New Member
1 Post |
Posted - 02/29/2008 : 09:19:50
this is no conspiracy theory, for whatever reason the elite have decided to tell everyone of their plan for world domination...
Rise up and destroy the machine!!!
H. Humbert
SFN Die Hard
4574 Posts |
Posted - 02/29/2008 : 09:34:10 [Permalink]
Well, I wasn't about to sit through a 2 hour web movie (especially a poorly made one), but from what little I scrolled through, I gather that this film purports to reveal that Jesus wasn't a historical figure and that the American government was responsible for 9-11 and the Great Depression. And these "truths" will liberate humanity from the shackles of the planet's secret overlords or something?
Anyway, it appears to be 100% unmitigated drivel. Just one unevidenced non-sequitur after another.
"A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true." --Demosthenes
"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself - and you are the easiest person to fool." --Richard P. Feynman
"Face facts with dignity." --found inside a fortune cookie |
Edited by - H. Humbert on 02/29/2008 09:34:42 |
Evil Skeptic
13477 Posts |
Posted - 02/29/2008 : 09:44:34 [Permalink]
Funny? The elite in our quest for world domination were not aware of this new bunch of elites. The field is getting rather crowded with elites. Unless this new bunch can come up with some shape shifting alien lizards that give power to our elite, I'm not impressed.
Now if you will excuse me, I must go put on my tinfoil hat and go to work... |
Uncertainty may make you uncomfortable. Certainty makes you ridiculous.
Why not question something for a change?
Genetic Literacy Project |
H. Humbert
SFN Die Hard
4574 Posts |
Posted - 02/29/2008 : 09:56:16 [Permalink]
Glad I didn't waste any more time on it. Per wiki:Criticism
In addition to attracting significant public interest, it has been criticized for relying too heavily on anecdotal evidence and for using unidentified, undated, and unsourced video news clips, voice-overs, quotes, and book citations without page numbers. In a piece entitled Internet idiocy: the latest pandemic, the Arizona Daily Wildcat refers to the film as "internet bullshit" saying that "witty sayings, fear tactics and a cool, assertive air all enable them to convince the unwitting public of their points" while comparing the legitimacy of the film's theories to those of creationists. In one of its few mainstream reviews the Irish Times called it "unhinged" and accused it of offering nothing but "surreal perversions of genuine issues and debates". |
"A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true." --Demosthenes
"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself - and you are the easiest person to fool." --Richard P. Feynman
"Face facts with dignity." --found inside a fortune cookie |
Dr. Mabuse
Septic Fiend
9690 Posts |
Posted - 02/29/2008 : 14:21:24 [Permalink]
I don't know about 9/11 and the Depression, but I find the ideas presented about Jesus as intriguing (if not true).
Edited to add: I downloaded the movie and saw the Jesus-piece of it. But the banking/money stuff was booring and I'm not even sure if I watched the 9/11-stuff before I deleted the movie.
Dr. Mabuse - "When the going gets tough, the tough get Duct-tape..." Dr. Mabuse whisper.mp3
"Equivocation is not just a job, for a creationist it's a way of life..." Dr. Mabuse
Support American Troops in Iraq: Send them unarmed civilians for target practice.. Collateralmurder. |
Edited by - Dr. Mabuse on 02/29/2008 14:23:58 |
15831 Posts |
Posted - 02/29/2008 : 14:33:56 [Permalink]
My brother told me about this movie yesterday. He recommends it. I recommend he get a clue or some help.
