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Posted - 03/10/2010 :  15:12:26   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send HalfMooner a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dr. Mabuse

Originally posted by HalfMooner
Here's what you must prove:

1. You must provide convincing evidence that the Nazis did not slaughter millions of noncombatant Jews, Gypsies, Poles, Russians, Social Democrats, Freemasons, Communists, homosexuals, handicapped people, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc.

Emphasis above mine. HalfMooner, you're trying to make him prove a negative, which he can't. The above demand is skeptically invalid. However, there should be plenty of other angles at which to attack his claims.

2. You must also provide real evidence that there has been and is a huge Jewish conspiracy to create a belief in a non-existent Holocaust.

That's better.
I disagree. That's exactly what a Holocaust denier must prove. I think proving a negative in this case would be a breeze, if the Holocaust never happened. If there's tons and tons of phony evidence, then much or all of it should fold like a house of cards upon critical examination.

Biology is just physics that has begun to smell bad.” —HalfMooner
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Snuggle Wolf

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Posted - 03/10/2010 :  16:20:28   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit ThorGoLucky's Homepage Send ThorGoLucky a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ah, another programmed troll visits SFN.
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SFN Die Hard

14408 Posts

Posted - 03/10/2010 :  16:32:06   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send filthy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
In this case, it's not really "proving a negative." He made the claim, disguised as some sort of silly challenge, therefore it is incumbent upon him to at least provide some sort of evidence, with reference, as to how he came by such an opinion.

I suspect a skinhead connection.

"What luck for rulers that men do not think." -- Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)

"If only we could impeach on the basis of criminal stupidity, 90% of the Rethuglicans and half of the Democrats would be thrown out of office." ~~ P.Z. Myres

"The default position of human nature is to punch the other guy in the face and take his stuff." ~~ Dude

Brother Boot Knife of Warm Humanitarianism,

and Crypto-Communist!

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Dave W.
Info Junkie

26023 Posts

Posted - 03/10/2010 :  18:40:02   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Dave W.'s Homepage Send Dave W. a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dr. Mabuse

Emphasis above mine. HalfMooner, you're trying to make him prove a negative, which he can't.
Actually, he could. He could provide positive evidence that the people everyone else thinks died at the hands of the Nazis were actually very much alive when the Nazi regime collapsed.

Needless to say, allegedly empty mass graves aren't positive evidence of anyone being alive.

- Dave W. (Private Msg, EMail)
Evidently, I rock!
Why not question something for a change?
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Posted - 03/11/2010 :  10:58:44   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send dantheman a Private Message  Reply with Quote

According to Michael Shermer, the so-called “world’s foremost skeptic” and shamelessly self-proclaimed “holocaust scholar,” - 1,002,000 - jews were holocausted at the following 3 very small, precisely known locations; broken down as follows:

* Belzec - 600,000 - * Chelmno - 152,000 - * Sobibor - 250,000 = * Total - 1,002,000

And, according to the orthodox holocaust story endorsed by virtually all holocaustians, those fraudulently alleged 1,002,000 holocausted jews are currently buried in - 48 fraudulently alleged “huge mass graves.”

This means that, using the figures cited by the sham “skeptical scholar” Shermer - 1 / 6 - of all the fraudulently alleged “sacred six million” holocausted jews who allegedly died - OF ALL CAUSES - are not only alleged to be buried in 3 very small, precisely known locations; but further, in - 48 phantom “huge mass graves.”

* Note: 1,002,000 - jews in 48 graves would equal an average of - 20,875 - in each alleged “huge mass grave.”

So the thing that we have to do now, so that we’re all on the same page, is to identify each of the fraudulently alleged “huge mass graves” that the jews fraudulently claim they’ve located at Belzec, Chelmno and Sobibor:

Belzec - 33 alleged “huge mass graves.” Each of the fraudulently alleged “huge mass graves” (#1/1 though #33/33 of the alleged 48) are identified and numbered on the maps shown on pages 117 & 118, and the alleged dimensions of the fraudulently alleged 33 “huge mass graves” can be found on page 73, in this link here:

Chelmno - 5 alleged “huge mass graves.” Each of the fraudulently alleged “huge mass graves” (#1/34 though #5/38 of the alleged 48) are allegedly identified on this map here:

Alleged “grave” #1/34 is claimed to be – “irregular in shape; the width of the northern part 8 meters and narrows by 3 meters towards the south. Its length equals 62 meters.” Alleged depth? - Unkown.

