15831 Posts |
Posted - 10/24/2007 : 12:06:16 [Permalink]
My favorite computer translation joke comes from the dim ages when people were merely imagining what might one day be done with computers:
At enormous expense, the Government builds and programs a computer to translate in both directions between English and Russian. To test it, they programmers decide to feed it a common English phrase to convert to Russian, then have the computer translate that Russian result back into English.
The computer scientists type "OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MIND" into the Teletype terminal.
After a few hours of number crunching, the terminal prints out the result: "INVISIBLE IDIOT."
“Biology is just physics that has begun to smell bad.” —HalfMooner Here's a link to Moonscape News, and one to its Archive. |
Edited by - HalfMooner on 10/24/2007 12:07:16 |
SFN Die Hard
5310 Posts |
Posted - 10/24/2007 : 12:10:28 [Permalink]
For everyone else: no more cracks about konikula's ability with English. At least he's trying.
Well, it's not him (I think), but it's still funny.
No way that I'd even attempt anything at all with whatever languages they speak in them Europe places. |
I know the rent is in arrears The dog has not been fed in years It's even worse than it appears But it's alright- Jerry Garcia Robert Hunter
New Member
Czech Republic
31 Posts |
Posted - 10/24/2007 : 14:01:08 [Permalink]
So some update:
There is two central points in F.Nietzsche: medicine, church
Sexuality, clothes, fire. (SCF) I guess when man found fire, it was like this: there is founder F, and group G without ambitions to be founder of something else, actually. But primates are known to feel good when having everything, what the others have. So weak F was settled as model of G. Ambitions of F were another place than beeing with G and copulating, so G asked F how to make fire, and F, looking on aggression of copulate instinct, teached without evidence talk about functionality of socialism, fascism, totalitarism, capital or other wooly structured societies, which aren't really flexible nor truthful to its peasants and managers.
Around parlamentary system Only few words. This system has surely many engineers inside, but whole that monster still bogges down to parcial problems, which are caused and created by freedom of taste (really not freedom of will, majority of citizens everywhere is fascised by many corporations, asociations and levels of managerity, whole buy-sell idealised society in real produces very stupid creations instead of intelligent man, talking about all levels of that machinery, we really cannot find free processing, as we know from computing, if any of us, clever, see simple solution for some bloody bug, you agree, this solution has no way to be enabled, better chance is in solution of hunger, which on the other hand really does not depend predominantly at charity, unless the charity has oportunity to make structural changes, except computizing of critical lands Bill Gates, which seems to be capable to inform us clearly about real estate and urgency anywhere). But back to theme. Parlamentarism means: what we are solving at level 0, is solved at higher level more abstractly, and quite before one man chair is stop zone. President isn't direct decision organ, and also parlament isn't. There we are prescribing laws after excpetion situations, which aren't necessarily live-important. Actually in Czech republic: parlamentary system is solving still the same, live standard is quite stable but low, from end of second war. And medial organ is very limited, and halfly corrupted. But we shouldn't panic, it only says: media shouldn't take prime role in communication nor information about politics. And if we are bit cynic, parlamentary system leads to solve erotic affairs as like socialistic does [beating for religion, music]. Also Nazi is not effective, because there is necessary soc-psy proliferation of sexual and nurture frustrations, which is possible to rectify only with Hitlers field extermination method. This method is interessting from soc-psy point: holocaust, genocide, as withold, is really fault of whole mid-europe, it is product of incapability to be solidar to anothers at the level of nation, which is caused by relation of nation to sexuality. We would'nt help them, because we are affraid of them to have sexual relation to our doughters. But beeing real, if we think a bit without exclusions, we would get much larger material benefit from helping nations which want to get help, than if we are pretending solidarity and at real side mine and mine from everything means to feel better (gold, slaves). In soc-psy we are calling holocaust trauma, socialism hallucination, democracy social pull-out.
Draft For reuse of fascism: symbols, to divide SCF community from sexual behavior of peasants. For reuse of socialism: structuring of farming and living For reuse of democracy: any level voting system
primarily we should divide human society again to two parts: agriculture; we need to make it standalone, free of central duty systems, free of money system*. But also we must find way to sponsore science, which still stays in our interrest, and subconsciously falls to needs of first part of humanity - agriculture. Also we must be able to protect masses from desinformation, mind clearing, political and impolitical fanatising, mass murdery and theftry; I also doubt there stays real need to force, when we solve all needed world communication, transport, ecology and purify mass from sexual prejudices and fallacies. The solution of support for scientist could lay in medicine and church, it is not joke: if some needs healthcare, sponsore, please science. There could be way how to preserve sources for science through more expensive medicine. And also if there was full independency and honour for peasants, they would surely create enough food, which is most important at all for all, and also overproduction which could be easily transferred to hungry parts of world, only if there was solution of quick and free transport.
