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Skeptic Summary

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Skeptic Summary #144

By The Staff
Posted on: 5/26/2007

Freebies, museums, opinions, tips, conspiracies and more!

Week ending May 26, 2007 (Vol 4, #21)

Welcome to the Skeptic Summary, a quick week-in-review guide to the Skeptic Friends Network and the rest of the skeptical world.

Forum Highlights:
Another free energy company - They need R&D money to eliminate more friction, I'm sure.

Creation museum: opened - Hand over $20 to be lied to.

Study: 38 percent not entitled to their opinion - But 98% self-righteous about it.

Editor’s Choice: How not to mess up your life, 10 simple tips - Perhaps too simple.
Kil’s Evil Pick:

The elite members of secret societies such as the Freemasons and the Illuminati are the wealthy banking and corporate cabal such as the Rothschilds, Morgans, Duponts, Rockefellers, Fords, Reynolds, etc. These people don't want “enlightened,” free thinking individuals running around. They want obedient workers who pay the taxes and debt payments that end up back in their fat pockets.

Understand that these people feel they are the “rulers” and you belong to the “useless eaters” class of expendable “cattle.” They play war games that pit one slave class against another and send your children off to be slaughtered. For what? Freedom? Hardly. For their profit, pure and simple. And they’re laughing at us all as we just sit and take it, never fighting back.

One of the main reasons the “slave class” doesn’t fight back against this Freemason conspiracy is because of their education.
Chat Highlights:
Sunday: Mabuse’s apartment vibrations; getting bombarded by subatomic particles; sport puns; political systems, democracy, republic; democracy problems when politicians are “sencored”; possible non-GOP presidential candidates; abuse of power; illogical reasons for smoking bans; illogical reasons for speeding; 2.3 trillion dollars lost? Also: benefits of universal healthcare; what if oil resources were infinite?

Wednesday: Chat began with a fairly heated debate on freedom of speech and when speech becomes illegal, mostly focusing on hate speech. This spun off into a more general discussion on equality and tolerance. Much the rest of the night was on energy: fusion, steam, nuclear, electric automobiles, and the like. At one point we thought we had a solution to the world’s energy problem, but it was later realized that a decimal point had been forgotten to be moved over. I guess that’s life.

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