Alleged “grave” #2/35 is claimed to be – “length is marked with a stone wall and equals 185 meters.” Alleged depth? - 3 meters.

Alleged “grave” #3/35 is claimed to be – “length equals 174 meters, width about 8 meters.” Alleged depth? - Unkown.

Alleged “grave” #4/36 is claimed to be – “represented by a 140 meter long wall. Located between the third and the fifth graves; its presumed location does not correspond with the actual location. The fundamental fourth grave is located between the wall of the fourth non-existent grave and covers the whole fifth grave. [What utter drivel!] Its actual width equals 10 meters, while its length is 182 meters.” Alleged depth? - Unkown.

Alleged “grave” #5/38 is claimed to be – “a line of pits with a total length equaling 161 meters. The stretch is made up of 11 pits, each located about 2-3 meters from another. The dimensions of the pits vary from 9 x 7.5 meters to 15.50 x 8.50 meters.” Alleged depth? - About 4 meters.

* * * * *

* CONSPIRACY: A malicious plot to do something illegal, immoral or unethical. *

Sobibor - 10 alleged “huge mass graves.” The fraudulently alleged “huge mass graves” (#1/39 though #10/48 of the alleged 48) are allegedly shown on this map here:

Alleged “grave” #1/39 is claimed to be – “20 x 20 meters with a depth of up to 4.30 meters.”

Alleged “grave” #2/40 is claimed to be – “irregular in shape, measuring at least 20 x 25 meters with a depth of up to 4 meters.”

Alleged “grave” #3/41 is claimed to be – “irregular in shape, measuring around 20 x 12 meters with a depth of up to 5.80 meters.”

Alleged “grave” #4/42 is claimed to be – “70 x 20-25 meters with a depth of around 5 meters.”
Alleged “grave” #5/43 is claimed to be – “irregular in shape, measuring at least 10 – 12 meters with a depth of up to 4.90 meters.”

Alleged “grave” #6/44 is claimed to be – “irregular in shape, measuring at least 15 x 25 meters with a depth of up to 3.05 meters.”

Alleged “grave” #7/45 is claimed to be – “at least 10 x 3 meters with a depth of up to 0.90 meters.”

Alleged “grave” #8/46 is the alleged “huge ash mountain” / monument. (Dimensions not known.)

Alleged “grave” #9/47 is the alleged western-most so-called “forest grave.” (Dimensions not known.)

Alleged “grave” #10/48 is the alleged eastern-most so-called “forest grave.” (Dimensions not known.)

* Not only do we know for a fact that the jews are lying through their collective teeth about the holohoax, we also know that their alleged “archeological investigations” at Belzec, Chelmno and Sobibor have been exposed as nothing more than fraudulent charades. We also know that the jews fraudulent “archeological investigations” of these sites are just their latest big-lies that they’re using to try to cover up the exposure of their old big-lies.

Now, if you deny the fact that the jews have been caught in yet another big-lie, then here’s the challenge:

First, tell us how many jews are buried in each of the 48 fraudulently alleged “huge mass graves.”

Second, tell us the name just one jew who is buried in each of the 48 fraudulently alleged “huge mass graves.”

Third, show us a photo of just one single pound of bone fragments and/or one single corpse in a state of saponification that has been excavated from each of the 48 fraudulently alleged “huge mass graves.”

Fourth, show us just one single Ground Penetrating Radar scan of each alleged “huge mass grave” that justifies the claim that each of the 48 fraudulently alleged “huge mass graves” actually exist.

Fifth, tell us why the jews refuse to release the results of the geophysical investigation they did at Sobibor.

* If you deny the fact that the jews criminally fraudulent claim of locating 48 alleged “huge mass graves” at Belzec, Chelmno and Sobibor via “archaeological investigations” is a literal jewish conspiracy, then please log on to: - and present your refutation / answers / proof.

* * * * *

* No graves = big-lies = no holocaust = cognitive illusion = jewish conspiracy *

Now that we’re all on the same page, now that we all know exactly what fraudulently alleged 48 “huge mass graves” we’re talking about, we’re going to make this so simple that even a retarded 4th grader could figure out that the 48 alleged “huge mass graves” allegedly located / proven to exist at Belzec, Chelmno and Sobibor via “archaeological investigations” aren’t just another example of the jews unconscionable big-lie technique, but a literal jewish conspiracy.