“Biology is just physics that has begun to smell bad.” —HalfMooner Here's a link to Moonscape News, and one to its Archive. |
SFN Die Hard
3739 Posts |
Posted - 02/29/2008 : 16:53:45 [Permalink]
Half wrote: My brother told me about this movie yesterday. He recommends it. I recommend he get a clue or some help. | Correct me if my memory is off, but is this the same brother who kept repeating and elaborating on some story about a bear even after the growling was proven most likely to be a hoax by teenagers? |
"Too much certainty and clarity could lead to cruel intolerance" -Karen Armstrong
Check out my art store: http://www.marfknox.etsy.com
15831 Posts |
Posted - 03/01/2008 : 02:35:41 [Permalink]
Originally posted by marfknox
Half wrote: My brother told me about this movie yesterday. He recommends it. I recommend he get a clue or some help. | Correct me if my memory is off, but is this the same brother who kept repeating and elaborating on some story about a bear even after the growling was proven most likely to be a hoax by teenagers?
| Yes, that same brother.
“Biology is just physics that has begun to smell bad.” —HalfMooner Here's a link to Moonscape News, and one to its Archive. |
SFN Die Hard
14408 Posts |
Posted - 03/01/2008 : 03:28:54 [Permalink]
Verlch? Izzat you, bro? Hey, no need to run a sock; you're among friends here, we, who love you and wish that you'd visit more often.
I'll give you a little help. Check it out, it's pretty neat:
A hexagram is two equilateral triangles superimposed over each other. If you placed a hexagram over the Reverse side of the Great Seal, five of the points in the hexagram would point to letters in the latin words "Annuit Coeptis" and "Novus Ordo Seclorum" which translates to "Announcing the Beginning of," and "the New World of the Ages" or "New World Order."
Following the points of the hexagram in a clockwise order, they point to the following letters; "A" in Annuit, "S" at the end of Coeptis, "M" at the end of Seclorum, "O" at the end of Ordo and "N" in Novus. These letters spelled out "ASMON" which is an anagram of "MASON". The word "Mason" is the shortened version of "FreeMason."
The Masonic Square and Compass The "G" stands for "God" (Lucifer)
Pretty cool, eh? It continues on, after a modest snip:
"On the following map, you can see an upside down star (Satanic symbol) with the southern most point touching the White House. Located just north of this star is the Supreme Council 33° Temple, the place where Freemasons become 33rd Degree Masons. Also visible in the area of the U.S. Capitol Building is the symbol of the Freemasons; the square and compass."
Washington, DC
We've all seen these enlightening illustrations before, but they're so good that they deserve another look. Indeed, the whole thing deserves a read. Enjoy!
"What luck for rulers that men do not think." -- Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)
"If only we could impeach on the basis of criminal stupidity, 90% of the Rethuglicans and half of the Democrats would be thrown out of office." ~~ P.Z. Myres
"The default position of human nature is to punch the other guy in the face and take his stuff." ~~ Dude
Brother Boot Knife of Warm Humanitarianism,
and Crypto-Communist!
Edited by - filthy on 03/01/2008 03:31:03 |
SFN Die Hard
3192 Posts |
Posted - 03/03/2008 : 07:28:11 [Permalink]
I have a far more disturbing 'theory', the Masonic indoctrination begins at the dentist's office as young as possible. The secret imagry is used to brainwash our children into being good little Masonic followers. |
"...things I have neither seen nor experienced nor heard tell of from anybody else; things, what is more, that do not in fact exist and could not ever exist at all. So my readers must not believe a word I say." -Lucian on his book True History
"...They accept such things on faith alone, without any evidence. So if a fraudulent and cunning person who knows how to take advantage of a situation comes among them, he can make himself rich in a short time." -Lucian critical of early Christians c.166 AD From his book, De Morte Peregrini |
SFN Die Hard
3739 Posts |
Posted - 03/28/2008 : 22:08:25 [Permalink]
The owner of an alternative bookstore gave me a free copy of this movie. I went to the website and right off this set off some bells: Now, it's important to point out that there is a tendency to simply disbelieve things that are counter to our understanding, without the necessary research performed. For example, some information contained in Part 1 and Part 3, specifically, is not obtained by simple keyword searches on the Internet. You have to dig deeper. For instance, very often people who look up "Horus" or "The Federal Reserve" on the Internet draw their conclusions from very general or biased sources. Online encyclopedias or text book Encyclopedias often do not contain the information contained in Zeitgeist. However, if one takes the time to read the sources provided, they will find that what is being presented is based on documented evidence. |
Pretty damning review here: http://www.boingboing.net/2007/08/06/jay-kinney-reviews-z.html
I'm tempted to watch it anyway just so I can criticize it with greater confidence if the guy asks me about it. |
"Too much certainty and clarity could lead to cruel intolerance" -Karen Armstrong
Check out my art store: http://www.marfknox.etsy.com
Skeptic Friend
United Kingdom
238 Posts |
Posted - 05/20/2008 : 20:30:01 [Permalink]
1st part was interesting stuff, drawing many parallels between christianity and earlier religions.