So the main points to underline: make global communication clear, centralizable (to know where is what needed and also where[n] is something needed). And to solve transport to be quick, free (or much less expensive than today). I would have good feel, if I could half of my day milk production sell through some piping to ether and also I would have good feel to get five bananas after minute for it). Imagine how fast, effective and life-secure would even capitalism be, if there was a way to share any important material object in few minutes with anyone concretely specified. Also imagine there was legislation solved as some tree structure anyway on internet, accessible to anyone, but having some fixed machine rules (AI for example, lokk at jabberwacky to find her very cleae to settle online right system).
Proposition: agriculture should divorce from money system, by some simple exchanging system. but that all needs to create clean, quick and secure food-communication channel.
Note: also we could understand, that using of cars is stupid and reckless, and everyone who does it not for fun or interress, does it from same reasons as Heroiners, Pervitiners, and only shows how stupid, targetless, chicken and liary can human be; lying to his children, lying to himself, whole pretending dangerous junkie; with that difference: real junkie destroys himself and sometimes family, this junkie is exponenting wideness of that luxury lie, destroying beauty of world, forgetting to solve transport better for his own comfort, and in final learning his children to lie and beating them if they are more creative.
Conclusion? I think whole that politics is hangover from times of paper administrative. Simply I think there must be solution to improve global world functions, based at comm-transf improvement. I guess there will be big problems to convince our hallucinated politics that their chair is stupid dream, and that they are for that all welcomed, secure and regarded. Also we must explain our masses, that their social state is fiction, but they are still needed to create values. I hope both sides will agree that peace is target solution. For soldiers we have surprise. They can even continue killim themselves, in sense of Doom, Unreal and detabuising human freedom to kill and be killed after both side duel agreement. But they are plead to go play in jungle etc. And also their weaponary is limited, to be fully ecologic.
Epiloque - Sex creation Two hermaphrodic cells after mitosis XXY to XXY: Fight? XXY to XX: Am I quality to you? XXY to XXY: Fuck your qualities! XX to XXY: But I am nicer... XY to XXY: I want to be poor XXY to XXY: You are my poor XY to XX: No(w)|, you are my! XX fuck XY [spelling XY fuck XX for order conservation]
For racists of any race, simply for any church of tabu I am eating bread, in which my grandmother is mixed with dogs and cats. And also I wanna marry women in which dead judes are recycled the same as rotten trees and some middle age stegosaurus. You all, my religious oponents are recyclates of animals, plants, homosexuals, pedophiles and maybe that all is granite from Gods, snakes, Adames and Eveas. So, make me delight and instead of trying to prefer DNA, by the way you don't understand what it is DNA, same way, you cannot never understand why people become homeless, but believe me, it is their job, begin to teach people do the base: recyclate.
Questions: Is real production capacity of agriculture after eco-restructure, and also deholocaustisation of animals enough to feed whold manhood? What steps are really the securest to increase that capacity, beeing aware of malproducting, or reconcentration of animals? How to enable whole reconstruction without falling to panic, misusing, desinformations, colliding in fixes? How to make all sciences and thoughts be accessible, how to spread intelligence instead of consuming stupidities in superstaric forms? How to teach children if whole mid-european parentity and schollar is big mistake? Is it possible to return man belief in himself after all he caused and went through? Is there some global Yes? Or we will rather consume that eklige shit, do prdele.
*) also we should make some borders and signals for agriculturers, to avoid ravage of nature. maybe integration of sahara to agricultury would help. |
di:liny = mniamky |
Edited by - konikula on 10/25/2007 04:12:17 |
SFN Regular
800 Posts |
Posted - 10/24/2007 : 18:31:22 [Permalink]
Originally posted by konikula
For racists of any race, simply for any church of tabu I am eating bread, in which my grandmother is mixed with dogs and cats. And also I wanna marry women in which dead judes are recycled the same as rotten trees and some middle age stegosaurus. You all, my religious oponents are recyclates of animals, plants, homosexuals, pedophiles and maybe that all is granite from Gods, snakes, Adames and Eveas. So, make me delight and instead of trying to prefer DNA, by the way you don't understand what it is DNA, same way, you cannot never understand why people become homeless, but believe me, it is their job, begin to teach people do the base: recyclate.