* The NAFH’s – The Final Solution Forensic Challenge TM – also includes the following:

For each one of the 48 fraudulently alleged “huge mass graves” that are proven to contain the remains of at least 100 people (which is just 1 / 100 of 1 % of the alleged mass murder as per sham “skeptical scholar” Shermer’s claims), $100.00 will be donated to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in the names of Michael Shermer AND the person / group / organization which provides the proof that is published in Shermer’s - “skeptic” magazine.

So that’s a total reward offer of - $4,800.00 - for providing the “proof” of the jews big-lies about the 48 fraudulently alleged “already located / proven to exist - huge mass graves.” Remember, the average number of fraudulently alleged holocausted jews alleged to be in each of the 48 fraudulently alleged “already located / proven to exist huge mass graves” is - 20,875.

Just 100 jews in each “huge mass grave” - Just 1 / 100 of 1 % of the alleged mass murder.

Caveats: First, to begin the process of claiming the reward, all alleged “proof” must be posted on this forum thread:

Second, the “proof” must then be published * verbatim and in-to-to * in “skeptic” magazine. Third, the published “proof” must be personally endorsed by Shermer, stating that said published “proof” meets his own, “skeptic” magazine’s and the “skeptics” society’s standards of “proof;” i.e. - the same standards that they apply to claims made about aliens, big-foot, etc. Fourth, Shermer may have to answer a few simple questions to ensure that he’s honestly endorsing the published “proof.”

So the $4,800.00 reward offer for this portion of - The Final Solution Forensic Challenge TM is literally in the hands of Shermer himself. What will be accepted as proof by the NAFH will be anything that Shermer endorses as proof, as long as the caveats expressed above are met.

* Again, if you deny the fact that the jews criminally fraudulent claim of locating 48 alleged “huge mass graves” at Belzec, Chelmno and Sobibor via “archaeological investigations” is a literal jewish conspiracy, then go to: and present your refutation / answers / proof.

After all, you do want to have money donated in your name to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and help put an end to “holocaust denial,” don’t you? Just how hard should it be to prove - IF - the jews big-lies are actually true?

* No graves = big-lies = no holocaust = cognitive illusion = jewish conspiracy *

To learn more about the jews criminally fraudulent holohoax, visit >
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25 Posts

Posted - 03/11/2010 :  11:00:30   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send dantheman a Private Message  Reply with Quote
What's wrong hoaxers?

Is setting the bar at just 1 / 100 of 1 % too high for you?
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25 Posts

Posted - 03/11/2010 :  11:01:48   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send dantheman a Private Message  Reply with Quote

According to the orthodox version of the holocaust, at Treblinka, the Germans allegedly murdered and buried, then dug up, burned and crushed the bones of 870,000 jews, then reburied all the remains of those allegedly holocausted jews into the same “huge mass graves;” thus, they allegedly “obliterated all evidence of their crime.” If you’re unfamiliar with the controversies surrounding this “judicially proven fact,” then it’s imperative that before you read any further, you understand the forensic argumentation presented in this link HERE:

“This is the biggest cemetery of Polish Jewry… There are 870,000 Jews buried in the enormous ditches… Within this area initially, the Jews were buried in enormous pits… Later on, a sort of grill from railroad tracks was built. The corpses were removed and this area served for burning the corpses… Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka - all three of them were utterly eradicated… Both Treblinka and the other camps, once they had fulfilled their task of extermination, were obliterated… Nothing remains - nothing.”

Nothing remains? Who in their right mind could believe that a perfect crime could be committed while murdering 870,000 people? Everyone knows that at every crime scene - EVIDENCE IS LEFT BEHIND: “Cremated remains weigh between three and nine pounds.” In order to believe the orthodox Treblinka holocaust legend, you must believe this: The Germans, by putting a layer of soil over millions of pounds of bone fragments, tens of millions of teeth and tens of thousands of bullets and shell casings somehow, magically - “utterly eradicated” all evidence of their crime!

Utterly eradicated? How about utter nonsense? Why would the Germans go through all that work, knowing full well there would still be millions of pounds of evidence left behind, then put all that incriminating evidence right back into the very graves that they allegedly had just dug all those bodies out of? It’s understandable when a toddler believes that he’s made himself invisible while playing peek-a-boo by covering his eyes, but how do you explain the insanity of the holocaust “scholars” who believe that a layer of soil can make millions of pounds of evidence magically disappear?