2nd part was 911 conspiracy stuff, I'm no expert on the subject so I would be interested to hear any responses to it. I'm no believer in 911 conspiracy theories but watching this had me thinking twice. But I know not to get carried away since I believed the movie JFK until I read an article debunking it.
3rd part didn't interest me, I turned it off.
The style of the film isn't great but I got hooked in by the anti christian stuff.
BTW I actually watched it. |
What are you looking at? Haven't you ever seen a pink shirt before?
"I was asked if I would do a similar sketch but focusing on the shortcomings of Islam rather than Christianity. I said, 'No, no I wouldn't. I may be an atheist but I'm not stupid.'" - Steward Lee |
Edited by - Vegeta on 05/20/2008 20:34:43 |
SFN Regular
1992 Posts |
Posted - 05/21/2008 : 07:31:00 [Permalink]
Thing with these conspiration theories is that the world is a complex place with a lot of things going on.
That means that you have plenty of fact available to you and, by cherry picking these facts, you can pretty much give the overall story that you want.
If you are interested in Jesus and how it was influenced by other religions/currents, you can visit this site (I already posted it in another forum of this site).
While I do not necessarily agree with the author's main these (to me that there is many elements of syncretisme does not mean that the origin of the story is fictional), I find it interesting... |
Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there – on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. Carl Sagan - 1996 |
Edited by - Simon on 05/21/2008 07:32:33 |
Skeptic Friend
United Kingdom
238 Posts |
Posted - 05/21/2008 : 07:58:41 [Permalink]
Sure the similarities prove nothing, but they suggest the story was either fabricated, drawing heavily on previous sources, or the original story was adapted to fit around existing myths. Either that or it's true and a huge coincidence. |
What are you looking at? Haven't you ever seen a pink shirt before?
"I was asked if I would do a similar sketch but focusing on the shortcomings of Islam rather than Christianity. I said, 'No, no I wouldn't. I may be an atheist but I'm not stupid.'" - Steward Lee |
SFN Die Hard
3192 Posts |
Posted - 05/21/2008 : 10:46:50 [Permalink]
An amusing sidenote,
I linked the Highlights magazine picture find for Washington's inaug. On the same page I missed the one called 'Masons at work' Link |
"...things I have neither seen nor experienced nor heard tell of from anybody else; things, what is more, that do not in fact exist and could not ever exist at all. So my readers must not believe a word I say." -Lucian on his book True History
"...They accept such things on faith alone, without any evidence. So if a fraudulent and cunning person who knows how to take advantage of a situation comes among them, he can make himself rich in a short time." -Lucian critical of early Christians c.166 AD From his book, De Morte Peregrini |
SFN Regular
1992 Posts |
Posted - 05/21/2008 : 11:35:04 [Permalink]
Originally posted by Vegeta
Sure the similarities prove nothing, but they suggest the story was either fabricated, drawing heavily on previous sources, or the original story was adapted to fit around existing myths. Either that or it's true and a huge coincidence.
I agree with you. But the fact that part of the story was fabricated or taken from pre-existent story does not necessarily mean that of the story was.
Robin Hood is thought to have been real. But many of the feats that are attributed to him happened to other people or were downright invented. Same for King Arthur or the Trojan war. |
Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there – on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. Carl Sagan - 1996 |