OK, I'm not intending to denigrate konikula, if he is genuine, but something unusual is certainly going on here.
I dunno if it's some sort of mixed mode turing test, someone yanking our chains, a genuine case of delusion, or the most unusual mis-translation I've ever seen, but I'm stumped.
John's just this guy, you know. |
SFN Die Hard
5310 Posts |
Posted - 10/24/2007 : 18:50:15 [Permalink]
XX fuck XY [spelling XY fuck XX for order conservation]
I'm going to see if I can get this on my license plate. |
I know the rent is in arrears The dog has not been fed in years It's even worse than it appears But it's alright- Jerry Garcia Robert Hunter
Dave W.
Info Junkie
26023 Posts |
SFN Die Hard
6891 Posts |
Posted - 10/24/2007 : 21:11:21 [Permalink]
Whatever the problem is, it makes basic communication impossible.
Ignorance is preferable to error; and he is less remote from the truth who believes nothing, than he who believes what is wrong. -- Thomas Jefferson
"god :: the last refuge of a man with no answers and no argument." - G. Carlin
Hope, n. The handmaiden of desperation; the opiate of despair; the illegible signpost on the road to perdition. ~~ da filth |
SFN Addict
2437 Posts |
Posted - 10/25/2007 : 01:31:43 [Permalink]
You're not running for President by any chance, are you?
I realize you're not a citizen anymore, but Stephen Colbert is outpolling quite a few of the contenders, and after Cheney and Bush, I would believe that anything could happen!
Konikula, you and Lee Mercer would make an unbeatable ticket! Run as proud standard bearers of the Comprehension Party!
New Member
Czech Republic
31 Posts |
Posted - 10/25/2007 : 04:22:54 [Permalink]
JOHNOas: I guess maybe you signed If I am doing jokes from Nationalities, or directly I am trying to outrage Americans. No, I am really not. That segment was really for churches of tabu, where many redicals and many churches verbatim falls. And really not, I am not translating :)...
the main problem is unfinished sexuality clear in society (psychical not militar :), what makes many things far, impossible or reverse-valued.
Gorgo, Dave W, Dude: thanx for good responses that are near to my interrests. (man as DNA computer)
bngbuck: you should remember, that here in czech republic is life standart 'to be nothing' and 'to became nothing although' and 'although especially'. so my ambitions are at any point which neighbors to real world desintegrated, rotten. and still remains, I have to glue it up. I see I am much more understandable at second fire, so I will continue to work, and lets see If even some usefull philosophy comm out. |
di:liny = mniamky |
Edited by - konikula on 10/25/2007 05:48:41 |
Dave W.
Info Junkie
26023 Posts |
Posted - 10/25/2007 : 05:25:09 [Permalink]
Originally posted by konikula
I see I am much more understandable at second fire... | Frankly, no. No, you're not. |
- Dave W. (Private Msg, EMail) Evidently, I rock! Why not question something for a change? Visit Dave's Psoriasis Info, too. |
SFN Addict
2437 Posts |
Posted - 10/25/2007 : 08:22:26 [Permalink]
Matej Kasper.....
You said:
bngbuck: you should remember, that here in czech republic is life standart 'to be nothing' and 'to became nothing although' and 'although especially'. so my ambitions are at any point which neighbors to real world desintegrated, rotten. and still remains, I have to glue it up. I see I am much more understandable at second fire, so I will continue to work, and lets see If even some usefull philosophy comm out. |
What did you say? |
New Member
Czech Republic
31 Posts |
SFN Die Hard
5310 Posts |
Posted - 10/25/2007 : 11:00:39 [Permalink]
Are you an artist? Did you draw the griffon I posted on the first page? |
I know the rent is in arrears The dog has not been fed in years It's even worse than it appears But it's alright- Jerry Garcia Robert Hunter
Edited by - Gorgo on 10/25/2007 11:01:35 |
SFN Regular
970 Posts |
Posted - 10/25/2007 : 11:23:06 [Permalink]
Ummm.........Wow........just wow. |
I would rather face a cold reality than delude myself with comforting fantasies.
You are free to believe what you want to believe and I am free to ridicule you for it.
Atheism: The result of an unbiased and rational search for the truth.
Infinitus est numerus stultorum |
New Member
Czech Republic
31 Posts |
Posted - 10/25/2007 : 14:58:38 [Permalink]
Gorgo: sure :) Now I am reorientated to music, composition, cause I did graphics too long. |
di:liny = mniamky |