So why do the true believers of holocaust orthodoxy continue believing in the absurd magically disappearing jew “theory” even after it’s been proven to be a fraudulent cognitive illusion? Are they truly insane, or is it because they’re just cowards who can’t handle the shrieks of “denier” and anti-Semite hurled at anyone who dares to question this nonsensical dogma? Remember, in virtually every country of Europe, as well as in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and others, you can literally be thrown in prison for refusing to believe the official lies of the alleged “pure extermination centers.” Of course, the feckless cowards who don’t want to know the truth and who lack the character to speak the truth can go about unmolested by the high priests of holocaust orthodoxy in their “free democracies;” But woe to the heretic who dares to ask: So just where exactly are all these alleged “huge mass graves” filled with millions of pounds of bone fragments anyway?

To put this UTTERLY ILLOGICAL FRAUD in perspective, it’s like someone claiming that he could murder every single man, woman and child in Montana and magically not leave a single trace of his crime! Do you see how incredibly easy a little common sense, logic and skeptical inquiry exposes the ludicrous fraud of this classic example of the big-lie technique? Nothing in the world could be easier to prove than the alleged Treblinka holocaust - IF - this legend is true. If all the time, money and effort that’s gone into the harassing, arresting, fining and imprisoning of the holocaust heretics went into locating the alleged huge mass graves of Treblinka, then this issue would have been settled years ago. Why do you think the jews would rather have people thrown in prison for not believing their nonsensical manufactured history than actually locating the alleged huge mass graves? Why do you think they incessantly lie about the Treblinka holocaust being a proven historical fact, shriek holocaust denier at and refuse to debate anyone with the intelligence and courage to call them on this ridiculous tall-tale? The answer is, of course, because there was no Treblinka holocaust. (This is a classic example of what happens when pseudo-intellectuals become so invested in an idea; after a while, even honest mistakes have to be sustained by ignoring and eventually falsifying the facts.)

Every alleged German “death camp” is best understood when looked at as a holocaust within the holocaust. No matter what anyone thinks about the holocaust per se, one thing is eminently clear - the Treblinka holocaust didn’t happen. To believe that the Germans could “obliterate” all evidence of the murder of 870,000 jews requires incredible gullibility and a lack of intelligence, logic and critical thinking skills. It requires a belief in magic and a rejection of criminology, archeology and forensic science. IF there was a Treblinka holocaust, then there are huge mass graves filled with millions of pounds of evidence to prove it. Until the alleged huge mass graves of Treblinka are found - NO mass graves = NO bone fragments / teeth = NO burning of bodies = NO homicidal gas chambers = NO mass murder = NO extermination camp = NO Treblinka holocaust
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Posted - 03/11/2010 :  11:03:59   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send dantheman a Private Message  Reply with Quote

According to the orthodox version of the holocaust, at Treblinka, the Germans allegedly murdered and buried, then dug up, burned and crushed the bones of 870,000 jews, then reburied all the remains of those allegedly holocausted jews into the same “huge mass graves;” thus, they allegedly “obliterated all evidence of their crime.” If you’re unfamiliar with the controversies surrounding this “judicially proven fact,” then it’s imperative that before you read any further, you understand the forensic argumentation presented in this link HERE:

“This is the biggest cemetery of Polish Jewry… There are 870,000 Jews buried in the enormous ditches… Within this area initially, the Jews were buried in enormous pits… Later on, a sort of grill from railroad tracks was built. The corpses were removed and this area served for burning the corpses… Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka - all three of them were utterly eradicated… Both Treblinka and the other camps, once they had fulfilled their task of extermination, were obliterated… Nothing remains - nothing.”

Nothing remains? Who in their right mind could believe that a perfect crime could be committed while murdering 870,000 people? Everyone knows that at every crime scene - EVIDENCE IS LEFT BEHIND: “Cremated remains weigh between three and nine pounds.” In order to believe the orthodox Treblinka holocaust legend, you must believe this: The Germans, by putting a layer of soil over millions of pounds of bone fragments, tens of millions of teeth and tens of thousands of bullets and shell casings somehow, magically - “utterly eradicated” all evidence of their crime!

Utterly eradicated? How about utter nonsense? Why would the Germans go through all that work, knowing full well there would still be millions of pounds of evidence left behind, then put all that incriminating evidence right back into the very graves that they allegedly had just dug all those bodies out of? It’s understandable when a toddler believes that he’s made himself invisible while playing peek-a-boo by covering his eyes, but how do you explain the insanity of the holocaust “scholars” who believe that a layer of soil can make millions of pounds of evidence magically disappear?

