fiend

9691 Posts |
Posted - 03/15/2014 : 02:29:27 [Permalink]
" To die, to be really dead, that must be glorious! ... There are far worse things awaiting man than death."
Dr. Mabuse - "When the going gets tough, the tough get Duct-tape..." Dr. Mabuse whisper.mp3
"Equivocation is not just a job, for a creationist it's a way of life..." Dr. Mabuse
Support American Troops in Iraq: Send them unarmed civilians for target practice.. Collateralmurder. |
SFN Addict

2830 Posts |
Posted - 03/15/2014 : 20:44:14 [Permalink]
Originally posted by Dr. Mabuse
" To die, to be really dead, that must be glorious! ... There are far worse things awaiting man than death."
| Ah yes! You quote "The Count". That's good, I particularly like, "(it's) the soul afraid of dying, that never learns to live". |
There are only two types of religious people, the deceivers and the deceived. SS |