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Home Creation/Evolution Kent Hovind is a Big Phony!
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Kent Hovind is a Big Phony!

By Tommy Huxley
Posted on: 4/20/2002

A spoof of a tract by two men who appear to love to hate evolution.

In March 2001, Republican Representative Jim Holt of Arkansas introduced an anti-evolution bill (HB2548) into the Arkansas House of Representatives where it ultimately failed to pass.

Worse, Jim Holt invited his good friend Dr. Kent Hovind (also known as Dr. Dino), a young-Earth creationist from Pensacola, Florida, to help him draft this bill and give a testimony to his fellow House members.

Holt was later criticized for this in a blistering editorial in the Northwest Arkansas Times because none of the legislators in the House bothered to check into Dr. Dino’s wacky, madcap credentials beforehand.

For example, much of the language in this bill was copied verbatim from a cartoon tract published by Jack Chick titled “Big Daddy,” a religious tract that Kent Hovind co-authored.

Anyway, the following is a spoof of that original tract.

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