So why do the true believers of holocaust orthodoxy continue believing in the absurd magically disappearing jew “theory” even after it’s been proven to be a fraudulent cognitive illusion? Are they truly insane, or is it because they’re just cowards who can’t handle the shrieks of “denier” and anti-Semite hurled at anyone who dares to question this nonsensical dogma? Remember, in virtually every country of Europe, as well as in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and others, you can literally be thrown in prison for refusing to believe the official lies of the alleged “pure extermination centers.” Of course, the feckless cowards who don’t want to know the truth and who lack the character to speak the truth can go about unmolested by the high priests of holocaust orthodoxy in their “free democracies;” But woe to the heretic who dares to ask: So just where exactly are all these alleged “huge mass graves” filled with millions of pounds of bone fragments anyway?

To put this UTTERLY ILLOGICAL FRAUD in perspective, it’s like someone claiming that he could murder every single man, woman and child in Montana and magically not leave a single trace of his crime! Do you see how incredibly easy a little common sense, logic and skeptical inquiry exposes the ludicrous fraud of this classic example of the big-lie technique? Nothing in the world could be easier to prove than the alleged Treblinka holocaust - IF - this legend is true. If all the time, money and effort that’s gone into the harassing, arresting, fining and imprisoning of the holocaust heretics went into locating the alleged huge mass graves of Treblinka, then this issue would have been settled years ago. Why do you think the jews would rather have people thrown in prison for not believing their nonsensical manufactured history than actually locating the alleged huge mass graves? Why do you think they incessantly lie about the Treblinka holocaust being a proven historical fact, shriek holocaust denier at and refuse to debate anyone with the intelligence and courage to call them on this ridiculous tall-tale? The answer is, of course, because there was no Treblinka holocaust. (This is a classic example of what happens when pseudo-intellectuals become so invested in an idea; after a while, even honest mistakes have to be sustained by ignoring and eventually falsifying the facts.)

Every alleged German “death camp” is best understood when looked at as a holocaust within the holocaust. No matter what anyone thinks about the holocaust per se, one thing is eminently clear - the Treblinka holocaust didn’t happen. To believe that the Germans could “obliterate” all evidence of the murder of 870,000 jews requires incredible gullibility and a lack of intelligence, logic and critical thinking skills. It requires a belief in magic and a rejection of criminology, archeology and forensic science. IF there was a Treblinka holocaust, then there are huge mass graves filled with millions of pounds of evidence to prove it. Until the alleged huge mass graves of Treblinka are found - NO mass graves = NO bone fragments / teeth = NO burning of bodies = NO homicidal gas chambers = NO mass murder = NO extermination camp = NO Treblinka holocaust.

Lest you think there must be some truth to the alleged Treblinka holocaust (That’s the psychology of the big-lie technique at work)

The National Association of Forensic Historians TM presents


* * * * *

$10,000.00 REWARD

For locating / proving the existence of just one grave that contains just one tenth of one percent of the alleged mass murder
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15831 Posts

Posted - 03/11/2010 :  11:26:47   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send HalfMooner a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I note again that you are still avoiding the tasks I suggested. Your extraordinary claims put the burden of proof firmly upon your head.

So, dantheman, it's just cut-and-paste raids that you do here? No response to comments, to the challenges we give you? How do you expect to convince skeptics, of all people, with that trash?

Let me try something different. How about a few simple questions about your motivations, questions even someone like yourself should easily be able to answer without resorting to mindless cut-and-paste?:

1. Are you a supporter of the former National Socialist regime of 1933 to 1945 in Germany?

2. Do you support the "philosophy" or policies of Adolf Hitler?

3. Do you consider yourself a Nazi, a skinhead, or a "Christian Identity" member or supporter?

4. Do you hate Jews in general?

Inquiring minds want to know...

Biology is just physics that has begun to smell bad.” —HalfMooner
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Evil Skeptic

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Posted - 03/11/2010 :  11:54:37   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Kil's Homepage  Send Kil an AOL message  Send Kil a Yahoo! Message Send Kil a Private Message  Reply with Quote
0kay dantheman. Here's the deal. If you can't engage in a debate and are unwilling to respond to questions put to you, or add your own voice to the debate (debate?) then you have no place on our forum. Cut and paste jobs are spam. Pure and simple. Any lamebrain can do it. This is a discussion forum. Shit or get off the pot. This is your pre-warning warning.

And let me tell you. While I don't like banning people from our forum, this one will be easy for me. Engage, leave, or get banned. Those are your options.


Uncertainty may make you uncomfortable. Certainty makes you ridiculous.

Why not question something for a change?

Genetic Literacy Project
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Dr. Mabuse
Septic Fiend

9690 Posts

Posted - 03/11/2010 :  13:13:26   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Send Dr. Mabuse an ICQ Message Send Dr. Mabuse a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dave W.

Originally posted by Dr. Mabuse

Emphasis above mine. HalfMooner, you're trying to make him prove a negative, which he can't.
Actually, he could. He could provide positive evidence that the people everyone else thinks died at the hands of the Nazis were actually very much alive when the Nazi regime collapsed.

Indeed, one would have to prove a claim that is mutually exclusive of that negative.
But that is usually not a starting-point to refute wild claims.

Which made me start thinking. Who is responsible to propose that mutually exclusive claim?

Needless to say, allegedly empty mass graves aren't positive evidence of anyone being alive.


Especially if the corpses were cremated. The ashes left could easily be blended into the concrete on the roads they were paving. And unless an eye-wittness steps forward and points to a crest and say the ash is in there (or dumped in a landfill), we would have no way of producing the evidence dan calls for.

Dr. Mabuse - "When the going gets tough, the tough get Duct-tape..."
Dr. Mabuse whisper.mp3

"Equivocation is not just a job, for a creationist it's a way of life..." Dr. Mabuse

Support American Troops in Iraq:
Send them unarmed civilians for target practice..
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SFN Die Hard

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Posted - 03/11/2010 :  13:28:43   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send filthy a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Please make the check out to CASH.

"What luck for rulers that men do not think." -- Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)

"If only we could impeach on the basis of criminal stupidity, 90% of the Rethuglicans and half of the Democrats would be thrown out of office." ~~ P.Z. Myres

"The default position of human nature is to punch the other guy in the face and take his stuff." ~~ Dude

Brother Boot Knife of Warm Humanitarianism,

and Crypto-Communist!

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SFN Regular

1888 Posts

Posted - 03/11/2010 :  13:29:26   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send moakley a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by dantheman


* * * * *

$10,000.00 REWARD

For locating / proving the existence of just one grave that contains just one tenth of one percent of the alleged mass murder
If reward dollar amount is a sign of confidence it seems that Hovind clearly has more that his challenge will not be met than these folks. This is simply a laughable amount.

Life is good

Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that may never be questioned. -Anonymous
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Posted - 03/11/2010 :  13:46:14   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send dantheman a Private Message  Reply with Quote
You "skeptics" seemed to have missed what was in the very first post:

* Not only do we know for a fact that the jews are lying through their collective teeth about the holohoax, we also know that their alleged “archeological investigations” at Belzec, Chelmno and Sobibor have been exposed as nothing more than fraudulent charades. We also know that the jews fraudulent “archeological investigations” of these sites are just their latest big-lies that they’re using to try to cover up the exposure of their old big-lies.

Now, if you deny the fact that the jews have been caught in yet another big-lie, then here’s the challenge:

First, tell us how many jews are buried in each of the 48 fraudulently alleged “huge mass graves.”

Second, tell us the name just one jew who is buried in each of the 48 fraudulently alleged “huge mass graves.”

Third, show us a photo of just one single pound of bone fragments and/or one single corpse in a state of saponification that has been excavated from each of the 48 fraudulently alleged “huge mass graves.”

Fourth, show us just one single Ground Penetrating Radar scan of each alleged “huge mass grave” that justifies the claim that each of the 48 fraudulently alleged “huge mass graves” actually exist.

Fifth, tell us why the jews refuse to release the results of the geophysical investigation they did at Sobibor.

* If you deny the fact that the jews criminally fraudulent claim of locating 48 alleged “huge mass graves” at Belzec, Chelmno and Sobibor via “archaeological investigations” is a literal jewish conspiracy, then please log on to: - and present your refutation / answers / proof.

I just cheched the codoh forum, and didn't see any proof of any "huge mass graves."

What's wrong "skeptics?"

Is 1 / 100 of 1 % too hard for you?

Five simple tasks / questions.

Now chop chop girls. I want to see the proof.
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Posted - 03/11/2010 :  13:49:24   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send dantheman a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Uncertainty may make you uncomfortable. Certainty makes you ridiculous.

Why not question something for a change?

That's what I'm doing.

Why don't you accept The Final Solution Forensic Challenge kil?

Is 1 / 100 of 1 % too hard for you?
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